The Derailing Thread Part Two

Some fish are quite intelligent. When they know they hooked they will take you in the foul and bust you off.

Once I hooked a fish way away from the dock and I seen it pass the dock and as soon as I strike it the line went slack and before I could do anything it had already turned and gone all the way back to the dock and wrapped itself around the post to bust me off.
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There is only one thing that can keep me from fishing. Just kidding. There is material fishing and spiritual fishing. I like a bit of both. Don't stop me now, because I'm having a good time having a good time. Ok now I'm going to start singing Queen.
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All these people across the road are doing hard core excersise. You don't extend the life of a car by driving faster so speeding up the heart is not going to make anyone live longer. Why do I need to excersise when the heart is only good for so many beats, if I want to live longer I will take a nap.
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I live in a nation that is fully surrounded by thousand of miles of ocean. It's a permanent wall. It can never be moved.
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Lots of fish in it :lol

Not really, too many foreign poachers and commercial vessels.

When Indonesia and Argentina find foreign poaching vessels in there waters they blow there boats up. 0 tolerance. They send a clear message and protect there boarder.
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A wall is an immorality says every hypocate that has a fence between there neighbour and locks there house.
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The last 2 months have been great. I'm having a good time.
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A frog kept protected was bieved to have been the last of it"s kind and is known as the loneliest frog in the world. He has been by himself for a long time.
No more :woot3 They have found 5 or 6 somewhere else and they are going to put them all together.
Oh my goodness. I just been watching basketball on TV for the last hour and just realised its only a game and the guys I'm with are playing each other. Lol. I thought it was a live real game. I'm so behind the times the deception got me. I didn't know graphics were that good these days, or maybe I'm just going blind.