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The covid injections don't work

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There is a video called, "The Root And Fruit Of Pride," by Floyd McClung that is helpful in detecting and dealing with pride. It is on You Tube.
The vaccines are safe for the vast majority of people. That is the nature of vaccines; it’s the nature of a lot of medicines.

That may be your opinion, but it's not everyone's.

Because, as has been stated many times in these discussions, the benefits of getting vaccinated far outweigh the risks of getting COVID.

That is your opinion, however many people disagree and the numbers are growing.
Sorry, cute videos don't matter. Facts matter. Tell us what facts (include checkable sources) most impress you in that video, and we'll take a look.
Well that's the thing right, you didn't take a look. You didn't bother to see that the checkable source of those facts being listed was from the CDC. What I won't do is go through the video and list fact after fact it gave(for the current time) in order for you to tell me yet again, that America is somehow experiencing more deaths than anywhere else in the world and that the 99.7% survival rate doesn't apply in your country, while not actually addressing the information.

The post was more for fun. I find it quite amusing when people putting on a Christian persona try and help steer believers into another lane by way of talking past "vaccine" injuries/deaths in attempt to make them acceptable.

So my real question for you is how you dealt with all the definition changes. How, as a scientist, are you dealing with the fact that "vaccines" no longer have to protect against? It must be something to know that every shot you ever got, from tetanus to hep, that those days are gone and now "vaccines" can be hit or miss on a grand scale.
By this same analogy, Covid-19 and all of the known variants are also safe for the vast majority of people.
That is true, however, the data shows that the vaccines are far safer, by orders of magnitude, and save lives. One is much better off to take their chances with the vaccines.
That may be your opinion, but it's not everyone's.
It is what the data shows, based on legitimate sources.

Rumble, bitchute, etc., are not legitimate sources.
What was so confusing, is we talked to three different people when my husband got covid. His work doctor online, a pediatrician, and the health department. While they agreed with my husband how long it would take to recover and everything, quarantine ten days versus fourteen days, etc, not a single one agreed with the kids or me. One doctor said I didn't need to quarantine because I was fully vaccinated, but the kids needed to till December 17th unless they test negative 5 days after his quarantine. The health department said I did need to quarantine, but didn't need to take a test (okay), and the pediatrician I called today since my one year old has a cough now, said the kids would have got it before December 5th since that was officially two weeks. (Since a lot of kids have coughs, I'm just going to watch it/treat the cough).

But yeh it was confusing what was right. I'm having cold like symptoms today, so may just order a home test to be sure, but I believe me and the kids were really blessed.

I don't know if this is proof the covid injection is doing its job or not, but I am grateful I didn't get it like my husband has. We couldn't stay separate like we were supposed too.
I just got over a 2-week virus that was difficult, but considering my age and poor health, that's to be expected. I've had 4 viruses since the pandemic began. And I don't go out much.
Since they began the vaccinations, I've caught bugs way more than usual. If nothing else, I have antibodies. And no graphene oxide! Or hydras doing who-knows-what to my brain!
God has a plan for me...He told me so. If I'm wrong and I leave this world...hallelujah!
I'll go somewhere that I won't be continuously lied to by the authorities.
I still wonder where the flu went to...oh well, I guess I'll survive without knowing.
It is what the data shows, based on legitimate sources.

Maybe you feel the Government and the CDC and Fauci have been honest and upfront about all this, and you choose to believe them, and therefore to you their advice is "legitimate".

That's your choice.

Others worldwide feel different.

It’s more than just an opinion. Not everyone understands logic and critical thinking.

Logic and critical must be founded on truth to be considered legitimate.

Many doctors and scientists understand that the people who are pushing these unapproved vaccined are not trustworthy because they see the evidence and choose not to ignore it.

People still advocating for these toxic needles...
People normalizing and justifying syringe disability and death...
People turning a blind eye to the discrimination and forcing of these injections...

Angry American Idol GIF

Even after they said
These needles will bring herd immunity.
These needles will end the plandemic.
These needles will bring us back to normal.

Yet these numpties still believe them and ostracise us for speaking the truth...
Whatcha gonna do? People believe what they want to believe. Like they can mold reality with their thoughts. You'd think absolute truth would matter to people of the God of truth. Think again.
My problem as a believer is that I'm realizing that for the most part, I don't like people very much. And I only know believers. Maybe that's the problem.
Thankfully there is one who doesn't disappoint.
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