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The gift of tongues.


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How does one get the gift of tongues??? Is it just like they got it on the day of Pentecost - and spoke in tongues???

Last Sunday we had a 'Holy Ghost Anointing Service'. This is related to the topic.

Some people were prayed for after the sermon. Of course they have already made peace with God. So, a call was made: If you wanna speak in tongues, if you want this free gift of the Holy Ghost, come forward.

About 12 people emerged and were prayed for. Almost all spoke in tongues, (if not all).

It doesn't seem there is a procedure for receiving such a gift, is there???

Also, can a person who is not yet born again speak in tongues?
How does one get the gift of tongues??? Is it just like they got it on the day of Pentecost - and spoke in tongues???

Last Sunday we had a 'Holy Ghost Anointing Service'. This is related to the topic.

Some people were prayed for after the sermon. Of course they have already made peace with God. So, a call was made: If you wanna speak in tongues, if you want this free gift of the Holy Ghost, come forward.

About 12 people emerged and were prayed for. Almost all spoke in tongues, (if not all).

It doesn't seem there is a procedure for receiving such a gift, is there???

Also, can a person who is not yet born again speak in tongues?

Good question.

This is one of those topics which divides believers.
its the other main reason Baptists and Pentecostals dont fellowship.

Ok, so lets nail this down so that the mystery is solved.
Here is what you need to know, so that you are not lost in the foggy confusion regarding this issue.

1st...."the gift of tongues", is not the same as a "prayer language".
Right here is where 99.998 % of believers/preachers get confused.
So, get that, and then you'll not be led off into any theological weirdness concerning this issue of "tongues:".

"Tongues" as in the (1st Corinthian 12:10) gift of tongues, is simply a "foreign language" that you are gifted to speak as need be based on the audience.
If you read Acts 2 carefully, you'll note that the bible states plainly that there were a lot of jews in Jerusalem on that day of Pentecost 2000 years ago when the upper room disciples began to speak with "other tongues"...(Acts 2:4).
Did you notice the word "other" in the KJV?.........this means, other then their language.
And then your bible explains why.
First........"tongues are for a sign", and "jews require a sign"....1st Corinthians 14:22 and 1:22

Do you remember that the Jews were always saying to Jesus..."what sign, sign, sign, sign, can you show us???.......and that is because God has always dealt with the Jews using signs., and as Jewish Jesus came to the "house of Israel", and not to the gentiles, they had a right to expect and seek for a Messiah who came armed with "signs"...
This is one of the reasons Jesus did so many miracles for the Jews.
"Signs"....he was providing them with the PROOF they were looking for, to signal to them their messiah had arrived.

You can also note in your bible, in Acts, that the "signs of an Apostle" (2nd Corinthians 12:12} were consistently found in the ministry of the apostles.

So, during Pentecost, the upper room was filled with the Spirit of God and the apostles/disciples began to speak in foreign languages.
They also became very wobbly and seemed drunk. (Acts 2:15)
Thats a bible fact.
Peter even states that "these men are not drunk as they seem".
So, this can be the powerful effect of the Spirit of God on a person.
It is also true that you can be born again and not feel anything.

If you read the account in Acts 1, it states that the Jews in Israel during the feast of Pentecost heard them speak in "their language" (Acts 2:6-8)....that is to say, they heard the "sign" of preaching being spoken in each language that was needed so that all who were there could hear the Word in their particular dialect../language
This is the spiritual "gift" of tongues., whereby an unlearned foreign language is able to come out of your mouth for the benefit of the audience that cant understand your language.

2.) If you continue in Acts, you'll note that in ( 10:44-45) there were Jews present while Peter was speaking the Word to some gentiles.
These gentiles were filled with the Spirit and began to speak with the same "tongues" that Peter had spoken with, which amazed him and the JEWS who were present.....(This was a SIGN to them).
Now keep in mind what is happening.
Peter has just had the vision of the animals in the sheet that was lowered down from heaven......and he is told by God to "eat" what Jews are not supposed to eat according to the "law"..
God is showing him that what God says is clean is clean..
And the purpose is to get him ready for these gentiles that he preaches to who are given tongues as a sign to the JEWS and Peter who are standing there so that they understand that the gentiles are to be saved also.
Now get that, as that is so very important to understand.
The reason we know this is not a prayer language and is indeed the gift of tongues is because Peter compares it exactly to what he did in Acts 2..

