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The Story of the Rich Young Ruler - Are We Hypocrites?


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Destiny wrote:

This thread makes me sick.

It has done nothing but breed division, selfrighteousness, judgmentalism, and fingerpointing between those who should be brothers.

I wonder if God hates that worse than someone trying to get into anothers personal business of giving, must be a close race.

Doesn't the bible say to give in secret? Some of you seem to like shouting your righteous compassionate deeds and biblical knowledge on the subject from the roof top.

Bibleberean wrote:

This thread is about judging those who have more than others and then telling them that they need to give up all they have and give it all to the poor in order to be good Christians.

That is what this thread is about.

I think it is abundantly clear that we don't have to give up driving our cars or wearing a Rolex to help others.

This thread has turned into an attack on those who have more than others and demanding that they give up their wealth.

It has been clearly demonstrated biblicallyand logically that reducing everyone to a state of poverty won't work to alleviate world poverty. It will make it worse.

Have a splendid day...

To both of you, I apologize if my opinions, comments, or shared experiences seemed to be an attack...I assure you they were not posted for that intent.

I admit that I shared what I had learned from my husband's deeds, and through God's mercy by losing him. I am sorry if you thought that I was bragging, or being self-righteous.

Blessings to you all.
Lovely, I have found your testimony very uplifting.

Thank you for sharing.

I find nothing boasting or bragging about them. You have been richly blessed in more ways than one. The glory is to our Lord!

Gary_Bee said:
If you disagree with "lovely", why not hightlight where you disagree with her. Simple.

I really wasn't talking about agreeing or disagreeing, but something else. Go back and reread. I never even said I didn't agree with lovely at all... Go back read again

Lovely you have no reason to apologize.
My problem isn't with you, but the spirit this topic has taken on.
Destiny, I think you started that "spirit" some time ago when you challenged ThinkerMan, a declared atheist, with this comment:

destiny said:
It appears judgmentalism, hypocrisy, and self righteousness flow pretty freely here too!

No one is suggesting that Christians need to be reduced to poverty in order to be good obedient servants of Christ?

Are you blind?

Drew wrote:

"I just think that what this actually means include giving up all luxuries. Are you prepared to argue that converting our "non-bare essential" possessions into $$$ for the milllions who are "the least of these" is not what it means to care for the needs of our "brothers and sisters"?"

bibleberean answers.

So it is true that the suggestion that Christians need to be reduced to a state of poverty in order to be "good Christians".

All luxuries includes everything above what it takes to live....

Drew wrote:

Actually, I think one can make a case for "bare-essentials" living without even appealing to the Bible. Consider the following:

1. If they have the means to do so, all human beings have a moral obligation to provide the very basics of life to those whose plight is not of their own making (i.e. those people who have not "created their own problems" through, say, a chronic unwillingness to work). Basics of life = food, clean water, shelter, security, basic health (maybe other stuff?)

2. There are, in point of fact, many people on this planet who are in need of the basics of life and are not responsible for their situation (tens or hundreds of millions, I would guess)

3. The "means to do so" from item 1 needs to be more clearly specified. I would assert that anything that is a "luxury" counts as an asset that could be turned into the "basics of life". A luxury item would be anything that is not itself either a "basic of life" or any thing that arguably could be used to generate "wealth" (even intellectual capital) specifically for the purpose of being used to provide the "basics of life". So spending $100,000 to get a university degree that enables you to contribute to the development of new medical / agricultural technologies is not a luxury item. However, a DVD player, a sports car, a vacation in France, a $300,000 house, a country home, a diamond ring, etc. would be luxury items.

4. One need not give to the point of being in need oneself, or one need not give once everyone on the Earth has the basics of life. In other words, it OK to be Donald Trump if no one is starving.

5. It is almost certain that the magnitude of need for basics of life (say expressed in dollars) exceeds the total dollar value of all the luxuries held by all people in the world.

