The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy

uhm, i would beg to differ.

genetics should prove that all americans from europe would have certian diseases.

jews have a ton of them. some unique to the community of ones more then the others.

ashkanazim, which i am, are more likely to have guillam -barret syndrome.if jewry has that to then a test sample of americans and comparing them to jew should show something in common.
America is not Babylon........America is the most blessed nation in the history of mankind,ask yourself why........All one has to do is read the promises God gave to Abraham......As for it being racist,only when people twist the truth.....

Founded on theft, murder, and slavery by masonic founding fathers with a goal of a one world government. I can just see God with the pom poms.
Founded on theft, murder, and slavery by masonic founding fathers with a goal of a one world government. I can just see God with the pom poms.

I think you are confused,the one's you talk about,are those that do the work of their father,you must seperate the two....America is no different than Israel was,that's why He divorced her,however He did not withhold the promises.......

Jeremiah 3:6 "The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot."

This is aimed at Israel, the Christian nations of today. Just as that ancient House of Israel sought after every false religion and form of idolatry, so also is the Israel of today. Anytime the Christian nations go on any new mountain they will believe anything anybody tells them.
We will see this chapter addressing the House of Israel spoken of separately from the House of Judah.

Why? They are two separate house [nations] in this sense. They are all of the seed of Jacob, yet they are two seperate houses from this time until they are joined into one stick (that is at a time just prior to the time Christ returns). Today they are still two separate houses, the House of Judah [the Jews], and the House of Israel [the Christian nations].
"Backsliding Israel" is refering to the ten tribes that went north in captivity by Assyria. In captivity they were spread out, and fled through the Caucasus Mountains, and spred out to settle in Western Europe, and the Americas.

The "sons of the Living God" are called Christians, after the Living God, Jesus Christ who came out of the tomb and today sits at the right hand of the Father. Most Christians today have limited Israel to the house of Judah, however this chapter in Hosea is directed to the House of Israel, whom God divorced, and called "not my people". Christians today just don't know who they are, or where they came from. They have no desire to return to old Palestine, and they are content to stay right where they are, and remain the "sons of the Living God".

God has fulfilled his promise to Abraham, that His seed would become a numerous as the stars of the heaven, and the sands of the sea. However, remember also that Judah was the king line, and that is what is being addressed here, that they should have known better. God is also saying, wait till you see what the House of Israel is doing, they will do anything that anyone tells them to do.

Jeremiah 3:7 "And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it."

The king line of the House of Judah saw and witnessed all the whoredoms that the House of Israel was doing. She saw all the idolatry and the chasing after strange gods, and she heard God's pleadings for Israel to turn back to Him. But God would forgive Israel and take her back. But what did Judah do about it?

Jeremiah 3:8 "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also."

It was God that divorced the House of Israel. Judah did exactly as Israel did, taking on other beliefs with apostacy. Leadership was to keep true to our Heavenly Father, but she [Judah] also was deceived and went astray.

And yes the goal,is a one world government(first beast)in Revelations.........

America was founded on Godly principles,but nothing is perfect,or would you care to show me a country that is.....
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It wasn't the people(now it's starting to be). It's the corrupt government and the corrupt international agencies, corporations, and bankers that control the government. The people at the founding were for the most part looking for religious freedom. The people today have no clue what this country is actually doing in other countries and what it's plans are for it's own people.
The United States and Great Britain in prophecy? It's hard to see things are getting better when your time is spent waiting for some Apocalypse. Christians should know better.

It's getting better all the time
I used to get mad at my school (No, I can't complain)
The teachers who taught me weren't cool( No, I can't complain)
You're holding me down (Oh Oh)
Turning me round(Oh Oh)
Filling me up with your rules(Oooh)

I've got to admit it's getting better (Better)
It's a little better all the time (It can't get no worse)
I have to admit it's getting better (better)
It's getting better
Since you've been mine

Me used to be a angry young man
Me hiding me head in the sand
You gave me the word, I finally heard
I'm doing the best that I can

I've got to admit it's getting better(Better)
A little better all the time (It can't get no worse)
I have to admit it's getting better (Better)
It's getting better
Since you've been mine

Getting so much better all the time!

It's getting better all the time
Better, better, better.
It's getting better all the time
Better, better, better.

I used to be cruel to my woman
I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved
Man, I was mean but I'm changing my scene
And I'm doing the best that I can (ooh)

I admit it's getting better
A little better all the time (It can't get no worse)
Yes, I admit it's getting better, it's getting better
Since you've been mine

Getting so much better all the time

It's getting better all the time
Better Better Better
It's getting better all the time
Better Better Better

Getting so much better all the time

- The Beatles
Show me a more perfect union and I'll move there.

How else could you achieve world dominance, power, influence, appeal, and cooperation from all of the countries of the world. The future babylon will deceive all of the nations. Who else would have a greater ability to do so? Historically, God has punished his own people more than others. Would this not justify the future destruction?
I find this topic fascinating, and have devoted a whole web site to it.

Besides biblical history and prophecy, Jewish historian Josephus also attested to the fact that the lost tribes were an "innumerable multitude" which were not yet reunited with their Jewish brethren. Just a historical fact without reading anything into it. So that clearly refutes the 12 tribes being reunited after the return from the Babylonian captivity. Besides, there are biblical prophecies that speak of their separation yet AFTER the Babylonian return time frame, not the least of which is Zechariah and Ezekiel 37, which is yet future.

