Orion said:Well, I can see their point, though. "Prove the Bible is true, else it isn't" has been used before in forums.
True and atheist & agnostic forums tend to argue the more stubborn "EVEN if you DO prove the Bible true - you have to prove every WORD true or we will still claim it is an untrusted work of fiction" when faced with Bible CONFIRMING evidence like the DSS or the Ebla tablets.
No one can prove or even test the hypothesis or theory of literal Genesis 1 accounts.
Indeed the 7 days of creation week summarized into codified LAW in Ex 20:8-11 would be hard to PROVE unless you had a video or unless you could see God going around and creating new living planets every week.
No question about that. Same with the resurrection of Christ and virgin birth and resurrection of Lazarus and ascension of Christ and Christ our high priest in heaven and people being healed when Peter's shadow passed by them (Acts 19) etc.
The doubt-the-bible-first groups would argue that if you can't see it still happening -- or at least have a non-Christian confirm it then then Christian testimony is false.
It would rest on the shoulders of those who deem it AS truth to give good evidence of their case. Because this will not happen, the atheist does pose a good argument in their favor.
Indeed the "show us the non-video-taped past" argument works for atheists. I agree.
Now, in turn, you could say that no one can test the theories of +-60 million years ago to any real conclusion.
Yep - same problem when they start "Their own story telling" about the non-video taped past.
Even worse -- they have to come up with "a better story than genesis" for the origin of life AND it's diverse forms seen today. And that IS testable in BOTH the realm of ID SCIENCE and in basic chemistry.
But basing what we know about the PROVEN and CONFIRMED Bible facts through the DSS and Ebla tables conclusions can be drawn about the rest of the Bible
So, then basing what we currently know about the universe, assumptions can be made
True -- either in favor of God's Word or opposed to it depending on the bias of the person looking at those things WE SEE and KNOW. (Christian vs atheist)
That is why we find in Romans 1 that "THEY (barbarians and pagans) are WITHOUT excuses... since the invisible attributes of God are CLEARLY SEEN in the things that have been MADE"
that can and DO tend to call into question the vality of any religious belief, namely an earth and entire universe coming into existance only 6-10 thousand years ago.
The Bible does not argue that the universe is 6-10 thousand years old or even that the earth in it's "Formless and void" state of Gen 1:1-2 (returns to that state in Jeremiah 4:23-24 during the millennium) is only 6-10 thousand years of age.
What the Bible argues that opposes atheists is that ALL LIFE on earth came about 6000 years ago in 6 REAL days and that the Sun and moon also came to be at that time.
"He made TWO GREAT LIGHTS" on day 4.
I don't necessarily hold the stance of "the Bible is as Aesop's fable".
However when you look at the video it is clear that the atheist argument is that you need to "remove the facts" about characters and events from the Bible -- and what good you have left is only of the moralizing "moral of the fable" sort that you get in Aesop's fables.
I don't think that LK does either,
That remains to be seen. L.K's version is that no fact of the Bible can be trusted until some outside source confirms it -- in other words he backs down from doubt-the-book at the same point that atheists do!
though I would not want to speak in his behalf. But even in the examples you gave, there are those who would debate some topics, even within Christian circles, ie., the "virgin birth" or the "literal Genesis reading".
There is no such thing as "literal genesis reading" outside of "really reading it or not". What actual Christians debate is whether the AUTHOR intended the book to be accepted for what it says OR whether he was leading his slaves-from-Egypt audience into a discussion of darwinism over vast millennia of time. But in both cases it is not the authenticity of the text that is doubted but it is the INTENT of the author that is being questioned.
Even L.K admits that the notion that Moses was trying to preach darwinism through Genesis is and extreme wild-guess for those who try to argue it.