Im not all knowing but my guess is Christ had not yet gone to the cross so the curse of the Law was still standing. Not one jot of the law will pass until all things are fullfilled. If people believe it Christ fulfilled all things. He did not fail.
Christ took away the sin of the world and nailed the law to the cross, and his commandments are Love with no contract attached, because there is no law. If Christ had a contract attached it would be the same thing all over again and people would need a Savior from the Savior.
Its not blessings and curses anymore, its just blessings.
I would have liked to talk about this a little more too.
We find this in Mathew 5:17
Jesus said He did not come to ABOLISH the Law, but to fulfill it. To make it complete, to satisfy it but not to abolish it.
If we consider Jesus' two Great Commandments in
Mathew 22:37-39
we understand that if we follow these two commandments, then we will automatically follow ALL commandments because we desire to please both God and man and do them no harm or disservice.
So then the question becomes:
If the Law still stands and is NOT abolished, then what's the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant?
I understand the difference to be LOVE.
The O.C. was written on stone and it was impossible to observe the commandments of God because there was no motivation that the Israelites could actually feel. They were like slaves all over again but to different Laws. There was no love.
The New Covenant is written in our heart. The Law is now not written in stone but on our heart.
Jeremiah 31:33
Jesus went to the cross on our behalf. To free us from bondage to satan and sin. When we see what a great sacrifice He made for us, we're filled with love for Him. We see that God wishes to be a friend and not a harsh taskmaster. So in response to this love, we WANT to obey the Law. It is not abolished but our desire is to please God. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit so that we may have the spirit of God within us and so have the power to eliminate much sin from our lives.
Would you agree with this?
IOW, the Law has not been abolished, but we now have the power to follow it.