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The Cops Setting You Up

Another thing to consider is the economical side of this: technically prostitution is a business and a get way to get rid of a business is to take away their market. So by cops setting up stings, maybe they can scare away a good deal of the 'market' of johns. Less johns also mean less prostitution. To think that this will completely deter any prostitution is silly but think about how much more there would be if we didn't have operations like this and what the moral and social effects would be in our culture? Would divorce rates increase? Would STDs spike in numbers again?

I think setting up stings for "johns", drug dealers, rapists, pedophiles, theives, and just about anything is good.
So what you are saying is that prostitution is ok? I know that it is the oldest profession in the world but that doesn't make it right. Usually when stings are set up it is to get to "bigger fish". Maybe the pimp that is beating the girls, taking their income, getting them hooked on drugs. . . . .The drug sting is also used to get to the "bigger fish". I suppose you don't care that drug dealers are using kids to sell their dope in schools or that gun runners are selling guns that anyone can buy.

Police do a lot more than "set up johns" and if you're not a john then you don't have to worry about it.

BTW, my husband is a police chief and I respect the work that he does. Although, we live in a small town; we do have dangerous issues. He and his officers are risking their life to protect the public as are other police officers throughout the cities and towns that you, your loved ones, and I live in.

God bless them and keep them safe. :yes
No I am not saying that it is okay, I am saying that entrapment is not okay.
No I am not saying that it is okay, I am saying that entrapment is not okay.

Correct. However...."while in many jurisdictions, entrapment is a possible defense against criminal liability. However, there is no entrapment where a person is ready and willing to break the law and the government agents merely provide what appears to be a favorable opportunity for the person to commit the crime. For example, it is not entrapment for a government agent to pretend to be someone else and to offer, either directly or through an informant or other decoy, to engage in an unlawful transaction with the person (see sting operation). So, a person would not be a victim of entrapment if the person was ready, willing and able to commit the crime charged in the indictment whenever opportunity was afforded, and that government officers or their agents did no more than offer an opportunity." - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Entrapment"

And further....

"On the other hand, if the evidence leaves a reasonable doubt whether the person had any intent to commit the crime had it not been for inducement or persuasion on the part of some government officer or agent, then the person is not guilty. For example, if a defendant had purchased illegal drugs from an undercover officer, he may be found not guilty if it is determined that the officer initiated the transaction or aggressively pressed the accused to complete it."
You know for the life of me I just don't get it. If a person is a drug addict he is going to buy drugs, I mean that is what a drug addict does, I know because I was one. I have even been arrested before with drugs on me but it was a illegal search and the judge threw it out. But why would a cop act like some kind of dealer to a addict knowing good and well that they can't help themselves.
No I am not saying that it is okay, I am saying that entrapment is not okay.

So how would you go about trying to clean up prostitution? As I said there are probably other underlying issues being dealt with.

You can "entrap" someone all you want but until money actually changes hands between the john and the prostitute; no crime has been committed. The john is still responsible for his actions regardless if he is a Christian or not.

So how would you go about trying to clean up prostitution? As I said there are probably other underlying issues being dealt with.

You can "entrap" someone all you want but until money actually changes hands between the john and the prostitute; no crime has been committed. The john is still responsible for his actions regardless if he is a Christian or not.

Man will never be able to clean it up. The only thing man can do is keep evil down a little, but he can't eradicate anything. The police come up with slogans saying stamp out crime, or put a end to crime. Man can't stamp out crime or end it. And because man does not handle crime the way the Bible tells us to, it will continue to go up.
Sorry, Lewis. I think you're off base here. There has to be something to curb prostitution. Personally, I'd like to hear more about the pimp-daddy's being targeted, but okay. Maybe they see a rise in activity, and left unchecked, it will overwhelm the area. But saying there will always be prostitution doesn't mean we don't do anything about it.

