The Derailing Thread Part Two

Interesting cars and time capsule.

I like food.

My mind is easily boggled.
I'm still thinking about that food that you said people want to serve you. Maybe I should go get a snack.

That time capsule was made recently, re-read the text, I got it all wrong. Sorry!
NO, the year 2100. Read the text again, you got it wrong as much as I did. :o
I had too much red wine now I wake up and got a serious depression and anxiety headache.
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Sadly, that last post reminded me I have a big bottle of Spiced Rum (got it as a gift from some friends when I moved from Georgia) and I've not had one alcoholic drink in probably more than a month. I may treat myself to a Rum and Coke and then go wash the car...

Alcohol was a problem for my dad and both brothers. But for me, 'meh', never an issue. I can take it or leave it and I don't like beer (tastes like urine to me) or wine (tastes like Kerosene - which I accidentally DID taste one time) anyway.

Rum and Coke is about it for me. And I can't drink very much or the caffeine in the Coke keeps me awake, even with the rum in it. :)
The problem with me is i cannot just have one or two I have to completely write myself off and go full drunkard.
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The problem with me is i cannot just have one or two I have to completely write myself off and go full drunkard.
We all have our weakness, mine has to do with the opposite sex.

I don't "relationship" anymore. PERIOD. My girlfriend is Loralie, and she is getting a new convertible top this summer, once I figure out where $850 is gonna come from.
Flint switched supply from their lake to their river, but was unable to properly treat it. Brown stuff came out of their taps, and it smelled off. GM switched to suburban supply, because Flint supply was rusting their engines while they were still on the assembly line. Those who could afford it generally switched to bottled. Residents were told to boil the stuff before even showering with it.