How you now interpret the embodiment of the Son of God was discussed at the Second Ecumenical Council in 381. At that time, Apollinarius claimed that Christ was not fully human, but that the human spirit was replaced by the Spirit of Son of God. The Council rejected this.
Jesus spirit was formed by God before all things. The Firstborn of all creation. The Holy Spirit is the Fathers Spirit. The Son who was, His spirit descended from above and was in that Human body. The MAN Jesus Christ. The error introduced by the councils is they believe Jesus's spirit is divine as well so they claim human spirit to fix that issue. The only Deity living in the Son is the Father.
The spirit of a being is that being and remains as God formed it. It never changes. The Holy Spirit doesn't convert to human spirit and back again.
What we know is that it was Jesus's spirit and He was before the world began. We know His body was human.
"Father into your hands I commit My spirit"
As I already showed several times Jesus would not have received His own spirit from the Father in Acts 2 and Jesus would not have stated another advocate given if it was His spirit. Jesus stated the Spirit would proceed from the Father and the Father would send the Spirit in His name. Christ in us.
You ask me how the Son is „from” the Father if the Son has no beginning. But that is the same as asking how God became the Father if He has no beginning. In the Christian faith, all three persons of the Holy Trinity are one and complete God. Of course, this is a mystery. This is God's existence.
Jesus came from the Father and there is no 3rd person. One God the Father and one Lord Jesus Christ. We don't know where the Father came from but we do know He alone is unbegotten. Jesus is the only like to like begotten Son of the Father. Gods Firstborn. A child of the Father.
God became a Father with Jesus's beginning at some point in history before the world began. The Fathers Spirit is the only Spirit that gives birth to spirit. He is the Father of all spirits even Christ Jesus. God "our" Father. Our heavenly Father.
Two versions found in the manuscripts. The only begotten Son and the only begotten God. The Father is unbegotten. The only true God as Jesus states. The God and Father of Jesus as He and the Apostles state.
I have no need to convince you so maybe we should agree to disagree.
TO ME AS WELL-My belief
yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.
You already know I believe the nature found in the Son is the Fathers not His own and He and the Father are ONE.
And if He and the Father are one then Jesus has to be all that the Father is. He is God in that context.