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The covid injections don't work

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Sorry, I don't think i understand your claim...

If your saying that i speak in a monotone fashion without any emotion its because i don't want to attack anyone... I quickly get angry at such people and can fall into sin by slandering them...
So to try and remain cool and calm i may come across as not being passionate...
Also the circumstances here in Australia means i must stay calm or else i will act out of anger...

Or perhaps you were referring to the foot stamping comment i replied to... The situation is dire enough to be foot stamping and fist waving, thats for sure
Basically I was defending your and other Australians right to speak with passion and conviction.

But the drug companies are all for it , I wonder why ?

Because it insures a future of big money vaccines and boosters… for children in the decades to come.

Just like all the other vaccines.

Despite all the deaths and disabilities from these needles and the forcing of them onto civilians and the discrimination of us pro choicers there are a few people that keep advocating for such...
Interesting choice of words. It’s the second use of a phrase in this thread that is borrowed from pro-abortionists.

Again, you claim discrimination, but is it really? You support the right for a person to choose for themselves whether or not to get vaccinated. And I agree. But business and institutions (hospitals, schools, etc.) also have a right, and responsibility for the safety of anyone who comes onto their premises, to disallow anyone who is unvaccinated onto their premises. That isn’t discrimination; that is their right. You can’t have it both ways—wanting your personal right but disallowing the rights of others. If you disagree that businesses and institutions have that right, then please explain why. Or, if you still think your right trumps other people’s rights, then please explain why.

It is discrimination iff a person has a legitimate reason for not getting vaccinated (allergy to an ingredient, for example) and they are not allowed in somewhere that they need to be because they aren’t vaccinated. Simply exercising one’s right not to get vaccinated is not discrimination; it’s others exercising their rights.

Next they will persecute us and lock us away in camps and these morons will still be cheering it all on like its a football match
To whom are you referring as “these morons”?
If im selling a range of candy bars that kills one in 1,000 people is it still right for me to continue selling them? What if its 1 in 10,000? Off course not... Its called murder...
I would at least have to put a warning on the package. Certainly couldn't call it "safe"
That is a false analogy.
That is a false analogy.

It’s a perfect analogy.

How many people have to die from experiment, unauthorized vaccines before the madness stops?

Only the Comirnaty Vaccine has been approved by the FDA, yet the push continues to force people to take vaccines from other companies that are not approved.

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.

Do you support the right for people to choose which vaccine they take?

Is it right to force Americans to take an unapproved vaccine?

  • Nick Karl, Pfizer Scientist: “When somebody is naturally immune -- like they got COVID -- they probably have more antibodies against the virus…When you actually get the virus, you’re going to start producing antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus…So, your antibodies are probably better at that point than the [COVID] vaccination.”
  • Chris Croce, Pfizer Senior Associate Scientist: “You’re protected for longer” if you have natural COVID antibodies compared to the COVID vaccine.
  • Croce: “I work for an evil corporation…Our organization is run on COVID money.”
  • Rahul Khandke, Pfizer Scientist: “If you have [COVID] antibodies built up, you should be able to prove that you have those built up.”

Pfizer Scientist: ‘Your Antibodies are Probably Better than the Vaccination’​

It’s a perfect analogy.
No, it’s a false analogy. Food is not analogous to pharmaceuticals.

How many people have to die from experiment, unauthorized vaccines before the madness stops?
Again, they’re not experimental, having gone through all the clinical testing beginning a year and a half ago, with well over 8 billion doses now given out.

They are significantly safer than getting COVID, by orders of magnitude.

Do you support the right for people to choose which vaccine they take?

Is it right to force Americans to take an unapproved vaccine?
Based on what I said in my previous post, what do you think?
... But business and institutions (hospitals, schools, etc.) also have a right, and responsibility for the safety of anyone who comes onto their premises, to disallow anyone who is unvaccinated onto their premises. That isn’t discrimination; that is their right. ...
That right was and should continue to be reserved for privately owned business which receive no funding that originates from taxation. Publicly funded organizations are not given the same rights as privately owned businesses. Public schools, for example, are not private businesses. Being funded by the taxpayer, it is the taxpayers responsibility (or their legitimately elected representatives) to determine what they are allowed and not allowed to do.
... But business and institutions (hospitals, schools, etc.) also have a right, and responsibility for the safety of anyone who comes onto their premises, to disallow anyone who is unvaccinated onto their premises. That isn’t discrimination; that is their right. ...
Responsibilities should be reserved for responsible people. If you receive funding that originates from taxation then you don't get to set the rules according to your private point of view. That is reserved for legitimately elected representatives who have oversight over those business.

The public says that vaccine mandates are not legal.
That right was and should continue to be reserved for privately owned business which receive no funding that originates from taxation. Publicly funded organizations are not given the same rights as privately owned businesses. Public schools, for example, are not private businesses. Being funded by the taxpayer, it is the taxpayers responsibility (or their legitimately elected representatives) to determine what they are allowed and not allowed to do.
On what basis can you claim that publicly funded organizations and institutions not also have the right and responsibility to not allow certain persons on their premises out of the safety of all those on their premises? How, specifically, does public funding nullify such a right and responsibility?
Isn’t it elected representatives who have determined what private businesses can and cannot do?

Responsibilities should be reserved for responsible people. If you receive funding that originates from taxation then you don't get to set the rules according to your private point of view. That is reserved for legitimately elected representatives who have oversight over those business.

The public says that vaccine mandates are not legal.
I’m not asking about vaccine mandates.
On what basis can you claim that publicly funded organizations and institutions not also have the right and responsibility to not allow certain persons on their premises out of the safety of all those on their premises?
In the US, responsibility for public policy is placed in the hands of legitimately elected representatives. It is neither the right nor their responsibility of unelected publicly funded organizations to determine public policy. It's always been that way since the US became an independent country.
Disputes on these matters are settled by the courts and juries, not by edict of the company. In Canada it may be different.
In Canada, people are more docile...they like being told what to do. I guess having a king/queen will do that to you. Have you seen our latest king?
In the US, responsibility for public policy is placed in the hands of legitimately elected representatives. It is neither the right nor their responsibility of unelected publicly funded organizations to determine public policy. It's always been that way since the US became an independent country.
Disputes on these matters are settled by the courts and juries, not by edict of the company. In Canada it may be different.
That may be the case but that doesn’t answer my questions.
That may be the case but that doesn’t answer my questions.
Yes it does, really. Allow me explain it to you. It means that people like you don't get to state what policy is at any particular place or any given time. People like me don't have to answer to people like you. These rights are God given not democratically issued. You may not find that to be true in Canada, but in the US you probably wouldn't want to test that. God bless the USA ... and others (including Canada)
As a nation, I feel that we have lost our way. I'm sure we will wake up to this realization...sooner or later...whether we want to or not.
Personally, I feel that we are under judgement. Whether it increases or decreases is up to us. Repentance is what's needed...and I'm referring to us. What prayer would I suggest? "Lord, show me my sin!"
In Canada, people are more docile...they like being told what to do. I guess having a king/queen will do that to you. Have you seen our latest king?
I actually thought that most Canadians were like most Americans. I still suspect a great many are.
Again, they’re not experimental, having gone through all the clinical testing beginning a year and a half ago, with well over 8 billion doses now given out.

They are significantly safer than getting COVID, by orders of magnitude.

The vaccines are unapproved by the FDA, and are experimental, yet they are being forced upon the American people and many are dying because of it.

Only the Comirnaty is approved, yet all of them are being forced upon Americans.

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