- Jun 13, 2014
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- 1,344
No, that is not what I said. The words Trinity/Deity/Divinity is not found in the Bible, but means three in one as divine being (God), celestial being (God) , supreme being (God) that is all the same spirit that is God as all three, Father, Son and Holy Ghost function in unity as one spirit (not three individual persons) within the Spiritual realm of God. The scriptures I gave in post #11 explain this, but in all reality I don't think anyone can truly understand the fullness of it all.
That reads like the beliefs of a person who is a Modalistic Monarchian, a Sabellian.
That was declared a heresy in the early church. Tertullian was one who exposed this error.
Tertullian wrote of Modalism:
We, however, as we indeed always have done (and more especially since we have been better instructed by the Paraclete, who leads men indeed into all truth), believe that there is one only God, but under the following dispensation, or οἰκονομία , as it is called, that this one only God has also a Son, His Word, who proceeded from Himself, by whom all things were made, and without whom nothing was made. Him we believe to have been sent by the Father into the Virgin, and to have been born of her—being both Man and God, the Son of Man and the Son of God, and to have been called by the name of Jesus Christ; we believe Him to have suffered, died, and been buried, according to the Scriptures, and, after He had been raised again by the Father and taken back to heaven, to be sitting at the right hand of the Father, and that He will come to judge the quick and the dead; who sent also from heaven from the Father, according to His own promise, the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, the sanctifier of the faith of those who believe in the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Ghost. That this rule of faith has come down to us from the beginning of the gospel, even before any of the older heretics, much more before Praxeas, a pretender of yesterday, will be apparent both from the lateness of date which marks all heresies, and also from the absolutely novel character of our new-fangled Praxeas. In this principle also we must henceforth find a presumption of equal force against all heresies whatsoever—that whatever is first is true, whereas that is spurious which is later in date (Against Praexis, ch 2).
Praexis, a Modalist, was a false teacher regarding the Godhead.
Today those who promote a similar error are 'Jesus only' teachers, e.g. United Pentecostal Church. See: https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_338.cfm
Do you support Oneness theology that is opposed to the orthodox understanding of the Trinity?