Now, as long as you understand that there is a gift of tongues and there is a prayer language....separate things.......then you can keep yourself from being confused by ministers who dont understand this, and just roll it all into one.
However the gift of tongues, which is a foreign language gift of use to preach to Jews, or its given to preach to people who do not speak your language or you theirs..... is different then the individual prayer language that is given to edify you.

I wont go into all the debate at this point about if tongues are for today, or if everyone who gets saved is to speak in tongues, or if all the Apostles are dead and there are no more.
And the reason i wont is because this does not matter because, it does not matter.
Its a rabbit trail.
Simply understand the original reason for "Tongues" and why they were started and what they are, and this will keep you from being caught up in anything confusing and perhaps needless.

If you have a prayer language, then God bless you.
If you dont, then God bless you.
It does not warrant a fight or a division as this is nothing but pride and needless bickering that causes unbelievers to think you are nutz.

The main thing is to win souls, live holy, and understand your authority as a believer which is based on your position "in Christ".
Paul tells you in (1st Corinthians 12:31) to earnestly desire the best Spiritual gift, which is not tongues according to his list, and after he tells you this, he tells you that Charity is greater then any gift.
The fact is, if you dont love, if you dont give, and if you dont lead people to Christ, you are a blank in the Kingdom of God.
Thats a fact.
If you can walk on water, but you wont hand out a track or pray for someone's need, then you are not even close to doing the will of God.
So, keep your balance, stay away from being too concerned about these "gift" things, and remember that when you meet your Lord, he is not going to be concerned with tongues, but he IS going to be concerned with the fact that you led souls to him or not...

Keep the main thing the main thing.
Get busy.

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Kidron, it's good to say that you have written a post that I am 100% in agreement with. Excellent explanation of the issue!
Gift of tongues vs speaking in tongues, any difference??? What is a prayer language? I think I need clarification.

About half of your reply kind strange to me.

If I understood your arguement, dude, the reason people spoke/speak in tongues is to minister to that German Man who doesn't understand English (for instnace, a German is in the midst of an English-speaking congregation...but someone speaks in tongues. Fortunately it was German he spoke in order to carry this person along).

In a service that lasts for 5 hours this man continues speaking in tongues in order to carry this German dude along????

We had a brief gathering recently. Someone spoke in tongues. I didn't understand the language (if that was truly a human language), neither of us understood the language or tongues.
Or are you trying to say: NO NEED FOR TONGUES TODAY?

If someone spoke in tongues in your service and another didn't immediately give an interpretation of the message... then the service isn't being conducted according to the biblical principles handed down in 1 Corinthians 14. Do read that chapter if you are interested in tongues...

As Kidron rightly explained, tongues were indeed a known foreign language, so your example of a German dude is pretty correct. You also question the idea of someone speaking in tongues for 5 hours, just for the benefit of the German dude. Now you are in agreement with Paul about the limitations of benefit of tongues for a congregational assembly. Paul outright said that there should be no more than two or three people who speak in tongues during an assembly and if there was no interpretation then they should remain silent. Period.

Part of the reason why there is so much confusion over tongues is that hardly any church actually adheres to the "rules" of tongues within the congregation.

If one, in his prayer closet, speaks for hours in a prayer language, then his spirit is edified. But, if there are a bunch of people in an assembly, all chattering in tongues and no one interprets... then no one is edified.

Because I was saved via an Assemblies of God revival (and I must say more in spite of than because of it) I learned what I could of tongues very early on. I was left totally unimpressed by tongues at that revival and soon after it, after I had become a Christian, I read this:

Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries. But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. 1 Corinthians 14:1-3

Although I didn't fully understand everything then, I was only 13 years old and was wholly unfamiliar with anything having to do with the bible, church or Christianity, I decided then that I wanted to be someone that could edify others... I've never felt the need nor desire for a prayer language (however, if the Lord wants to bless me with one, that's OK)... but I do want to be someone that will help build up others in love.
Thanks for your reply, Dora.
Few more questions.

1. Do people speak at will or does it involuntarily overwhelm the speaker? If it is something that really comes upon someone (on its own) then it's the Spirit doing it - not the individual.