6. Conclusion: We are all obligated to give up all our luxuries.

bb comments:

I don't know what thread some people are reading but I would say they either can't read or have their heads stuck in the sand or somewhere...

If that isn't telling Christians that they need to redistribute all their wealth beyond the basics of life then I don't know what is... :o

Soma Sight writes answering Quath:

How about another type of comparison? Say you buy a DVD player. However, if instead of doing that, you sent the money to Africa to be used on immunizations. You may save 1 to a few hundred lives.

Is your DVD player worth more than the lives of others?


That is the way to look at it.

A true Christian rejects materialism for the greater good of helping suffering souls as the Master Jesus did in His earthly stay.

BB comments again. I won't say someone is dishonest to say that I made a false statement. I will say that they must need a good eye exam so they won't miss the obvious. :lol:

From the opening thread...

Drew wrote:

"Now people will try to dance around this by saying we only need to give up our TV / car / vacations if they have a kind of unhealthy hold on us. Or that we are only asked to give 10 %. I think, to be brutally honest with ourselves, this is a little "trick" to rationalize holding on to our stuff-we simply convince ourselves that it does not have a hold on us, so its OK.

But we know that there are those who need the basics of life (if not here, then in countries ravished by poverty), we know that children are dying of cancers that might otherwise be saved if we all truned our plasma TVs and trips to DisneyWorld into research dollars. In other words, I think we cannot argue that there is no real need.

So are we Christians not engaged in "group hypocricy" by effectively affirming the acceptability of holding on to anything more than the bare essentials of life? Are we playing games with ourselves? I want to be clear, I direct this question to myself as much as to others."

BB concludes:

I have had enough...

I am not even going to quote the socialist garbage the blind man wrote...
Soma-Sight said:
Jesus is a socialist.

Is that why Jesus set Kings upon the throne because he is commie socialist?

Daniel 2:20-22 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.
Gary and Destiny,

I appreciate both of your gracious comments. I am afraid I am missing something in this thread, so I think I will but out now. :)

Blessing everyone.
think it is fairly obvious that God is a socialist powerhouse. Just take a look at the Garden of Eden, the first place God gave humans to play. No work, all vegetables, and no clothes. If that does not say "leaning to the left", then I don't know what does. What is more interesting than the fact that God is a socialist, is why the biodome collapsed?

The socialist Garden of Eden failed because, men could not follow the rules. In the garden of Eden there was only one rule, and we managed to break it in record time. We went from being benefactors of the socialist state, to being on our own. Our new natural state is one of continued toil, self reliance, and darkness. The important question to ask is, what to do now?

Man has two options, either we can try to regain our former glory or just try to make do with what the good Lord has given us. To regain our former glory would be to try to make heaven on earth. Can you say been there, done that? Heaven can be ran only by God, not by men.

Our only option, as the infallible men we are, is to make due, while trying to help as many people on the way as possible. This means pushing market reforms, killing Islamic fascist, and voting bush till we die.


http://sandcastlesandcubicles.blogspot. ... n-can.html
Soma-Sight said:
think it is fairly obvious that God is a socialist powerhouse. Just take a look at the Garden of Eden, the first place God gave humans to play. No work, all vegetables, and no clothes. If that does not say "leaning to the left", then I don't know what does. What is more interesting than the fact that God is a socialist, is why the biodome collapsed?

The socialist Garden of Eden failed because, men could not follow the rules. In the garden of Eden there was only one rule, and we managed to break it in record time. We went from being benefactors of the socialist state, to being on our own. Our new natural state is one of continued toil, self reliance, and darkness. The important question to ask is, what to do now?

Man has two options, either we can try to regain our former glory or just try to make do with what the good Lord has given us. To regain our former glory would be to try to make heaven on earth. Can you say been there, done that? Heaven can be ran only by God, not by men.

