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The Lord Jesus Christ IS God's ELECT...

Calm down and stop assuming you have all the answers....

The answer to your question is found here.

John 3:3 "Jesus answered and said unto him, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

That phrase born again is a bad translation, what the Greek says is born from above

The word is ἄνωθεν in the Greek

Short Definition: from above, from the beginning, again
Definition: (a) from above, from heaven, (b) from the beginning, from their origin (source), from of old, (c) again, anew

from above, again, from the beginning, the top.


Now what Christ is saying is that for a man to go to heaven he must come down from heaven (born from heaven)

This is why later in the same chp the bible tells us no man goes to heaven unless he comes down first even (including) christ, shall we open up the Greek on this also?

αὶ οὐδεὶς ἀναβέβηκεν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν εἰ μὴ ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καταβάς, υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου,


Explain to me why you can't do this elsewhere in your own thread. You've been asked repeatedly to do that and you wont. How come..?

This thread is about the LORD being the elect.. not a very popular topic I know, although it's a biblical one.
if one was born from above already then why the need for us to be forgiven as being born from above is already done. you were a spirit before that came to the earth, and God says clearly that which is earth is from below as in sin. why then would the jewish man nicodemus and the jews today and then were aware of a midrash/talmudic tradition of that the earth was god another attempt.i am assuming that this is after the time of christ and also wasnt in the time of the preinarcanation and most likely wasnt.
but lets say that that was the case, then why didnt nicodemus agree as he was already from heaven?

he ask must a man go back into the womb again.

also this is from a rabbi and it is not orthodox in ANY CHRISTIAN CIRCLE. ONLY mormons pus

the pre-adamic existance and even the jews dont really say that fully but that seems to give the idea that God had other worlds.(in their ideas)!/RabbiWolpe/posts/10150170248158697

if one was born from above already then why the need for us to be forgiven as being born from above is already done.

Hello J

Not sure I understand this question. So I will do my best to explian.

God created all souls long ago, Do to Lucifer/satan and the actions of the people God decided to have everyone (most) people born through the womb of woman (water bag) and live and see whom they would serve satna or God.

For a man to go to heaven he must do 2 things

1) come down from heaven which means be born out of the womb.

2) except Christ

You know some people choose not to be born out of the womb and left there habitat..
Hello J

Not sure I understand this question. So I will do my best to explian.

God created all souls long ago, Do to Lucifer/satan and the actions of the people God decided to have everyone (most) people born through the womb of woman (water bag) and live and see whom they would serve satna or God.

For a man to go to heaven he must do 2 things

1) come down from heaven which means be born out of the womb.

2) except Christ

You know some people choose not to be born out of the womb and left there habitat..
heres the problem, first off the man adam would know God well enough that he and eve would know satan and who and what he was as they went from a higher state of existence to a lower one. christ recalled his nature in heaven and never lost it just allowed men to do what the will of the father was. that is made clear

he made himself nothing.. he humbled himself.. he thought it not robbery being equal to God.

and why would God make the earth for spirits to become flesh and then in revalation have man live on the earth forever and heaven and God come to the earth forever?

and hell was meant for satan and his demons first. and they were spirits(fallen angels).
So what you're essentially saying is that you don't care what Eph 2 says.. how that you were dead and lost in trespasses and in sins..

It proves that we were not in Christ from before the foundation of the world.. and we should know that anyway... because NONE OF US existed..

Please do not confuse me with Prince. :yes

So what does Eph 2 teach you Reba..?
Eventide i saw the Eph and just skipped the 2 sorry that happens a lot in posting

Eph 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Eph 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Eph 2:3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Eph 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Eph 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Eph 2 tells me of His wonderful saving Grace. relates back to

Psa 40:2 He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings.

Eph 1 and eph 2 must work together. we just need to see how..

Eph is goose bump reading ;)
Eph 1 and eph 2 must work together. we just need to see how..

Eph is goose bump reading ;)


The point is simple.. how could you have been dead and lost in sins (EPH 2) if you were IN CHRIST from before the foundation of the world..? The answer I think is that we were not in Christ but rather that God chose us in HIM, because everything is about HIM... from start to finish.

And yes I agree that Eph is one of the most awesome revelations in the word of God.

The point is simple.. how could you have been dead and lost in sins (EPH 2) if you were IN CHRIST from before the foundation of the world..? The answer I think is that we were not in Christ but rather that God chose us in HIM, because everything is about HIM... from start to finish.

And yes I agree that Eph is one of the most awesome revelations in the word of God.

Yes exactly God chose us in HIM, because everything is about HIM... from start to finish.

Yes exactly God chose us in HIM, because everything is about HIM... from start to finish.

Yes, people can either place the emphasis on US or HIM.. and most people (especially Calvinists) place the emphasis on US rather than on IN HIM. In fact, Calvinists never even mention HIM when it comes to election..
Yes exactly God chose us in HIM, because everything is about HIM... from start to finish.

Complicated? Hardly. God Knew in ALL OF ETERNITY [our outcome]. But we DO NOT.. except BY OBEDIENT FAITH. But the choice is ours to momement by moment make. And most are as Prophesied.

heres the problem, first off the man adam would know God well enough that he and eve would know satan and who and what he was as they went from a higher state of existence to a lower one. christ recalled his nature in heaven and never lost it just allowed men to do what the will of the father was. that is made clear

he made himself nothing.. he humbled himself.. he thought it not robbery being equal to God.

and why would God make the earth for spirits to become flesh and then in revalation have man live on the earth forever and heaven and God come to the earth forever?

and hell was meant for satan and his demons first. and they were spirits(fallen angels).

Hey Jason

heres the problem, first off the man adam would know God well enough that he and eve would know satan and who and what he was as they went from a higher state of existence to a lower one.

Well we cant say that, yes Adam knew God well but still sinned after being warned

17But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

and why would God make the earth for spirits to become flesh and then in revalation have man live on the earth forever and heaven and God come to the earth forever?

God didnt just make the earth for spirits? who told you that?

God created earth for man - The spirit of man is the intellect of the soul, God created souls and loved those souls, until many of those souls became bad....

Now God could have easily destroyed those souls - but instead God decided to allow those souls to be born in flesh and that my friend is where the test now begins.
Yes, people can either place the emphasis on US or HIM.. and most people (especially Calvinists) place the emphasis on US rather than on IN HIM. In fact, Calvinists never even mention HIM when it comes to election..

Dude what is your problem with Calvinist? Im not a Calvinist but they are right on some things just like JW's are right on some things and Catholics are right on some things and pretty much every religion has bases of truth.

If a person believes something a Calvinist believes that doesnt make them a Calvinist,,,if a murderer says "There is a God" thats the truth, do I know become a murderer?
Dude what is your problem with Calvinist? Im not a Calvinist but they are right on some things just like JW's are right on some things and Catholics are right on some things and pretty much every religion has bases of truth.

Pretty much every religion has bases of truth..?

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Truth.. He's also the Way.. He's the Life..

If a person believes something a Calvinist believes that doesnt make them a Calvinist,,,if a murderer says "There is a God" thats the truth, do I know become a murderer?

Who said it did.. ?
Yes, people can either place the emphasis on US or HIM.. and most people (especially Calvinists) place the emphasis on US rather than on IN HIM. In fact, Calvinists never even mention HIM when it comes to election..
You know, your understanding of Calvinism leaves a lot to be desired. Calvinists, if anything, overemphasize the Sovereignty of God. For them, it's all about Him! You all who see themselves as having something to do with your salvation are the ones with the US issues.

Anyway, I don't see this thread as being productive anymore, so I'm locking it.