The Derailing Thread Part Two

I think there are only two types here, the common , and there is another that looks similar but its poisonous you cannot eat it, i think they further south, well they must be because im not dead.
I think there are only two types here, the common , and there is another that looks similar but its poisonous you cannot eat it, i think they further south, well they must be because im not dead.

Either that or you are

You know your off the grid when there is wild goats and stags and fat eels in the river.
Oh, and there is only one small spot that gets reception for internet and it's slower than dial up.
Privacy vs Security

I find it amazing that the more security there is in place to prevent things such as identity thief and fraud the more people have to give other people or companys all there personal information to verify who they are, even sometimes for a job you have to give them lots of private information before they will employ. How is that suppose to be better security and prevent anything?. Do people just have to trust others with there private information?.

I understand a bit of security is needed to a point, but it seems like everything is just going a bit over the top.
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I find it amazing that the more security there is in place to prevent things such as identity thief and fraud the more people have to give other people or companys all there personal information to verify who they are. How is that suppose to be better security and prevent anything?

There are millions of hackers around the world. Security guys are outnumbered. Mini businesses in particular are having a time of it keeping pace with hackers. They often can't afford an elaborate security department.
It's probably not as bad when its paper copies of private information because most possibly its not stored on the internet. Im not someone who likes having to hand over all my private information to anyone. You just have to trust it never gets into the wrong hands.

Internet stored data would probably be the hardest to keep private.