2. Some say, you speak in tongues when you are exhausted or when you do not know what else to pray. So, it overwhelms one, helping one overcome one's weakness or inability to know what to pray. All the individual knows is: my mouth prays - No idea what am saying.

3. How about some in the congregation who accidentally speak (if I may use that term)? It usually lasts for few seconds, may come and go again. I have witnessed this.

If about 90% percent of Christians abuse the tongues thing or don't quite understand tongues...then I wonder why. Such a highly spiritual thing should be clear to people.
Classik, with regards to your request for "clarification," I can see why because with all due respect what was offered to you was not accurate. (Please note - not interested in debate just examine the Sccriptures and see for yourself). First of all Jesus did not come doing signs to convince the Jews and it was said that the Jews wanted signs, signs, signs, and this is what Jesus gave them. Part of this is true, the Jews did want signs and this is what happened:

Matthew 12:38-39

"v.38 Then certain of the scribes and of the pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. v.39 But He answered and said unto them, an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas" KJV

see also Matthew 16:4, Mark 8:12, Luke 11:16 & 11:29

Jesus did not respond to requests for signs - He responds to faith. This is why when He entered into His own home town He could do "no mighty work" (Mark 6:5). If Jesus did signs to envoke belief in those who did not believe then He should have done more of them in His own home region and to those who opposed Him; but this is not the case, the signs came to those who believed (go through the Gospels and check it out case by case). This is the way God has functioned from the beginning and continues to. Jesus called those demanding a sign in order to believe "evil and adulterous." Why? Because when you ask God to prove Himself you are calling Him a liar or fake, take your pick. Jesus signs testified and showed He was sent from God (Acts 2:22) but He did not perform them for the request of unbelieving Jews. As with regards to tongues the Scriptures have to be considered as a whole and then the picture is clear. You will not find "prayer language" in the Bible - you will see praying in tongues (1 Corinthians 14:14) which is not a foreign language known to man. There is an lesson located at (scroll down on the page once there) that might bring clarity on tongues for you. Tongues is a gift from the Spirit and it is only for those who are born again. Unbelievers do not have the Spirit and cannot have His giftings - they are for the Church. Also, with regards to your question, the Spirit does not "make" anyone speak. Demons possess and force - not the Spirt, we must yield to the Spirt and His urgings. When the Holy Spirit is leading you to speak forth in tongues you feel a Spirit led desire to speak forth and when you do it is in tongues but you can close your mouth any time you want or never open it all. This control is why Paul could tell the Corinthians to get some order in their use of it. A believer who prays in togues can pray in tongues at any time just like we can pray with our understanding at any time. Glad to see your interest in tongue. God Bless
It doesn't seem there is a procedure for receiving such a gift, is there???
Biblically, we see the anointing of the Spirit in a gift of ministry gift passed through the laying on of hands. Brand new converts may receive the baptism of the Spirit through water baptism.

Also, can a person who is not yet born again speak in tongues?
No. As Heb11:6 pointed out, the gifts are reserved for the body of Christ, the church:

"27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:27-28 NIV)
"tongues are for a sign", and "jews require a sign"....1st Corinthians 14:22 and 1:22
There's no doubt that the gift of tongues is a visible evidence of where the Holy Spirit is, and so it is a 'sign' in that sense. But Paul isn't speaking of tongues being a sign in that sense in 1 Corinthians 14.

In that passage he quotes Isaiah 28:11. The point he's making is the Word of God that can not be understood is for unbelievers separated from God and cut off from the Word of God by their rejection of God, just as that happened to the nation of Israel because of their disobedience. The word of their priests and prophets had become meaningless babble:

"So then, the word of the Lord to them will become:
Do and do, do and do,
rule on rule, rule on rule;
a little here, a little there —
so that they will go and fall backward,
be injured and snared and captured"
(Isaiah 28: NIV)

Paul is pointing out that a veiled and meaningless message of God is for unbelievers, veiled and meaningless because of their rejection of God--the word of God that has become alien and foreign to them because they don't love and obey God. Which is totally unfitting for believers who are in fellowship with God and can hear and understand him.

That is why leaving a message inspired by God veiled and not able to be understood for the church is not to be done. We are the very ones who can hear it and understand it! So make sure the gift of tongues gets interpreted so that it can be received by those to whom it belongs and are able to 'hear' it. Veiled and not understandable words from God are for unbelievers, not believers.

