The Derailing Thread Part Two

3 causes of liberalism

1. Public school education
2. Ignorance of economics
3. Watching fake news
3 causes of liberalism

1. Public school education
2. Ignorance of economics
3. Watching fake news

hwello, dirtfarmer here

Public school education only causes liberalism if you go without preshol treing at hume. See what Im saying
Saudi, Iran, Morocco, and Egypt got knocked out the world cup, the only islamic country left is England.
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Where is all the christian, buddist, sihk, and hindu refugees?. Its all about equality.
I was just told to go get an "expedited" passport, forward the expenses to HR for reimbursement - and be prepared for a two-week trip to Italy in the next 60 days.

Two weeks in Milan, Italy at company expense. :)
exactly how many angels can dance on the head of a pin anyway?

I know that you are being facetious.
But that particular theological debate is real. It's rather hibrow... because it deals with anthropomorphisms in scriptures. So most people use it today as a reference to a nonsense debate.

But oh the Halls of academia it's a regular bloodbath of a debate. It hasn't really come here yet...but you never know.
I got bummed today...
My wife had good news and bad.

We have to wait till next year to scuba dive.
But we will be debt free when we do.
Why do they link odd socks with mental illness?. Like odd sock day in support of mental illness. People who wear odd socks don't care what anyone thinks about there socks and understand a sock is there to do a job and a sock is a sock. Im wearing odd socks now. One red one black. Plus when you got shoes on no one see it.
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Why do they link odd socks with mental illness?. Like odd sock day in support of mental illness. People who wear odd socks are normal because they don't care what anyone thinks about there socks and understand a sock is there to do a job and a sock is a sock.

I just buy all the same color socks. No worries about matching them that way.

Al Einstein had a closet full of all the same style suits. Never had to spend time figuring out which one to wear, because they were all the same.
Ok, test lab is ready to be abused by students. I'm up to 110 slides in my powerpoint.
I think I'm ready to teach - hope I can impart the material in a way the students understand....

three sites.JPG
Im going to buy a boatand retire.
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Boats are nice. I used to own one.

4% of your portfolio annually is generally considered sustainable in retirement.