Our only option, as the infallible men we are, is to make due, while trying to help as many people on the way as possible. This means pushing market reforms, killing Islamic fascist, and voting bush till we die.


http://sandcastlesandcubicles.blogspot. ... n-can.html

What ever... :roll:
"Ronsvalle and Ronsvalle (1995: 45) have demonstrated that the amounts of money theoretically needed to eradicate world poverty could be amassed if all American Christians would tithe; every other existing Christian ministry could still continue to be funded at its current level. (This could be the reseach referenced )

"Obviously this does not take into account corrupt politicians, broken-down infrastructures and international obstacles to getting money into the hands of the most needy in ways that will help them over the long haul. But it does remind us that there is so much more that we could do without ever coming close to reversing positions with the poor."

Reference: Neither Poverty nor Riches - A Biblical Theology of Possessions by Craig Blomberg (page 252)

"Ronsvalle and Ronsvalle (1995: 45) have demonstrated that the amounts of money theoretically needed to eradicate world poverty could be amassed if all American Christians would tithe; every other existing Christian ministry could still continue to be funded at its current level

Matthew 26:11 For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

The bible authored by Jesus Christ who is God manifested in the flesh...1 Timothy 3:16

Page 38 New Testament King James Bible Local Church publishers.
CONTEXT... what they teach you when you first start reading your Bible....

Jesus Anointed at Bethany (Matthew 26:6-12)

6While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, 7a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

8When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. "Why this waste?" they asked. 9"This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor."

10Aware of this, Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 11The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. 12When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. 13I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."

Gary_Bee said:
Destiny, I think you started that "spirit" some time ago when you challenged ThinkerMan, a declared atheist, with this comment:

destiny said:
It appears judgmentalism, hypocrisy, and self righteousness flow pretty freely here too!

Do you believe if someone is going to use the bible to preach how to live to others, whether atheist or otherwise, then they themselves should already be practicing the standards that they are setting for others?
Hypocrisy is pointing the finger at someone else, when you yourself aren't living it.
I say lead by example.
bibleberean said:
No one is suggesting that Christians need to be reduced to poverty in order to be good obedient servants of Christ?

Are you blind?

Drew wrote:

"I just think that what this actually means include giving up all luxuries. Are you prepared to argue that converting our "non-bare essential" possessions into $$$ for the milllions who are "the least of these" is not what it means to care for the needs of our "brothers and sisters"?"

bibleberean answers.

So it is true that the suggestion that Christians need to be reduced to a state of poverty in order to be "good Christians".

All luxuries includes everything above what it takes to live....

Drew wrote:

Actually, I think one can make a case for "bare-essentials" living without even appealing to the Bible. Consider the following:

1. If they have the means to do so, all human beings have a moral obligation to provide the very basics of life to those whose plight is not of their own making (i.e. those people who have not "created their own problems" through, say, a chronic unwillingness to work). Basics of life = food, clean water, shelter, security, basic health (maybe other stuff?)

2. There are, in point of fact, many people on this planet who are in need of the basics of life and are not responsible for their situation (tens or hundreds of millions, I would guess)

3. The "means to do so" from item 1 needs to be more clearly specified. I would assert that anything that is a "luxury" counts as an asset that could be turned into the "basics of life". A luxury item would be anything that is not itself either a "basic of life" or any thing that arguably could be used to generate "wealth" (even intellectual capital) specifically for the purpose of being used to provide the "basics of life". So spending $100,000 to get a university degree that enables you to contribute to the development of new medical / agricultural technologies is not a luxury item. However, a DVD player, a sports car, a vacation in France, a $300,000 house, a country home, a diamond ring, etc. would be luxury items.

4. One need not give to the point of being in need oneself, or one need not give once everyone on the Earth has the basics of life. In other words, it OK to be Donald Trump if no one is starving.

5. It is almost certain that the magnitude of need for basics of life (say expressed in dollars) exceeds the total dollar value of all the luxuries held by all people in the world.

