You are right. It is a decline in faith and this decline is perpetuated by secularists. I am astounded by what many Christians say and I have no doubt it is because we are raised in a society that frowns on things like healing and tongues. Someone on this board commented that people speaking in tongues or going to healing meetings are just crazy and mildly retarded. That is what most people think as well.
Doubt is the problem. I must admit I doubt also, but I recognize it and I am working on fortifying myself in the Word. It is an on going process and I would say the decline is accepting doubt rather than the Word!
That is sick and uncalled for. What is blatantly upsetting is the fact that most truly "retarded" people probably have more Joy and Peace than we "normal" people could ever hope to have. I have pondered them sometimes...and I have come to the conclusion that they are the purest of pure in heart. There is no deception in them. Some people....
I agree with the fact that a decline if faith has to do with a decline of Christianity. But I do not think it is from doubt. Doubt is healthful. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but read into this for a minute.
Doubt, in the life of a Believer, causes us to search, to seek, to ask, to know. the life of an unbeliever it is not good. But...once that doubt has caused the true and sincere seeking in the life of a believer, faith moves in.
Faith is from God. All faith is from God. We accept it, or reject it. What we have done is pervert it into a form that man conjures up. There is only ONE Faith. There is not any more. Now, when that person has accepted faith from God, he must "use it or loose it"
Therefore the words penned by James. When a person asks "in" faith, he is not asking in the limbo of doubt. James draws a distinction here. Those who have the faith to ask, and those who do not have the faith to ask. If you do not have the faith, given from God, Do not ask. If you do have the faith, given from God. ASK!
The only cause that the Bible gives for "falling away" is a unbelief. Do not confuse this with doubt. Unbelief is the complete opposite of belief. Its like black and white. Doubt resides in the middle. Its not a good place to be, but it "works out for the good" when you receive the faith God is faithful to give you because of your doubt.
Oh...the disciples and others were always rebuked for their doubt. But what would happen afterward? Jesus would "give" them the faith to believe Him. God cannot do anything with unbelief.
Why the decline is happening is because false faith is being exposed for what it is. We have so abandoned the purity of the Gospel that aside from the miraculous outpourings of God, people are not being given the truth of the Good news that they may TRULY believe(posses the Faith).
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing from the words of Christ. What has happened is that there is a lack of truth being preached, and therefore faith cannot enter where God's Word does not abide. True Faith that is. People "believe" what they hear...but becuase it is does not abide....and they "fall" away.
If we could only have FAITH in the promise of God that says;
Is 55:11
so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
it shall not return to me empty,
but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
When we respond by simple obedience to the Words of God(Faith) then they will accomplish that which they are set to do.
Is 55:12-13
“For you shall go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
shall break forth into singing,
and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Instead of the thorn shall come up the
instead of the brier shall come up the
it shall make a name for the Lord,
an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.â€
Although a falling away of the Faith is predicted to happen, it does not mean that He will not save those who come to Him. So many struggle through in wonder of Salvation, when Faith is waiting to take hold of their life, and produce in them fruit, and be to them an everlasting sign. It all comes by Faith, and it all comes from God.