it isn't actually medicine is the thing. see...
cancer? shows up on blood work and other labs. it is a -biologically rooted- entity that responds to various forms of available treatment. that makes it a real doctor's territory.
same with the vast majority of illnesses treated by real doctors. I think "chronic fatigue syndrome" is still something of a mystery, but..??? alzheimer's and various forms of dementia -were- very mysterious, but now there's more research, etc., and new/novel treatments that seem to be making real, bona fide progress towards both suppressing symptoms associated with the (much better understood) malady -and- towards improving quality of life and extending the lives of the afflicted. and then...
"(severe) mental illness." I'll focus on -severe- because...when the going gets rough, the shrinks point to "Schizophrenia." true story. The most prominent dissident shrink I can think of, Dr.Thomas Szasz, has a whole book on "schizophrenia" as psychiatry's "sacred symbol." is it...real? never has shown up on blood work, brain scan, or even autopsy. psych "treatment" shows up on autopsy, because...drugs change brain structure. caffeine does, street drugs do, the various drugs prescribed by shrinks -definitely- do...
and, sadly, the "lifesaving medications for schizophrenia" tend to be among the most potentially brain damaging drugs in the psych arsenal. blah. :-( is, "depression" is a myth (per Szasz), but misery is -very- real, and chronic misery can create chronic distress which can, of course, affect functioning in various areas of life. "anxiety" is a difficult one. fear is real, obviously. when is it...a problem? and when it is a problem...for -whom- is this a problem, and what is their recommended treatment? and...why?
I enjoy Szasz for his clarity of thought and rather witty writing. He was a right wing libertarian (Goldwater fan!), so...not eye to eye with him on the "welcome to the jungle" view of the economy, society,, really...
but he -was- a psychiatrist, so he "knew a thing or two," etc.
fun fact: the never ending "research into new treatments and biomarkers" for Schizophrenia, etc. is a bunch of lies, too. I just recently had a med check. chit chat, nice enough...he was clearly containing his impatience when I asked about tardive dyskinesia (usually facial tics, can affect other areas) risk with my "atypical" (read: newer, less brain damaging but somehow more weight-gaining, etc.) tranquilizer, and...
yeah. shrinks need "Schizophrenia" (and "Schizophrenics," too), but my "lifesaving treatment" is based mostly upon a 10-15 minute med check. basically, in and out...this time I'm out for a good 6 months. progress? I mean...I don't enjoy going to the clinic, so...yes? works for me, at any rate. and...
keep in mind; if I -didn't- have my well to do(ish) parents solidly behind me, I'd probably be homeless...because of psychiatry. as it is now, people openly say "he needs to be COMMITTED!," because...
psychiatry is really just another form of social control. I'm an outsider, chronically unemployed, had a shady past, and have been labeled, etc., so I'm basically regarded as an idle poor person (in old times, that'd end in the work modern America, the options seem to be prison, group homes, or state hospital...), and access to my parents' resources, their clout, etc...
-infuriates- the locals. I know this because I just dropped off my HOA dues and the ladies in the office were doing the mind game thing (talk loudly about me so I can hear, not loudly enough for it to be yelling, etc.). blah. thankfully, the check goes in a slot, no face to face interaction required.
so, what to make of it? I dunno. lol. :-( at a personal level, during the med check, it dawned on me that I haven't really heard voices or had weird, disturbing things going on in my mind for...a nice, long, while. so...was I Schizophrenic, then, labeled and then now I'm not, but "Schizophrenia" is the only "role" in today's society that I can deal with, bear up under, and that will afford me any real freedom (long story...) ? -shrug- I dunno. stress, distress, madness...these things are real...
but are they -illnesses- , to be dealt with by doctors? I don't think so, honestly. Whatever...ailed me...ails me no longer 1st because of Jesus, 2ndly because of my amazing, long suffering parents. and...
she asked, and I thought about it, and..."disturbing thoughts" ? there are no "anti-bad thoughts" pills. there are tranquilizers. vets use some of the antipsychotics/tranquilizers to subdue unruly animals. "hearing voices" ? could be a result of drugs, stress, any number of things...
again: tranquilizers? short term not so terrible, at least with the newer ones. long term? omg, rough. one of the terms early shrinks coined to describe what Thorazine did to people...
"tranquilizer psychosis," it consists of apathy, disinterest, tremor, and (I think...) flattened emotions, some degree of sedation. this vs the psychosis (whatever flavor) the person had initially. blah.
in Christ, I've been freed from the original...whatever one chooses to call It. maybe a predictable reaction to a life that started hard and turned harder and seemingly pointless, because of the combo of sin, satan, self, and the world?
ok. so...I saw this illustration, to explain what -really- happens when Jesus saves a human being...
2 lines run parallel, then one line does a 90 degree angle far, far away from the other line. Jesus has intervened.
I guess in my case...Jesus intervened so I wouldn't have to be confined and all the other stuff that happens to deviants and "society's rejects," and...yeah. I am thankful. dealing with the clinic...often not fun, but its 100x better than I imagine anything the world had (and has, probably) for me. other people end up coming out of crime, drugs, outwardly awesome but spiritually dead lives...
on and on. what did it cost me? "free gift of salvation," right? -shrug- honestly, all it cost me (thus so far) was/is my self, the old me and his ways and such (ongoing....nearly 10 years in, I'd like to think Jesus has brought me a long, long, long way....), which lines up with Scripture on dying to self, taking up one's cross, " is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me..."
and that's another, bigger, far more -vital- reason I'm becoming...wary of, sometimes borderline disgusted by the mental health industry. I don't think anything can truly "help" a human being when the very core is dark and runs counter to Jesus' ministry and message. Truth? I still find Szasz brilliant and witty, but..
He's dead. Jesus lives. My -big- issue with psychiatry is that its so antithetical to The Good News that I sometimes truly, honestly think there's a demonic element. blah.