As Nacho and others have said, the main thing is it's illegal. If these perverts weren't feeding the system with their business, that would probably help decrease the demand to recruit prostitutes. We've all heard stories about young girls being recruited and held captive by it. Think about the girls! Would you feel it was entrapment if this guy intended to solicit your daughter? Every girl is somebody's daughter who probably never dreamed they would be involved in this. :sad

I have no one in my family who's a cop, but I grow weary of them being painted as the bad guy so often. People tend to lose sight of who the criminals are, and who the ones are who are putting their lives in danger. :gah
You know for the life of me I just don't get it. If a person is a drug addict he is going to buy drugs, I mean that is what a drug addict does, I know because I was one. I have even been arrested before with drugs on me but it was a illegal search and the judge threw it out. But why would a cop act like some kind of dealer to a addict knowing good and well that they can't help themselves.

I have more compassion and understanding in what you are saying than you may think Lewis. I do, but in the end we are each held personally responsible for that which we do.

I just think, and maybe you can add to this, that people tend to deflect their responsibility elsewhere in an attempt to rationalize their own behavior.

The laws against drugs and prostitution are not there to punish addicts as much as they are there to protect society. Whether they work or not is not the point. Society has to take some measure, or feels that it does. In any case it still comes down to personal responsibility. I'm only saying that you can't justify blaming the cops for something you intended to do knowing it was illegal. If your excuse is; "I can't help it I'm an addict" Then should that be a free pass to break the law? Maybe being arrested is a good thing.
Man will never be able to clean it up. The only thing man can do is keep evil down a little, but he can't eradicate anything. The police come up with slogans saying stamp out crime, or put a end to crime. Man can't stamp out crime or end it. And because man does not handle crime the way the Bible tells us to, it will continue to go up.

Christian men can do some things to help clean up society or as you say keep evil down and no, we cannot eradicate crime. As long as Satan is the "god of this world" then we will have evil but that doesn't mean that we, as Christians, should not do anything to help society.

Christian men can do some things to help clean up society or as you say keep evil down and no, we cannot eradicate crime. As long as Satan is the "god of this world" then we will have evil but that doesn't mean that we, as Christians, should not do anything to help society.
You are right, but many of today's Christians won't stand up for anything, it is all about their own selfish agenda. I remember in the 60's and early 70's everybody stood up for justice, we use to march hold rallies, I use to get involved with the rallies for equality for blacks because I am one of them. Then I went hippie and we held rallies marched and did anything to change the world, and we were secular. Today nobody does anything secular or Christian. Today's Christian men and women won't stand up for anything. You have a few but it is very small. nothing like my hippie years. Today we stand by and let things go down hill.
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I personally think the thing to do is legalize drugs and prostitution, then regulate it and tax it heavily. I think Utah has legalized and regulated prostitution. From what I understand, it isn't perfect, but its worked better than the old system. A number of European countries have decriminalized drugs. They have fewer people in prison than we do and they also have lower HIV rates.

As a Christian, I believe we need to realize that the vast majority of people aren't Christian and aren't going to live their lives the way they should. Instead of clogging our courts and losing freedom to the "war on drugs," I think we should just legalize prostitution and drugs and let the police and judicial system use their resources on more important issues.
I personally think the thing to do is legalize drugs and prostitution, then regulate it and tax it heavily. I think Utah has legalized and regulated prostitution. From what I understand, it isn't perfect, but its worked better than the old system. A number of European countries have decriminalized drugs. They have fewer people in prison than we do and they also have lower HIV rates.

As a Christian, I believe we need to realize that the vast majority of people aren't Christian and aren't going to live their lives the way they should. Instead of clogging our courts and losing freedom to the "war on drugs," I think we should just legalize prostitution and drugs and let the police and judicial system use their resources on more important issues.
I don't think that we should legalize it. But nothing man can do will stop it anyway. Secular man has to realize that his power is very limited and I mean very very limited. You can't stop people from having sex and you can't stop people from doing drugs. But God can.
so why legalise these?

people do these anyway?

pollution? hey tax them and it will stop. oh yeah we do that too.

murder. has anyone noticed that it hasnt dropped lately.
rape etc. laws dont redeem but they contain evil that was the whole idea of it.

govt is for keeping law and order so that people can live their lives reseaonably.

abortion is murder.,drugs take lifes and ruin others and cost $$ to families and employers. and society as a whole.
I don't think that we should legalize it. But nothing man can do will stop it anyway. Secular man has to realize that his power is very limited and I mean very very limited. You can't stop people from having sex and you can't stop people from doing drugs. But God can.
And God doesn't use humans in His plans?
How about cops are all trained and practicing liars? It does not matter what the lie is, once it comes out of the mouth you've become a liar, and police men and women are not immune. In fact many of them pride themselves on their ability to slick talk a suspect.

