chessman .
There are two major issues with the lake of fire resulting in destruction of the form of ceasing to exist (there is another depending on one's view of what happens to the dead between now and then). Firstly, seeing as how all men are made in God's image, it is actually morally
greater that God
not annihilate his creatures and let them live apart from Him. Secondly, annihilation isn't punishment. Jesus gave very severe warnings about the final destination of unbelievers. But ceasing to exist not only isn't punishment, it isn't even remotely in line with the severity of Jesus's warnings about Hell. Punishment is only punishment if one is consciously aware.
I like your position. It is defining what punishment is, and what life is and justice, guilt etc. Now I cannot
go this far, but I can read what Jesus said and the apostles wrote.
There is punishment, with a purpose, but there are also impossible compromises.
At what age does a child become responsible for sin. When does the holiness given by a believer to their
child come to an end, and responsibility to the person becomes real.
I have always liked the idea if all people are actually eternal, they will be separate from God but tortured
by their position. But lets get real, hell will hold most people, and with the Lord are just a few. So in this model the
Lord is sustaining into eternity most of human kind to fulfil some desire to punish them.
But the biggest punishment is literally to meet the Lord and then to know you got it wrong.
And severe warning are there because the glory of God is so great, to miss this, is the hardest thing to bare.
Now as a mere mortal, love has taught me to trust the Lord, and His judgement, and listen carefully to His
eternal words. We get those words so wrong so easily. I have met believers who regard the sermon on the
mount as condemnation rather than freedom, as slavery rather than the wisdom of the King.
Now if some can get this so wrong, on some of the first building blocks, I doubt the ideas about hell have
been grasped correctly. The hell and damnation preaching, has always struck me as overly emphasise,
but rather that it is love and the power of slavery to righteousness because this is the Kingdom is where
God actually is.