6. Conclusion: We are all obligated to give up all our luxuries.

bb comments:

I don't know what thread some people are reading but I would say they either can't read or have their heads stuck in the sand or somewhere...

If that isn't telling Christians that they need to redistribute all their wealth beyond the basics of life then I don't know what is... :o

Soma Sight writes answering Quath:

How about another type of comparison? Say you buy a DVD player. However, if instead of doing that, you sent the money to Africa to be used on immunizations. You may save 1 to a few hundred lives.

Is your DVD player worth more than the lives of others?


That is the way to look at it.

A true Christian rejects materialism for the greater good of helping suffering souls as the Master Jesus did in His earthly stay.

BB comments again. I won't say someone is dishonest to say that I made a false statement. I will say that they must need a good eye exam so they won't miss the obvious. :lol:

From the opening thread...

Drew wrote:

"Now people will try to dance around this by saying we only need to give up our TV / car / vacations if they have a kind of unhealthy hold on us. Or that we are only asked to give 10 %. I think, to be brutally honest with ourselves, this is a little "trick" to rationalize holding on to our stuff-we simply convince ourselves that it does not have a hold on us, so its OK.

But we know that there are those who need the basics of life (if not here, then in countries ravished by poverty), we know that children are dying of cancers that might otherwise be saved if we all truned our plasma TVs and trips to DisneyWorld into research dollars. In other words, I think we cannot argue that there is no real need.

So are we Christians not engaged in "group hypocricy" by effectively affirming the acceptability of holding on to anything more than the bare essentials of life? Are we playing games with ourselves? I want to be clear, I direct this question to myself as much as to others."

BB concludes:

I have had enough...

I am not even going to quote the socialist garbage the blind man wrote...

CONTEXT... what they teach you when you first start reading your Bible....

Jesus Anointed at Bethany (Matthew 26:6-12)

6While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of a man known as Simon the Leper, 7a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.

8When the disciples saw this, they were indignant. "Why this waste?" they asked. 9"This perfume could have been sold at a high price and the money given to the poor."

10Aware of this, Jesus said to them, "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 11The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. 12When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. 13I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her."



Commentary: Although the disciples’ indignation was not voiced openly but only among themselves (Mark 14:4) and to Mary, Jesus was aware of this and rebuked them for it. “Why do you bother the woman?†He asked, “For she has done a good deed to Me. For the poor you have with you always; but you do not always have Me.â€Â

In the parable of the sheep and the goats the Lord had just graphically taught that meeting the physical needs of His people is of the utmost importance and is a mark of genuine salvation (Matthew 25:34-36). But He was very soon to end His earthly ministry and return to His Father in heaven. And before He returned He would suffer, die, and be raised up. This was therefore not the time for philanthropy but adoration, not the time for charity but for worship. Just as she had done on an earlier occasion, Mary now had “chosen the good part†(Luke 10:42) and was performing a beautiful good deed to her Lord.

Genuine worship is the supreme service a Christian can offer to Christ. There is a time for ministering to the poor, the sick, the naked, and the imprisoned. There is a time for witnessing to the lost and seeking to lead them to the Savior. There is a time for discipling new believers and helping them grow in the faith. There is a time for careful study and teaching of God’s Word. But above all else that the Lord requires of His people is their true worship, without which everything else they may do in His name is empty and powerless.

John MacArthur - Study Bible
Genuine worship is the supreme service a Christian can offer to Christ. There is a time for ministering to the poor, the sick, the naked, and the imprisoned. There is a time for witnessing to the lost and seeking to lead them to the Savior. There is a time for discipling new believers and helping them grow in the faith. There is a time for careful study and teaching of God’s Word. But above all else that the Lord requires of His people is their true worship, without which everything else they may do in His name is empty and powerless.

Can't argue with that... :biggrin
Matthew 26:11 For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

I can't argue with that either...

God said it that settles it...



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