The Derailing Thread Part Two

It's probably not as bad when its paper copies of private information because most possibly its not stored on the internet. Im not someone who likes having to hand over all my private information to anyone. You just have to trust it never gets into the wrong hands.

Internet stored data would probably be the hardest to keep private.

Doing things by machine is cheaper for mega corp, and the public sector. I don't think they will be going back to keeping track of pieces of paper by hand.
I recently sent for a book by Kenneth Hagin. A pastor mentioned him, and I was curious. Its supposed to arrive in a few days.
The UK has proved it's a tolerant Islamic country by allowing Tawhidis book.
National Defense Strategy Commission said:
We affirm strongly the view that the global role the United States has played for many generations has benefitted our nation enormously, and that this role rests upon a foundation of unmatched military power. Today, however, our margin of superiority is profoundly diminished in key areas.

PDF of the report.
It's a sad world if that's the super elites way of thinking.
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Behold my weird hobby! Do I care that it's weird? Nope. Also, this is what my previous avatar was based on