"14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit." (1 Corinthians 2:14 NIV)

12 What we have received is...the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us." (1 Corinthians 2:12 NIV)
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Classik, with regards to your request for "clarification," I can see why because with all due respect what was offered to you was not accurate. (Please note - not interested in debate just examine the Sccriptures and see for yourself). First of all Jesus did not come doing signs to convince the Jews and it was said that the Jews wanted signs, signs, signs, and this is what Jesus gave them. Part of this is true, the Jews did want signs and this is what happened:

Matthew 12:38-39

Every miracle that Jesus did, was a sign to the Jews., tho some of his miracles were performed for a non jew.

Following Jesus, you can read in Hebrews 1 where Jesus is listed as an Apostle, and that the apostles did the same signs as he as these are the signs of an Apostle.
(1st Corinthians 12:12)
So, its impossible for Jesus to be an Apostle and not do signs for the Jews.

So, in Matthew, you have to be careful that you dont lose the context.
Sometimes Jesus was sarcastic, depending on whom he was dealing is the case with the verse you listed from Matthew.
Jesus absolutely came to Israel and they absolutely knew to seek signs.
And just so you know, Jesus never water baptised, will you assume from that , that we are not supposed to be baptised?
Its also not recorded in the New Testament that Jesus ever spoke in, will you assume from that, that tongues are not a part of the New Testament?
So, id appreciate it, if you didnt come here and try to confuse believers who are trying to get some truth about the issue of "tongues".

Jesus did not respond to requests for signs - He responds to faith.

Listen.....the New Testament tells you in 1st Corinthians 1:22 and 14:22 that the JEs REQUIRE A SIGN and that TONGUES ARE FOR A SIGN.
So, you need to understand the context of those scriptures you are trying to confuse people with, ok?
When Jesus was telling the evil, devil led, pharisees, that he was not going to play FROG when they told him to JUMP and show them a "sign",.......that is the reason he told them they were an evil generation asking for a sign.
He KNEW they were not going to believe, as he knew their hearts, and were only trying to get him to play their game, and he was not going to play it..
These are the same bunch that found liars to lie about him during his "trial", and the same bunch that said if he is the messiah, "come down from the cross", as that would be a "sign".
He didnt do that ither.

However, regarding SIGNS and TONGUES, they are for the Jew, and the miracles Jesus performed were signs and not just miracles, and theses signs were demanded of the Jew, who was told to look for signs, to expect them, and so, Jesus the APOSTLE as well as the High PRIEST, came and performed miracles-"signs".

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Biblically, we see the anointing of the Spirit in a gift of ministry gift passed through the laying on of hands. Brand new converts may receive the baptism of the Spirit through water baptism.

Well, thats some interesting theology you have there, Jethro Bodine.
Especially when you consider that 120 upper room disciples, during the feast of Pentecost, including Peter, received the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, and there was no water baptism for any of them.
Let me say that again.
Peter , and the entire 120, received the gift of Tongues, and the "baptism in the Spirit", and not a one of them was baptised in water to receive it.
Ive been in the Upper room, and there is no baptismal pool in the room, or in the building, just as there was not one that day when those believers in that upper room, were "filled".
So, maybe you can think about that before you try to confuse the believers here with your water baptism solution that is not true.

Kidron, it's good to say that you have written a post that I am 100% in agreement with. Excellent explanation of the issue!

Thank you.

Classik offers a lot of good questions and im glad i was able to share some help regarding this topic.

be blessed Handy, and may no weapon formed against you ever prosper.


Thank you all for your reply.

One thing now seems to be true. Since the original question remains: what shall I do to receive the gift of tongues? Should the leader lay hands on you and pray? Do you need a communion? Etc

I noticed some speak in tongues after they were baptised and PRAYED for.

I have noticed some get that gift after communion.

I have noticed some speak after the pastor prayed for them.

I could have added this in my original post.
It seems we can get it when we seriously need it - and no matter the activity or program going on .
How does one get the gift of tongues??? Is it just like they got it on the day of Pentecost - and spoke in tongues???

Last Sunday we had a 'Holy Ghost Anointing Service'. This is related to the topic.

Some people were prayed for after the sermon. Of course they have already made peace with God. So, a call was made: If you wanna speak in tongues, if you want this free gift of the Holy Ghost, come forward.

About 12 people emerged and were prayed for. Almost all spoke in tongues, (if not all).

