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The Pope says "all religions lead to God"

NEW: #PopeFrancis on inter-religious dialogue:
“Every religion is a way to arrive at God. There are different languages to arrive at God but God is God for all.
But my God is more important than your god, is that true?
There is only 1 God & each of has a language to arrive at…
For now the Pope, head of the worldwide Catholic Church, works with the false theory as is above written, it because for now he, I mean his body, his universal religious structures, has only 7 heads (his universal physical structures developed in Europe, and Asia, Africa, Oceania, and North Amercia, Central America and South America) and upon his 7 heads (his physical universal structures) the name of blasphemy. <--Vicarivs Filii Dei

Now see, soon, very soon, possibly until the end of 2025, will manifest ANOTHER powerful religious MAN, much more powerful than the Pope, and he will manifest himself before the world as a whole, as messiah, a Jewish false messiah, of course, AN IMPOSTER(John 5:43-47), he will enthrone himself in the great city of Jerusalem, spiritually called Sodom and Egypt: Revelation 13:11- And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb(a false lamb, a false messiah),and he spake as a dragon. --->(two horns: These two horns represent two kingdoms: Israel and Judah).
Then there will be TWO Bests reigning in whole Earth: One with headquarter in Rome, another with headquarter in Jerusalem, as a political ruler of Israel, and main spiritual head and guide of Judaism. Both will make a deal to build an universal religious Kingdom. To start this satanic plan, the false messiah-Revelation 13:11-, the dragon, will give his
Throne in Jerusalem to the Pope: Revelation 13:2: " ...and the dragon gave him his power, Power, and his Seat, and great Authority. And the fase messiah will claim to be God: 2Thessalonains 2:3-4:
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

As say the topic: “Every religion is a way to arrive at God". In fact a false messiah, not JESUS. true Messiah and GOD.