I'll let the specifics as to WHY Yahweh ordained this and is left out in this post, but just reporting simple facts that there are lost tribes, and according to the bible they are not forgotten and in turn, would become many nations. Not my ideas, but just got to the places I was lead and came to this conclusion in my many years of Bible study and that of historical sources.

I got a lot of flak over this, and other similar subjects from self-appointed theologians who after awhile I get tired of hearing the mockery they post, if you know what I mean. So I don't know if I'll contribute much on this thread as I may see mostly only my name and seem to be talking with myself. :toofunny
I find this topic fascinating, and have devoted a whole web site to it.

Besides biblical history and prophecy, Jewish historian Josephus also attested to the fact that the lost tribes were an "innumerable multitude" which were not yet reunited with their Jewish brethren. Just a historical fact without reading anything into it. So that clearly refutes the 12 tribes being reunited after the return from the Babylonian captivity. Besides, there are biblical prophecies that speak of their separation yet AFTER the Babylonian return time frame, not the least of which is Zechariah and Ezekiel 37, which is yet future.

I'll let the specifics as to WHY Yahweh ordained this and is left out in this post, but just reporting simple facts that there are lost tribes, and according to the bible they are not forgotten and in turn, would become many nations. Not my ideas, but just got to the places I was lead and came to this conclusion in my many years of Bible study and that of historical sources.

I got a lot of flak over this, and other similar subjects from self-appointed theologians who after awhile I get tired of hearing the mockery they post, if you know what I mean. So I don't know if I'll contribute much on this thread as I may see mostly only my name and seem to be talking with myself. :toofunny

Great post. Your mentionings have merit and are worth exploration and the topic deserves serious consideration. Our satanic controlled world masters teach may teach against this for a reason.
While the Jewish state and the city of Jerusalem do certainly play an important role in end-time prophecies, not all Israelites are Jews. The ancient patriarch Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel, was the father of 12 sons. One of those sons, Judah, was the progenitor of the Jewish people. What happened to the descendants of the other sons?

The northern ten tribes never returned from their captivity! Settled in an area hundreds of miles from where the Jews were taken more than a century later, the ten tribes of Israel remained completely separate and distinct from the Jews.

What happened to the ten tribes of Israel? History has called them the "lost ten tribes." Where did they go? The answer to that question is one of history's most fascinating stories. In fact, the answer to that mystery is the actual key that unlocks most of the Old Testament prophecies!

As you may guess, the identity and location of these ancient peoples reveals who we are in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and among the British-descended peoples of South Africa. It explains why we have achieved such national greatness, and what will happen to us near the end of this present age!

The knowledge of the identity of the descendants of ancient Israel is revealed by a close examination of scripture together with the record of secular history. The most highly educated leaders of our modern world are blind to the true facts of this matter. They are blinded by the theory of evolution into completely discounting the Bible as relevant for today. As a result, they fail to see the amazing story laid out in scripture and its relevance for our future.

In Genesis 11:26–32 we are introduced to Abram, whose name was later changed to Abraham. The rest of the Bible is an outgrowth of God's dealings with him and the promises He made to Abraham and to his descendants. The promises to Abraham are the basis of nearly all future Bible prophecies!

In Genesis 12:1–3 we have record of the first promises that God made to Abram. God told him that He would make of him "a great nation," that he would be blessed and that through him all nations would be blessed, and that God would "bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you" (v. 3).

In Genesis 17:6, God promised: "I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you." At this point Abram also learned that he would become the father of many nations (v. 4). God told him that He was changing his name to Abraham, meaning the "father of a multitude," and Sarai's name to Sarah, meaning "princess." Within a year, he was told, Sarah would bear him a son (Genesis 17:19; cf. 18:14). Such a thing seemed too incredible for words, but nevertheless it happened just as God said that it would and Isaac was born at the appointed time.

"But aren't all of the promises to Abraham fulfilled in Christ?" some might ask. That is a question that must be answered directly from the Bible.

Clearly, according to Galatians 3:26–29, all true Christians are accounted as spiritual children of Abraham and heirs of the promise. The ultimate fulfillment of God's blessings upon Abraham include the promise that he and his spiritual offspring would inherit the whole earth (Romans 4:13; cf. Matthew 5:5). Abraham was promised an everlasting inheritance (Genesis 17:8), which certainly presupposes the possession of eternal life!
Obviously there was a spiritual aspect to the promises that God made to Abraham! God's grace was to be extended to all mankind through the one Seed, Christ (cf. Galatians 3:16). The Messiah, descended from Abraham, would be the One through whom the blessing of salvation from sin and the gift of eternal life would become available to all mankind through God's grace.

However, there was also a physical aspect to the promises to Abraham. The birthright involved promises of national greatness as well as agricultural and mineral wealth. In Genesis 13:16 Abraham was told by God that He would make his seed number like the dust of the ground. Here, clearly, the reference is to Abraham's numerous physical descendants who would inherit national greatness and possess the gates of their enemies.

The promises to Abraham include both spiritual and physical components. They point toward Jesus the Messiah, but they also point toward the birthright blessings that would be bestowed upon a multitude of his descendants who would become a great nation and a great company of nations. This does not mean that the recipients of these blessings are any better or more special than those who did not receive the blessings. In fact, we see that those who received the physical blessings have, for the most part, squandered them and turned from God, for which they will have to face His judgment.
That would explain why Jacob would want all the brown sheep in Laban's herd for himself, along with the spotted goats of course.
Besides, there are biblical prophecies that speak of their separation yet AFTER the Babylonian return time frame, not the least of which is Zechariah and Ezekiel 37, which is yet future.
What exactly are these biblical prophecies, other than Zechariah and Ezekiel 37?