The Derailing Thread Part Two

I went out last night and 7 dudes surrounded me and wanted a fight because I talked to one of there girlfriends. Lol. Jokers. But it's all good they fled by my words. I'm a lover not a fighter. The old me would have taken them all on even if I got beaten to a pulp. It's like prison you have to stand your ground in this dump.
I'm going to the doctor this week, I think I need meds.
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Anxiety can lead to depression, because it depletes neurotransmitters like serotonin. People have different tendencies toward anxiety. Some people have very low natural cortisol levels, and often take up hobbies like skydiving and mountain climbing in an effort to bring their cortisol up to comfortable levels. Other people tend toward super high cortisol levels, and only experience comfortable cortisol levels when doing things like sitting quietly in their easy chairs. Just driving to the store can take their cortisol to uncomfortable levels. If put in a stressful environment, excess cortisol can deplete their neurotransmitters.

People tend to do best if they listen to their bodies, and tailor their daily stress levels to their bodies' propensity toward cortisol production. Of course, if the Lord assigns you to a task, He can give you the ability to do it. Its only plans made up in our human minds that need to take into account our bodies' tendency toward cortisol production.
I feel better today. So I will see the doctor.
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I got a call from someone who claimed to represent "Semper Fi Medical" today. She told me that she would send me a DNA test covered by my insurance, to find out if my medications were optimal. Then she asked me for a list of my current medications. I asked her if she knew what my insurance was, and she asked me if it was Medicare. I told her no so she said goodbye. Then I googled it, and it is a scam being played on the elderly, who can't think straight to protect themselves. Some elderly apparently give out their medical information, Medicare number, and Social Security number to these people.

I hope they deal with these ridiculous scam phone calls soon. Robocalls and scams have made answering the telephone unpleasant and dangerous.
Anyone a Star Trek fan? Well, there is a fan-made series called Star Trek Continues that I started watching--all episodes are available on YouTube for free, they are each about 40 to 50 minutes long.
The actor who plays Captain Kirk is my favorite anime voice actor--Vic Mignogna

WELL. Turns out the studio they film at is in my area!!! And they have fan events. I went to one last October, and I went to one today. Both times I got to meet Vic :biggrin
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Anxiety can lead to depression, because it depletes neurotransmitters like serotonin.
I know that in my case, anxiety causes a small depressive episode when it's bad enough. For a few days afterwards I'm just out of it and down in the dumps for no reason.
I know that in my case, anxiety causes a small depressive episode when it's bad enough. For a few days afterwards I'm just out of it and down in the dumps for no reason.

Yes, its important to learn to relax when you are at home, in your comfortable chair. Its also important for many people to get enough light, especially in the winter. Lack of light can depress some people.
Yes, its important to learn to relax when you are at home, in your comfortable chair. Its also important for many people to get enough light, especially in the winter. Lack of light can depress some people.
I play video games to distract myself from my anxiety. Most of my most troubling anxiety comes in the form of obsessive compulsive thought patterns, so I have to do something engaging to stay out of my head.