Soul man
- Jan 26, 2017
- 479
- 361
The believer does not have any control over tutors and governors (circumstances and situations) while under the jurisdiction of tutors and governors,
Galatians 4:1–2.
1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
However, the believer does have a choice while under the control of tutors and governors. The believer can choose to-yield their mind to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will bring revelation to the believers mind at that point. When revelation comes to the believers mind the believer loses control in the area of Revelation and can only yield (accept or reject) to it, if they choose to do so. When the believer loses control in their mind, the Holy Spirit then brings compatibility between the mind and the "Christ in you" nature to the degree of Revelation received. Bringing compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature is the great ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The control factor does not exist in compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature of the believer. The whole purpose of tutors and governors is to gain control of the believers mind so the believer will relinquish control and allow the Holy Spirit to bring compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature. When tutors and governors gain control of the believers mind the believer is at the point where they can yield their mind to the Holy Spirit. At this point the Holy Spirit can bring revelation into the believers mind because revelation need not be controlled! Tutors and governors ( situations and circumstances ) lose control over the believer when the mind begins the yield process and revelation is received in the believers mind through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Most Christians are under the same circumstances as were those under the law. They attempt to use the soul/mind to live their lives for God, and as we know this will not work. Life in Christ is lived by a nature (Son Nature) and not by attempting to use the soul mind. This is critical because the born-again believer cannot afford to ignore the soul/mind just because they attempt to live by the nature with in them. The believer needs the mind of Christ so that they can live in total compatibility with the Son-nature within them. Our Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not controllers. It is our incompatible minds that are the controllers. It is very important for the believer to understand that the Holy Spirit is not a controller. He does not control revelation but He does share it with those who are willing to yield their minds to Him. If the mind is not compatible with the nature then the mind becomes a controller of that nature.
The mind can control the learning process but the mind cannot control the revelation process, Galatians 1:12. The mind may fail to comprehend revelation but this is due to the minds previous relationship with the sin nature. Although revelation is contained within the mind it is not a controllable component as is other facets of the mind. Why is this? Revelation needs not to be controlled because it perfectly fits the "Christ in you" nature in the born-again believer. Revelation functions in perfect harmony with the Son-nature in the born-again believer. There is no law to regulate revelation it is free to all born-again believers who will receive it. The reason religion has rejected revelation knowledge is because religion cannot control revelation. When religion loses control of its members religion rejects whatever is causing it to lose control. This is why commingling law and grace is so prevalent in religion because religion needs to maintain control so that religion can continue to exist. When religion loses control what remains is Grace/revelation in its fullness, which is Christ in the believer.
Galatians 4:1–2.
1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
However, the believer does have a choice while under the control of tutors and governors. The believer can choose to-yield their mind to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will bring revelation to the believers mind at that point. When revelation comes to the believers mind the believer loses control in the area of Revelation and can only yield (accept or reject) to it, if they choose to do so. When the believer loses control in their mind, the Holy Spirit then brings compatibility between the mind and the "Christ in you" nature to the degree of Revelation received. Bringing compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature is the great ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The control factor does not exist in compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature of the believer. The whole purpose of tutors and governors is to gain control of the believers mind so the believer will relinquish control and allow the Holy Spirit to bring compatibility between the believers mind and the "Christ in you" nature. When tutors and governors gain control of the believers mind the believer is at the point where they can yield their mind to the Holy Spirit. At this point the Holy Spirit can bring revelation into the believers mind because revelation need not be controlled! Tutors and governors ( situations and circumstances ) lose control over the believer when the mind begins the yield process and revelation is received in the believers mind through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Most Christians are under the same circumstances as were those under the law. They attempt to use the soul/mind to live their lives for God, and as we know this will not work. Life in Christ is lived by a nature (Son Nature) and not by attempting to use the soul mind. This is critical because the born-again believer cannot afford to ignore the soul/mind just because they attempt to live by the nature with in them. The believer needs the mind of Christ so that they can live in total compatibility with the Son-nature within them. Our Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not controllers. It is our incompatible minds that are the controllers. It is very important for the believer to understand that the Holy Spirit is not a controller. He does not control revelation but He does share it with those who are willing to yield their minds to Him. If the mind is not compatible with the nature then the mind becomes a controller of that nature.
The mind can control the learning process but the mind cannot control the revelation process, Galatians 1:12. The mind may fail to comprehend revelation but this is due to the minds previous relationship with the sin nature. Although revelation is contained within the mind it is not a controllable component as is other facets of the mind. Why is this? Revelation needs not to be controlled because it perfectly fits the "Christ in you" nature in the born-again believer. Revelation functions in perfect harmony with the Son-nature in the born-again believer. There is no law to regulate revelation it is free to all born-again believers who will receive it. The reason religion has rejected revelation knowledge is because religion cannot control revelation. When religion loses control of its members religion rejects whatever is causing it to lose control. This is why commingling law and grace is so prevalent in religion because religion needs to maintain control so that religion can continue to exist. When religion loses control what remains is Grace/revelation in its fullness, which is Christ in the believer.