Free speech is the only way republics can work. The people need to know what is going on (free press), and talk about how to make things better (free speech).
Free speech is the only way republics can work. The people need to know what is going on (free press), and talk about how to make things better (free speech).
I was ourside and I heard this weird animal sound coming from the park as i live near the wetlands. It sounded like a 2 stroke engine with another weird noise it keeps repeating like its grunting, so I been looking up animal noises to try figure out what it is. I think its a wild boar or something or like some monster toad or could be a porkupine or wombat I dont know. All i do know is there is no way im going to have a look.
This is the place to be if you want to see nature. I mean just before a gecko was climbing up the wall, and there is always birds outside, thousands of them all different colors, parrots and cockatoos and all the rest, there is snakes, and spiders, and just about everything, and I haven't seen my local friend who used to visit all the time, his name was frog, it was just a green frog that used to always come to the glass door for a visit and say hi, it might have got eaten by a snake, who knows. It's like animal kingdom.
Night time can be a bit creepy, sometimes I heard wierd noises, that's why there was no way I was going to see what that animal was. I could get attacked by something what if it was a warthog or something . And there is lots of Bats at night. I think way out in the desert is there wild camels, when I went through the desert I only seen emus, goats, sheeps, pigs, and some other weird creatures.
I got a new guitar. It's already annoying me. I get so frustrated playing somtimes. I haven't broken it yet. The more I learn the more frustrated I get because learning sucks.. I wonder how long this one will last.
You have to be careful. You don't touch and creature you don't know even if they look harmless.
A couple of backpackers just uploaded a vid on FB of them playing with a small blue ringed octopus on there arm. That is idiot of the century, it has enough venom to kill over 20 people and can kill in minuites and there is no anti venom. It's one of the most deadly creatures in the world.
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