- Sep 29, 2016
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I see various evangelical websites explaining what we should believe regarding “the second death”, for example
The second death is mentioned on multiple occasions in the book of Revelation and is synonymous with the lake of fire. It is a “death” in that it is a separation from God, the Giver of life. It is called the “second” one because it follows physical death
The second death is an ultimate and eternal separation from God. The expression is found four times in the book of Revelation ( 2:11; 20:6,14; 21:8). J.H. Thayer defined the “second death” as “the miserable state of the wicked dead in hell” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, 1958, p. 283).This condition is characterized as the second death because it follows physical death; it is designated as death because it is the terminal separation from the Lord(Mt. 7:23; 25:41; 2 Thes. 1:9).
I would just like to say here that I agree, “the second death” will mean an endless separation from God for all who are condemned. However, because I see this separation from God also includes those least offensive of the condemned who will ultimately suffer an endless separation and departure from creation and life, I have to say there isn’t much else I can agree with on those web pages insofar as death and punishment are concerned. This is because of the reasons I have already given and because of the reasons given below…
There can only be one possible “first death” from which all other deaths came: The first death was a spiritual death, the death of God’s love living and ruling in the once perfect angel now called Satan. The first death came when a growing pride gave birth to a spirit of rebellion and contempt for God’s love, and with this birth came not just the evil in Satan but a growing corrupting power over so many others in creation.
After the great tribulation then when this contagious and deadly spirit of evil has been allowed by God to run a course of lies, corruption, terror and misery and to reach it’s climax on earth, and after the final judgement when every condemned soul has been seen to be justly cast into the lake of fire, then all creation will forever know where the subtle way of pride –a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority can lead. This lesson for all creation then will forever serve as the perfect safeguard for creation, creation therefore will never be threatened again: No free and perfect mind of reason like the fallen angels once had, will ever again admire the wild and exiting spirit of rebellion and dare to venture into Satan’s reckless state of valuing the self above God and truth.
Now the point I am coming to here is this: “the second death” the lake of fire, will be seen and forever known by everyone as simply being the endless death of evil in creation. As the first death gave birth to the spirit of evil which in turn began to corrupt so many in creation, so the second death will be seen as the death of that spirit in creation along with all it’s corrupting power forever.When all evil has been justly cast out of creation into the lake of fire and is seen by all creation to be forever defeated then all creation will know again the pure joy it once experienced before being scarred and threatened by the first death.
I can only therefore conclude that when a man dies in this life his body, soul and consciousness will at some time come alive again, but only when the wisdom and justice of God so wills and only for as long as He so wills; and whilst I can see good reasons to believe there is a punishment of endless torment awaiting the vilest of evil souls, I can also see good reasons to believe there is a punishment of eventual annihilation for those least offensive souls who were born to be condemned never rightly knowing God or having a true understanding of the good they ignored and offended. Whatever physical or mental suffering those least offensive might receive before their final termination will to some degree depend upon whatever suffering or terror they maliciously willed or inflicted on others without good reason and without remorse. “He will render to each one according to his works” Romans 2:6, justice will be done and will be seen to be done. Whilst all who were given knowledge and understanding of the truth and despise and hate the good so clearly revealed through Jesus Christ, and seek only to keep fulfilling their depraved desires to seduce and corrupt, torture and destroy whoever or whatever they know is good shall forever be seen to have been justly given the greater condemnation, and justice will be seen to be done…
The truth is all we have to hold creation together and to keep us sane, all then who know the truth well and now hate and reject the truth and know also the terrible corruption and suffering they continually crave to cause shall indeed reap what they sow: A continuing demonic hatred for the truth and for God and creation, together with an endless need to twist and bury the truth will only bring an endless conflict with God, with the self and with others. Such lost souls shall be given what they need – a complete separation from God, truth and sanity, and their endless insane conflict in their eternal fire of destruction will only bring them endless torment.
The second death is mentioned on multiple occasions in the book of Revelation and is synonymous with the lake of fire. It is a “death” in that it is a separation from God, the Giver of life. It is called the “second” one because it follows physical death
The second death is an ultimate and eternal separation from God. The expression is found four times in the book of Revelation ( 2:11; 20:6,14; 21:8). J.H. Thayer defined the “second death” as “the miserable state of the wicked dead in hell” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, 1958, p. 283).This condition is characterized as the second death because it follows physical death; it is designated as death because it is the terminal separation from the Lord(Mt. 7:23; 25:41; 2 Thes. 1:9).
I would just like to say here that I agree, “the second death” will mean an endless separation from God for all who are condemned. However, because I see this separation from God also includes those least offensive of the condemned who will ultimately suffer an endless separation and departure from creation and life, I have to say there isn’t much else I can agree with on those web pages insofar as death and punishment are concerned. This is because of the reasons I have already given and because of the reasons given below…
There can only be one possible “first death” from which all other deaths came: The first death was a spiritual death, the death of God’s love living and ruling in the once perfect angel now called Satan. The first death came when a growing pride gave birth to a spirit of rebellion and contempt for God’s love, and with this birth came not just the evil in Satan but a growing corrupting power over so many others in creation.
After the great tribulation then when this contagious and deadly spirit of evil has been allowed by God to run a course of lies, corruption, terror and misery and to reach it’s climax on earth, and after the final judgement when every condemned soul has been seen to be justly cast into the lake of fire, then all creation will forever know where the subtle way of pride –a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority can lead. This lesson for all creation then will forever serve as the perfect safeguard for creation, creation therefore will never be threatened again: No free and perfect mind of reason like the fallen angels once had, will ever again admire the wild and exiting spirit of rebellion and dare to venture into Satan’s reckless state of valuing the self above God and truth.
Now the point I am coming to here is this: “the second death” the lake of fire, will be seen and forever known by everyone as simply being the endless death of evil in creation. As the first death gave birth to the spirit of evil which in turn began to corrupt so many in creation, so the second death will be seen as the death of that spirit in creation along with all it’s corrupting power forever.When all evil has been justly cast out of creation into the lake of fire and is seen by all creation to be forever defeated then all creation will know again the pure joy it once experienced before being scarred and threatened by the first death.
I can only therefore conclude that when a man dies in this life his body, soul and consciousness will at some time come alive again, but only when the wisdom and justice of God so wills and only for as long as He so wills; and whilst I can see good reasons to believe there is a punishment of endless torment awaiting the vilest of evil souls, I can also see good reasons to believe there is a punishment of eventual annihilation for those least offensive souls who were born to be condemned never rightly knowing God or having a true understanding of the good they ignored and offended. Whatever physical or mental suffering those least offensive might receive before their final termination will to some degree depend upon whatever suffering or terror they maliciously willed or inflicted on others without good reason and without remorse. “He will render to each one according to his works” Romans 2:6, justice will be done and will be seen to be done. Whilst all who were given knowledge and understanding of the truth and despise and hate the good so clearly revealed through Jesus Christ, and seek only to keep fulfilling their depraved desires to seduce and corrupt, torture and destroy whoever or whatever they know is good shall forever be seen to have been justly given the greater condemnation, and justice will be seen to be done…
The truth is all we have to hold creation together and to keep us sane, all then who know the truth well and now hate and reject the truth and know also the terrible corruption and suffering they continually crave to cause shall indeed reap what they sow: A continuing demonic hatred for the truth and for God and creation, together with an endless need to twist and bury the truth will only bring an endless conflict with God, with the self and with others. Such lost souls shall be given what they need – a complete separation from God, truth and sanity, and their endless insane conflict in their eternal fire of destruction will only bring them endless torment.