Imagination at work again from the futurists!
The "knowledge" that would increase in Israel's "end times" of their old covenant would be knowledge of the gospel. Not any other imaginations of knowledge.
Satan would be "bound" at the beginning of the millennium (beginning when Christ bound the strongman) so the nations could receive the gospel of the kingdom.
Christ & the apostles said His return was imminent & in His generation-
Futurists don't seem to believe the Text AND they cannot prove why they think or believe (in Scripture) Christ's return is still future!!!
Can you prove it? Yet Preterists can & praise God for His truth in fulfilling the prophecies as He did!
How can we not prove it? All ive done is shown continuosly why He hasent returned yet, you disregard it because you believe what you believe, in such case how can one prove something if the other doesnt take an open mind to it?
You cant, I cant force you, noone can, it's your choice, so stop acting like your the supreme cheese of understanding when your biased completely towards your own understading, then your pious enough to be snarky about others who dont hold your view like they are doing something wrong because you dont get it, you dont get it because you dont want to get it, if you had to get it, you would be wrong on what you hold too now, and then you would have to contend with your own personal pride and how to overcome it to believe something you refuse to accept right now.
So how about you tell me why He has come, what has been fulfilled?
He said "soon" so what about the actual fullfillments? where are they?
The Holy Spirit through Paul said that when He returns i would be changed just like Him, raised up as He was raised up, incorporating a body just likeHe incorporated, so where is that if He came almost 2,000 yers ago?
It's not the Heper, the Helper is a Helper and is the reason why the kingdom is on earth in that sence becaue the Helpe is a part of the Kingdom, the Helper is of God and that iwhy the kingdom is with us, but ou inheritance isnt actually here, were being helped in promise that we may arise to our inheritance on the last day, which isnt a last day, which you take literally, yet you take everything else spiritually, you pick and choose to suit yourself.
Heres why its called the last day : Because from that point on we will never be seperated from our inheritance, we will forever be with the Lord, the second death has NO power over those He gathers to Him on that day.
Wanna know when Satans bound? Satan will be bound at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, he's actually still in heaven, not even kicked out yet.
He'll be kicked out and then he'll know his time is short and when he does if im alive ill probably be brutally slaughtered infront of people an made a mockery of, not because of who I am but because of who i believe in and Who recedes in me.
I wont be the only one, many of those in Him during that time will certianly be slaughtered like sheep to the butcher.
Well the jews in 70 A.D were slaughtered, no they werent, most fled and those ultra concervatives that got trapped didnt get slaughtered, they killed themselves.
But what about the christians? O they were forewarned by the Romans and told to leave so they scattered, but the saints should be slaughtered??
What about the Gentiles christians? certianly they were also christians in the exact same manner as the Jews? yes, but shouldnt they have been slaughtered also? Yes.
So what happened to them? not much because they were Romans and Greeks for the most part, Rome didnt do much of anything to the Gentiles.
But isnt the Dragon supposed to get angry that he didnt get the Jews and go after the rest of her offspring that keep His word? Yep, he sure is, er was..
So how come that didnt happen in 70 A.D?
Im not quite sure, so im hoping you can tell me, because I know most of what you know, i was once standing in your shoes, as i stood in the rapture shoes at one point also, and i stood in a "futureist" veiw wrongfully also at some point, until I finally figured it out, I cant figure it out, who am I to learn of God when God gives the knowledge and understanding? not Matt. But i was persistent of my pride, so He waited quite a long time for me, glory to God.
So anyways, I'm hoping you will actually take the time to read what i wrote, understand it and actually answer my questions, most people dont even reply when i post pure scripture regarding the issue, and if people do answer they usually answer like whiny little spoiled kids who spit at you and kick dirt at you when they dont get thier own way.
So Im hoping you will be different and yes I displayed my frustration in this letter to you and everyone else who views it because it is frustrating to watch all of you bicker at each other over things none of you could even possibly know unless that knowledge and understanding comes directly from Him, you cant study scripture for 20 years and be an expert, go to school somewhere and be an expert, read others studies all your life and be an expert, pick up the Word and claim yourself an expert, everyone in the Body has gifts and He gives them accordingly, and nothing regarding knowing Him comes from anyone but Him so i dont care if you 67 years old or 12, if He gives you understanding, His grace is upon that person and they are in authority under His grace to supply, to give that which He has given His servant because that servant loves Him and loves you so he is going to give what he has been given by Him.
So you can act all you want and spit and claw and kick dirt at whomever He gives understanding all you want, but that person loves God and you and will not move regarding truth when it is given, because its intimate, its Him and you do not want to step away, and trust me when He shows you truth, you dont question it, u sit there in awe of what your seeing and how you never saw that before no matter how hard you looked, so dont be pissy with one another over scriptures, i dont care what veiw you hold, simply show each other scriptures, talk about it in a loving manner and if it starts to get dicy, back off, relax, pray to the Lord and if you can continue, continue, His grace will come upon His, maybe not today or tomorrow or the next day, but it will, this I know.
The one that quouted, you were a perfect example of what im talking about so dont take it the wrong way, im not perfect either and ive done exactly what you are doing and may very well do it again in the future, may it not be so through the Lord, dont take it personal like im attacking who you are, im attacking the flesh, and yes it is harsh, but the truth is, because we have to let go of ourselves in order to accept it, we have to admit who we are and what we do, and that just plain sucks, but its true, and im not different than you, you and i are one through Adam, that is were of the flesh, so im hoping you understand, it was just a perfect example of our flesh to qoute and was the closest.
May the Lord Jesus come quickly that we may inhabit our true bodies through Him and put away corruption through His glory.
Grace to you peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.