It doesn't seem there is a procedure for receiving such a gift, is there???

Also, can a person who is not yet born again speak in tongues?

No one can speak in miraculous tongues today for those tongues were designed for a certain time and purpose which they fulfilled and are therefore not needed today.
One thing now seems to be true. Since the original question remains: what shall I do to receive the gift of tongues?
Ask for it, and let God do the rest.

God will give it to you if he wants to, when he wants to, and how he wants to.

It's not as complicated as some people make it out to be. You either have the gift or you don't. It actually has little to do with us.

I've learned that the key to knowing what your gift is, and learning how it operates, is to focus on letting God nurture and grow his loving nature inside of you. Then as you love others, caring about their lives and longing for them to experience God's goodness according to their need, your gift will rise up inside of you to minister whatever measure of God's grace you have been equipped to give them through that gift.

Put the focus on the more important thing, caring about people, and your gift will take care of itself.
No one can speak in miraculous tongues today for those tongues were designed for a certain time and purpose which they fulfilled and are therefore not needed today.
I'd probably agree with you if it weren't for God giving me the privilege of seeing the Holy Spirit descend on a group of worshipers, and the instant the Holy Spirit reached the top of their heads they started speaking in tongues in unison. Not loud, dramatic tongues that demanded interpretation, but each with their eyes closed speaking to themselves and God the gift of tongues they had. The substance of that language probably being praise and adoration of God as was spoken on the Day of Pentecost ("...we hear them declaring the wonders of God..." Acts 2:11 NIV1984).
"Originally Posted by Jethro Bodine
Biblically, we see the anointing of the Spirit in a gift of ministry gift passed through the laying on of hands. Brand new converts may receive the baptism of the Spirit through water baptism."

Well, thats some interesting theology you have there, Jethro Bodine.
Especially when you consider that 120 upper room disciples, during the feast of Pentecost, including Peter, received the infilling of the Holy Spirit in the upper room, and there was no water baptism for any of them.
Let me say that again.
Peter , and the entire 120, received the gift of Tongues, and the "baptism in the Spirit", and not a one of them was baptised in water to receive it.
Ive been in the Upper room, and there is no baptismal pool in the room, or in the building, just as there was not one that day when those believers in that upper room, were "filled".
So, maybe you can think about that before you try to confuse the believers here with your water baptism solution that is not true.
Perhaps you missed it:

"Brand new converts may receive the baptism of the Spirit through water baptism."

It is one way people might receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I remember one, possibly two people telling me they received the baptism of the Spirit at their water baptism. Most of the people I knew had received it in the privacy of their personal prayer time. I'm not even sure I personally have ever seen someone get the baptism of the Spirit by having hands laid on them. But since it's Biblical, I can't decide it must not be given that way just because it's outside my own experiences.

And that's the problem with this issue of tongues. Too many people discern it according to their own experience. People who talk in tongues obviously defend it. People who don't talk in tongues say it has passed away. Not having the gift yourself is not a very good way to decide it has passed away.
So, keep your balance, stay away from being too concerned about these "gift" things, and remember that when you meet your Lord, he is not going to be concerned with tongues, but he IS going to be concerned with the fact that you led souls to him or not...

Keep the main thing the main thing.
Get busy.
You say not to be too concerned about gift things...but then you turn right around and say leading people to him is the main thing. Leading people to him is a gift thing.

The main thing is that you live according to the fruit of the Spirit. That is what matters. That is what saving faith MUST do and which counts in regard to being justified by faith in Jesus. That will always be number one priority for the believer.

I've seen too much damage in the church by gifted people who stomp the very seeds they're planting with their insensitive, arrogant, unloving, condescending attitudes. And we are to think that what they are doing in ministry is more important than who they are in character? The Bible actually says to stay away from people like that!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, that is probably the biggest deceit in the church today. The sacrifice of service (or worship) will NEVER make up for, or replace the obedience to treat other people according to the fruit of the the Spirit. Never. But so many people think otherwise. They're in for a big shock on the Day of Judgment. But God has warned us beforehand so we can be careful to not let that happen.

"The only thing that counts is love expressing itself through love" (Galatians 5:6b NIV)

But so many people think that faith expressing itself through a gift is what counts. Not even remotely true compared to the command to walk in the fruit of the Spirit.
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