That's not weak, that's what the bible says, sabbath is a rest from your "customary work", which is clearly defined as your occupation which you do in the other six days. What's really weak is being ignorant and taking pride in it.
Taking pride in what? I think it's "weak" to take a Commandment, which is one of the Ten Commandments, and then modernize it to fit how you wish to "obey it." That's completely arbitrary. Someone else may wish to modernize the Commandment to mean something else.
After all, there was much more to obeying the Sabbath than just resting from an occupation. It was a recognition that human works are tainted, and that God required human work to stop one day out of the week to give the land rest from human sin. That's how I look at it.
It was also to show respect for the entire Law, with all 613 requirements. That's how I look at it. So what's it matter what you think is important? God no longer requires that Israel obey the Sabbath Law because sin has now been legally dealt with through Christ's death and resurrection. Your wishing, arbitrarily, to resurrect an old law and modernize it is purely your jaded view of Christian theology.
On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it. But you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord for seven days. The seventh day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it.’ (Lev. 23:7-8)
So now you wish to "modernize" a "holy convocation" and an "animal sacrifice? You wish to rest from your job. But where is your "holy convocation?" If you're to modernize an assembly of an exclusive group of orthodox Jews, you might want to require a gathering of good Christtians--otherwise, you might not be keeping your version of the Sabbath?
And perhaps you need to make an offering, to replace the sacrifice? Maybe you need to take up an offering. Since the convocation was to last 7 days, perhaps you need to require a "camp meeting?"
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: (Ex. 20:8-10)
So you just like the "rest" part? Perhaps we should require that our "leave days" work out to be on Saturdays? Or, does it matter what day it is to you? If it is once a week in the Bible, will once a year work out in my modernized version of it?
So what are you taking pride in? Does resting one day a week for God make you feel spiritual and holy? Does giving up time to serve God when you could be serving yourself make you feel special?
Well, I suppose it should. But if you think it makes you better than those who don't want to give up one day a week for God out of obedience to your "rules," then I think you have misplaced pride.
God doesn't require this of us. What He requires is humility, and to recognize that we are not spiritually-superior because we rest once a week. It is the attitude of the heart that causes us to conform to God and please Him. If you're demanding that all others obey the Sabbath because you think that's important then you need to adjust your attitude.
God didn't make you a prophet to the Church to tell them to obey an outmoded commandment belonging to an outmoded Law that Israel completely failed and Christ fulfilled! I wouldn't take pride in your works, if I were you, because you were saved by grace! Obeying the works of the Law did not save you.
You can fail to be like God even while you devote a day per week to the Lord. It is how you behave each day, Sabbath or not, that can please God--not any particular day you decide to take a rest!