- Oct 30, 2011
- 73
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TheEnd times are here, but do you know it.
I live on the East Coast of Australia, where I live is not too far from a Mosque that is Saudi Arabian based Wahabism. What they are up too, is blatant evil, trying to control the area spiritually first then move in with their persons, they are not about integration, they move in with their persons until a certain saturation level, then move to declare the area Islamic, this is what they have done in Europe particularly France, Suburbs in the U.K and are attempting to do in our patch.
I attend church of 10,000 people, Pentecostal.
Over the past four years I have come into contact with Muslims who practice a form of occult Shia law at night, early hours ofthe morning, its some type of spiritual mapping. It’s demonic oppressive.
I contacted Stuart R an ex middle easternmissionary about it, and he indicated itwas probably the process of Islamisation. When the Muslims are desiring to takeover an area.
When I was living in W……. some 500 metres from mychurch, For six months every 3 or 4 days I would hear the sound of a ladder being placed, I would go into prayer when I would hear it, now understand this is in the dead of night this would happen between the hours of 10:30-4:30am anyway after approx. six months, the Lord said to me one night getup and run as fast as you can and look out your front door, I got up ran down my hall way (it was summer the front door was open, but the screen door was locked) to see a man sprinting full pelt past our front door at 12:30am atnight, with a small platform ladder.
Now I am a college graduate as well as a tradesman, I recognise the sound immediately on hearing the ladder. In my observation they stand on some type of small ladder/platform, to go about their ritual, they have to be off the ground,and they have a bottle of liquid, I have prayed a lot about this to get aconclusion, as at the start I had no idea what was going on.
I then moved approx. 3 years ago to a different address in R………it is now approx. 4 Km from my church but quite near to this Saudi Arabian based mosque practicing wahabism.
I am thinking to myself I no longer have to deal with this issue I had experienced in W…… I was wrong
The women next door is a Muslim and into this supper natural sharia law, every night she comes on the other side of my fence near my bedroom window carrying out some type of Islamic assignment. I have set up cameras and have seen some one on the camera at 1.50am, 3.00 540 am in the morning but have heard her at all hours of the night. They come every night, the Holy Spirit Gets me Up to pray and speak scripture with warfare as I wake up peaceful and then put the armour of God on that spoken about in Ephesians. 6:11. When I am in prayer (often praying in tongues and speak/pray scripture), she and the Muslims with her cough out demons, it is full on warfare.
They have also come onto neighbours properties toc arry out this Sharia law. When wanting to gain access to a property they use young Muslims in cars to drive past the property at the simular time they want to gain access to disguise the noise.
When they want to purchase a property in the area they are seeking to dominate they use supernatural sharia law against the sellers to receive more favourable terms, this includes during the day Muslimsc arrying out their prayers out the front of the property, as well as at night what I have said already.
The first observation I would make is they are directly attacking the church with spiritual warfare, this conclusion I have drawn by the fact they were active so close to my church some 500m or less.
Our church has suffering with some decline recently, some may interprete it as stragglers have been taken out of the race.
They are practicing some form of spiritual mapping.
In my experience they have been well organized and often use cars with younger people to muffle the sound of their activity. They also use Islamic occult acts to prevent them from being detected, but through prayer this can be torn down.
1. They are practicing supernatural Shia law
2. When they are wanting to invade and area they first take the area spiritually then move in with their people.
3. It is the spirit of the anti-Christ spoken about in Daniels prophecy
4. The bible indicates that the anti-Christ willdominate the whole world.
Some of the consequences of their practices are like a cloud of oppressive unbelief. In my experience to combat against this attack on the church, you need at least double you level of prayer and time in his word.
To assure myself I wasn’t going loopy, Ibooked myself into see a psychologist on three occasions as well as a Christian psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said that we are in the end times.
In his Christs Service
I live on the East Coast of Australia, where I live is not too far from a Mosque that is Saudi Arabian based Wahabism. What they are up too, is blatant evil, trying to control the area spiritually first then move in with their persons, they are not about integration, they move in with their persons until a certain saturation level, then move to declare the area Islamic, this is what they have done in Europe particularly France, Suburbs in the U.K and are attempting to do in our patch.
I attend church of 10,000 people, Pentecostal.
Over the past four years I have come into contact with Muslims who practice a form of occult Shia law at night, early hours ofthe morning, its some type of spiritual mapping. It’s demonic oppressive.
I contacted Stuart R an ex middle easternmissionary about it, and he indicated itwas probably the process of Islamisation. When the Muslims are desiring to takeover an area.
When I was living in W……. some 500 metres from mychurch, For six months every 3 or 4 days I would hear the sound of a ladder being placed, I would go into prayer when I would hear it, now understand this is in the dead of night this would happen between the hours of 10:30-4:30am anyway after approx. six months, the Lord said to me one night getup and run as fast as you can and look out your front door, I got up ran down my hall way (it was summer the front door was open, but the screen door was locked) to see a man sprinting full pelt past our front door at 12:30am atnight, with a small platform ladder.
Now I am a college graduate as well as a tradesman, I recognise the sound immediately on hearing the ladder. In my observation they stand on some type of small ladder/platform, to go about their ritual, they have to be off the ground,and they have a bottle of liquid, I have prayed a lot about this to get aconclusion, as at the start I had no idea what was going on.
I then moved approx. 3 years ago to a different address in R………it is now approx. 4 Km from my church but quite near to this Saudi Arabian based mosque practicing wahabism.
I am thinking to myself I no longer have to deal with this issue I had experienced in W…… I was wrong
The women next door is a Muslim and into this supper natural sharia law, every night she comes on the other side of my fence near my bedroom window carrying out some type of Islamic assignment. I have set up cameras and have seen some one on the camera at 1.50am, 3.00 540 am in the morning but have heard her at all hours of the night. They come every night, the Holy Spirit Gets me Up to pray and speak scripture with warfare as I wake up peaceful and then put the armour of God on that spoken about in Ephesians. 6:11. When I am in prayer (often praying in tongues and speak/pray scripture), she and the Muslims with her cough out demons, it is full on warfare.
They have also come onto neighbours properties toc arry out this Sharia law. When wanting to gain access to a property they use young Muslims in cars to drive past the property at the simular time they want to gain access to disguise the noise.
When they want to purchase a property in the area they are seeking to dominate they use supernatural sharia law against the sellers to receive more favourable terms, this includes during the day Muslimsc arrying out their prayers out the front of the property, as well as at night what I have said already.
The first observation I would make is they are directly attacking the church with spiritual warfare, this conclusion I have drawn by the fact they were active so close to my church some 500m or less.
Our church has suffering with some decline recently, some may interprete it as stragglers have been taken out of the race.
They are practicing some form of spiritual mapping.
In my experience they have been well organized and often use cars with younger people to muffle the sound of their activity. They also use Islamic occult acts to prevent them from being detected, but through prayer this can be torn down.
1. They are practicing supernatural Shia law
2. When they are wanting to invade and area they first take the area spiritually then move in with their people.
3. It is the spirit of the anti-Christ spoken about in Daniels prophecy
4. The bible indicates that the anti-Christ willdominate the whole world.
Some of the consequences of their practices are like a cloud of oppressive unbelief. In my experience to combat against this attack on the church, you need at least double you level of prayer and time in his word.
To assure myself I wasn’t going loopy, Ibooked myself into see a psychologist on three occasions as well as a Christian psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said that we are in the end times.
In his Christs Service
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