Lies are not the answer to abolishing crime. But they don't want to do that anyway, the fact that crime exists is good for them as it pays their bills.
Have any evidence that all police officers are corrupt, or is this just based on some personal grievance?

That is okay, and for special cases yes. But to just go out there and entrap people for the oldest business known to man is nonsense, do they really think that they can clean this up ? Now to catch drug dealers and child rapist or any rapist yes. It is the hearts of men that make them do these crimes, secular man has not a clue. Jailing a John or entrapping him or her does nothing to change the heart. I am not taking the John's side, I am for what is right and they are luring them to sin. when I was out there trading drugs and money for sex with women. nothing anybody could have done, would have changed me, and I mean nothing, it is the hearts of man. But when the women would try to lure me, it would wake that sinful nature up in me in an instant. Now that nature was already in me, and sometimes I pursued and sometimes I was pursued. And when I was pursued they would wake that sinful lust up within me. Same things the cops are doing, they are helping to bring the sin out. It is Entrapment.
The law is the law, and I am sure you agree that, at least this part of secular law lines up with the Bible. My view of jail: obviously there has to be some punishment factor, but let's try and rehabilitate these peoople.

Wouldn't catching these people be better for them, and for society? Going undercover is a great way of doing that. Generally, I think that the police go undercover to buy drugs or whatever when they already suspect thatt something's going on, but they need hard evidence. To me, it's not so much as setting people up, but rather catching them in the act.
:bigfrown gee lewis when hates on the cops like this,one should also be consistent and hate the military police and also cid. aka ncis

these groups do go undercover and act as soldiers and catch the drug rings the murders etc. i guess they are bad too?

sure there are corrupt cops.ok for those not familiar with the polizei (german police) they dont play. they will respond to a bar fight if its big enough with first sending in the k9s and the dogs bite what ever moves, then they wait at the door and hit you right over the head with their spring loaded riot batons. throw in the slammer. so what do you prefer? this or american law enforcement and yes i know a former soldier who cant stand mps and cops. he would when he would get into trouble wait for the mps to show up as he knew what would come if the polizei came and got him.

gee and i even told him this what were you doing to cause the mps to come to an off base bar or club to pick you up? his response having fun,aka being drunk and fighting.
Have any evidence that all police officers are corrupt, or is this just based on some personal grievance?

Policemen are trained to lie, even a "small lie" is a lie, and a liar is a liar no matter who they are.

Truth or Consequences

Police lie. It's part of their job. They lie to suspects and others in hopes of obtaining evidence. These investigative lies cover a wide web of deception - a web that can get tangled. Some investigative lies are legal, some are not, and some generate significant disagreement amongst courts, prosecutors, the public and officers themselves.

There are serious consequences here. Officers can:
•Be sanctioned by the courts.
•Be sued.
•Be disciplined in the job.
•Lose the public's confidence.
•Have evidence suppressed, a case dismissed and a criminal freed.

Proper training in this complex arena is critical.

Training Cops to Lie - Pt 1 -
i have always said this if a person has angst against cops as a whole(note note one cop or a couple but them all) its likely they are enganged in the act of some type of illegal activiites.

repent. its not worth it. i broke the law and remember living in fear of just what could happen if a cop pulled me over. jail! and i deserved that, but god spared me of that.

if i took my crimes that i did to the the govt, i would still be at leavonworth(max sentence is assumed 25 yrs).so if cid caught me writing bad checks to the px that totaled over 2500 usd(all of which i literally had to pay back as well when i got saved they took all and any tax returns and i was scared of that as my chain command could nuke me for that) i paid them off not too long ago (1999). so when ever i got the bills to pay up or else since i was a guardsmen i best do it. they have full acess to my military unit's number and also have sent them letters when i was late on another unrelated credit card. that was fun having the co ask me why i was late. i had a valid reason. income loss.