- Aug 4, 2005
- 4,716
- 435
hello dianegcook, dirtfarmer here
I am not Jewish therefore not part of the elect. I am part of the bride of Christ and belong to none of the 12 tribes.
As I read 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 it is comcerning that the saints shall judge the world and also the angels. Nothing about being part of any of the 12 tribes.
Ezekiel 40-48 is about the millennial kingdom in which the 144,000 sealed , 12,000 from each tribe will preach and teach the whole world about Christ. This kingdom is the earthly kingdom and the third temple that will be built, that was promise to the Hebrews in the old testament.
I am not of the belief that the "replacement theology" teaches.
Diane is not claiming to be Jewish, either, but of the tribe of Ephraim, from the house of Israel. Ephraim has the birthright unlike the Jew and is the elect part of Israel. But even that is a promise of becoming many people and many nations. The apostle Paul mentions that promise of becoming many nations in Romans 4. And within that context many now and even more later would receive the gospel. Even the Lord said to go out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, in which in another passage the Jews sneered and said to the effect where will he go that we cannot find him? will he go to those of the dispersion? These Israelites, who became as Gentiles "not my people" as mentioned in Hosea, and a sizable multitude, would later Join with Judah again in the end. God is not through with either, but the Jews especially he has yet to deal with.
In the meantime, the church is a small group, likened onto a spiritual Judah and Levi (Revelation 1:6) who will lead and teach the rest of Israel in the age to come. And not only the rest of Israel, but also the whole world.
I say this so that we all have to be careful not to cast Israel aside as if it's a mere side mention or in limbo until the Millennium. The bible is a book about Israel and everything we have in the so-called "Church age" we owe to Israel and indeed is patterned off of Israel and an extension.