The Derailing Thread Part Two

I'm on the west coast of Florida.
I'm watching the whole hurricane go right buy me with out anymore than a sprinkle.
So much for the big scare.....again.
Don't listen to anyone and read the word yourself. Many liars.
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The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it.
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For the grand prize today, "who laid the golden egg"?
As it goes, there are two stories where the goose lays the golden egg, and one story has a hen laying the golden egg.

You have won the grand prize.

And the grand prize is:
Tickets for two for a trip to the moon, as soon as we raise the money to pay for it.

God bless ya!!!
No worries. They said I won't go on the trip until they figure out how to pay for it first. Space Adventures, which organizes private trips aboard Russian space ships, estimates that a trip to the moon will cost about $350 million for two. If he sets aside $50 per month from his Social Security check, it will take 583,333 1/3 years to raise the cash. Plenty of time to get ready.
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