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The Lord Jesus Christ IS God's ELECT...


Maybe you should correct the apostle to the Gentiles then.. because he writes this..

Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

No need to correct Him, The condemnation of those all men, was Laid upon Christ. Thats why Paul could write rom 8:

33Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.

34Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died,

So, Yes, the Elect did incur a real legal condemnation through Adam, but it was not imputed to them legally, but to Christ..

The World of the Elect, never had one single Trespass imputed to it 2 cor 5:

19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

No need to correct Him, The condemnation of those all men, was Laid upon Christ. Thats why Paul could write rom 8:

33Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth.

34Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died,

So, Yes, the Elect did incur a real legal condemnation through Adam, but it was not imputed to them legally, but to Christ..

The World of the Elect, never had one single Trespass imputed to it 2 cor 5:

19To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

All this nonsense SBG because you've been taught by men that YOU are the elect... as if you don't need to repent and take up your cross like the rest of Adam's fallen race..

This is what happens when men talk all day about themselves being the elect and never even bother mentioning the one who IS the elect of God in whom He is well pleased..

Maybe it's time to stop trying to save YOUR LIFE and lay it down for Christ and His gospel.. that's all your posts talk about... how that you are the elect, how that you're justified, how that you didn't need to repent or trust in Christ..
All this nonsense SBG because you've been taught by men that YOU are the elect... as if you don't need to repent and take up your cross like the rest of Adam's fallen race..

This is what happens when men talk all day about themselves being the elect and never even bother mentioning the one who IS the elect of God in whom He is well pleased..

Maybe it's time to stop trying to save YOUR LIFE and lay it down for Christ and His gospel.. that's all your posts talk about... how that you are the elect, how that you're justified, how that you didn't need to repent or trust in Christ..

All this nonsense SBG because you've been taught by men that YOU are the elect...

All christians are elects, but within that is a smaller group of elects that will not bow down to the antichrist.

Mark 13:22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.

The tribulation time has been cut for the elects do to the fact even they would not make it

Matt 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

God also tells us that he has reserved poeple (elect)

Roman 11 4But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 5Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

Perhaps you can now show a verse that says Jesus is the elect of God, cause I cant find one anywhere

The rest of your post is more like bashing I believe savedbygrace doe repent.
Perhaps you can now show a verse that says Jesus is the elect of God, cause I cant find one anywhere..

You're not looking hard enough.. if you go back to the first page or two I have listed the verses from Matt 12 and Isaiah 42 which teach us that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect, the Chosen One in whom He delights..
You're not looking hard enough.. if you go back to the first page or two I have listed the verses from Matt 12 and Isaiah 42 which teach us that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect, the Chosen One in whom He delights..

Ok lets make this simple and quick,, you said that christians are elects because of there belief in Christ right??
Ok lets make this simple and quick,, you said that christians are elects because of there belief in Christ right??

First.. did you see the scriptures which clearly speak of the Lord Jesus Christ being His Chosen, His elect in whom He delights..?

As for the answer to your question... not quite... more specifically we become the elect of God when GOD ALONE places us into the BODY OF CHRIST by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.. Eph 1:13 teaches us that this is after we trust in Christ, after hearing the gospel, and after we believe. 1 Cor 12:13 says the same thing.. that we were all baptized into that ONE BODY by the same SPIRIT..

So when GOD places a believer into Christ.. THEN they are the elect of God because they are IN CHRIST who IS the elect of God.

I hope this answers your question, and I hope you see where the scriptures testify to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect of God.
First.. did you see the scriptures which clearly speak of the Lord Jesus Christ being His Chosen, His elect in whom He delights..?

As for the answer to your question... not quite... more specifically we become the elect of God when GOD ALONE places us into the BODY OF CHRIST by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.. Eph 1:13 teaches us that this is after we trust in Christ, after hearing the gospel, and after we believe. 1 Cor 12:13 says the same thing.. that we were all baptized into that ONE BODY by the same SPIRIT..

So when GOD places a believer into Christ.. THEN they are the elect of God because they are IN CHRIST who IS the elect of God.

I hope this answers your question, and I hope you see where the scriptures testify to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect of God.

Yes I am Familiar with the scripture you presented..

As for the answer to your question... not quite... more specifically we become the elect of God when GOD ALONE places us into the BODY OF CHRIST by the power of the Holy Spirit of God..SPIRIT..

Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

We see here cleary that God is calling Israel his elect and guess what? Christ hasnt came yet God hasnt sent the Holy spirit yet and there is no body of Christ yet.

I hope this answers your question, and I hope you see where the scriptures testify to the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the elect of God.[/

Yes I understand Jesus is the elect of God because he is God...

If what you said was true (which it is not) the word "elect" would not be used until there was a body of Christ.

SO you got 2 options here,

1) you can say Israel wasnt an elect which would go directly against scripture....Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect


2) you can say that they were elects before Christ came, which shoots down your whole thread..

So where there any elects in the Old Test ?
Yes I am Familiar with the scripture you presented..

Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.

We see here cleary that God is calling Israel his elect and guess what? Christ hasnt came yet God hasnt sent the Holy spirit yet and there is no body of Christ yet.

Yes I understand Jesus is the elect of God because he is God...

If what you said was true (which it is not) the word "elect" would not be used until there was a body of Christ.

SO you got 2 options here,

1) you can say Israel wasnt an elect which would go directly against scripture....Isaiah 45:4
For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect


2) you can say that they were elects before Christ came, which shoots down your whole thread..

So where there any elects in the Old Test ?

God chooses many things.. and that is what election is.. God chose ISRAEL as a nation amongst nations.. and even there we learn that not all Israel is Israel.. because the Israel of God is justified by faith in the promises of God.. just as the church of God is justified by faith in Him.
I never said otherwise.. nobody places themselves INTO CHRIST.. that is God's work. It also doesn't minimize or detract from the scriptural fact that men need to repent and have faith in Christ..

I know of no Christian who would disagree. yes we repent and yes we are to have faith.

Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
I know of no Christian who would disagree. yes we repent and yes we are to have faith.

Rom 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Maybe SBG needs to hear this.. I think that he thinks that he isn't condemned in his Adamic nature like the rest of us..
God chooses many things.. and that is what election is.. God chose ISRAEL as a nation amongst nations.. and even there we learn that not all Israel is Israel.. because the Israel of God is justified by faith in the promises of God.. just as the church of God is justified by faith in Him.


So where there any elects in the OT? Yes NO maybeso LOL
I just said that God elected, CHOSE Israel.. there's a simple example..

Do you have a point you're trying to make ?

Well by saying that we become elects by God joining us into the body of Christ, you are saying no-one in the OT was an elect because there was no body of Christ in the Old Testament.

The truth of the matter is there was an earth age that took place before the present one, a age in which God created souls and then destroyed the age do to the behavior of some souls.

Instead of destroying the souls God destroyed the earth age and then decided all (most) souls would have to be born through the womb of woman into this earth age....Certain souls had certain obs like Jeremiah, who is indeed was an elect.
The truth of the matter is there was an earth age that took place before the present one, a age in which God created souls and then destroyed the age do to the behavior of some souls.

Instead of destroying the souls God destroyed the earth age and then decided all (most) souls would have to be born through the womb of woman into this earth age....Certain souls had certain obs like Jeremiah, who is indeed was an elect.

LOL.. ok.. whatever you say prince..
Well the first earth age and things pertaining is a pretty big study, you might wanna narrow it down a little bit...

I recommend you start your own thread Prince.. that way each post can be dedicated to THAT specifically... rather than bogging this thread down with that type of information.