The Derailing Thread Part Two

Unlike the book of Mormon there is archeological evidence that the Bible is factual. (As well as geological and other evidence)

And the preservation of these places is good.

Preserving what?, A empty tomb?.
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I think I finally might have a date. If I figure the female species out I will send the data to nasa for analising.
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A joke. It was something until everyone got offended.
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:lol You will never figure us out
We can't even do it ourselves.
Hope your date goes well
There is something outside in the water. Im trying to figure out if it's a Orca , Shark, or Dolfin.

Now I think it's either a shark or Orca, I'm leading towards shark.

Update. It's just someone who is diving. Lol. I have never seen anyone diving there that's why I thought it was a shark or orca in shallows chasing the stingrays.

I seen a big shark caught yesterday off the beach probably 2.5 meters. Bronze whaler. Nice catch and release. The guy was from Norway and nearly had a cry landing it he said his arms were seizing after about half hour, I was just watching from the sideline. Lol. Good on him. Land based game fishing is great but I'm not a fan of catching sharks im not interested.
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I'm going to meet someone later. I told her it has to be a place people do not know we met from a dating site so all coffee shops are out. lol.
Hope all goes well. So where are you going? Let us know how you get on. Have fun.
Hope all goes well. So where are you going?

Probably nowhere as 100% of the time I have even made it this far they all pull out at the last moment because something more important come up or there was a unfortunate situation and they can't make it.
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It's looking promising as usual. It's nearly 6pm and still no reply. I think im a prophet. Imagine my shock. Lol. Usually they at least tell me a great excuse why they can't make it like there dog just died and there upset or something.
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Imagine my shock. 7:30pm i sent a message if she still wants to meet up and she said sorry something come up and if im busy next weekend. Lol.
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Sometimes girls get nervous. Of course you never know something may have come up. She may want to see you next weekend.
You'll probably meet up with someone when you least expect it.
Sometimes girls get nervous. Of course you never know something may have come up. She may want to see you next weekend.

It must just be a coincidence 100% of the time something just happens to come up they can't make it. Lol. The thing is I don't like lies and fake excuses. What would I want to date a liar.

Read my above posts. I'm not stupid like they think I am.