The Derailing Thread Part Two

According to modern science elements of the human body are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All these are needed to sustain life. It just so happens these elements are found in the ground.

"Then the LORD God took dust from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into his nostrils and the man began to live."
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Research by Dr. Jonas Frisen suggests that most of the atoms in your body are replaced every 7 years.
Many modern day scientists believe the universe is expanding.

"He alone stretches out the heavens"
Im not a politician so i don't have to be Politically correct.
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We should have a random facts of the day thread. Then again we don't want to hurt peoples feelings.
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Known space has a radius of 46.6 billion light years. Space expands faster than the speed of light, but matter/energy quanta within space don't exceed that limit.
There has to be something behind space if its expanding, otherwise it would just be eternal space. Out of space and time, some eternal rhelm.
The heavens and the earth were created. I don't know where God dwelt before then, or what may be outside of creation.

One day a new heaven and new earth will replace the current ones.
The heavens and the earth were created. I don't know where God dwelt before then, or what may be outside of creation.
I think it's easy: God was outside of creation (space-time) before then. Today, He is both outside of space-time AND within space-time, because He created space-time and is omnipotent and omniscient.

He is not part of creation, nor is He limited by it, He created it and He could eliminate it should He so desire - but He would still exist. ;)
Is there a capitalism day where everyone goes out and buys something they don't really need just because they can?
Venezuela, a once prosperous nation where the middle class now line up for toilet paper.
Inflation in Venezuela is 25,000%. Capitalism cannot work right without honest money, or at least reasonably honest money. The more honest, the better capitalism works.
Is there a capitalism day where everyone goes out and buys something they don't really need just because they can?
You just described every Sunday afternoon at every mall in the USA.