CF Ambassador
- Dec 26, 2015
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God is not constrained by anything. I just don't know how this idea could exist.
God can do whatever He wants to do....but we are taught that He has given His creatures free will and the ability to choose Him if they want Him.
Notice that all your verses are from the O.T.
God does not cause lightening.
Storms cause lightening.
Storms are a natural occurrence ....
God set up a system but it got damaged somehow...storms are part of that system.
God did not cause any disaster in any city - except Sodom and Gemorrah because it plainly states that as history.
He withdrew His protection, rather, and left us and nature to work within His system.
And yes, Jesus commanded Lazarus, as He commands us many times ----
We can obey Him or not.
You cannot use Lazarus as a general example...it refers to a specific story at a specific time.
As I said, God can do anything He wishes to do.
If you're not doing good now....you have a problem anyway since your good works prove that you are
persevering as a good saint should.
Do you think I choose evil all the t ime?
Do you never sin?
If so, why would God make you sin?
And why does God hold persons responsible for sinning when it is HE that determines it?
Does it not become unjust to send them to hell for doing what HE made them do?
(please don't try to say that the two are fact --- the two cannot be reconciled).
And why be so terrified?
I'm not and I don't think anyone on this forum that is non-calvinist is terrified.
We love God and wish to please Him and trust that Jesus will finish what He began.
We just need to let Him do it; let the Holy Spirit do His work in us.
It is our faith that saves us....then we naturally do good works.
not our good works without faith.
When did I boast?
When has anyone boasted?
What is there to boast about?
Amen from my side too.
God planned our salvation from the beginning of time.
He knew we'd fail and that we'd need help.
How much does God love His world that He gave His only begotten Son?
That whosoever believes in Him will be saved.
It's good to understand each other.
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When I read the scriptures, I do not see a God who seems constrained by anything other than His own nature. Look at these passages:
Psalm 33:10–11 (ESV)10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing;he frustrates the plans of the peoples.11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever,the plans of his heart to all generations. ]Psalm 115:3 (ESV)3 Our God is in the heavens;he does all that he pleases.Amos 3:6 (ESV)6 Is a trumpet blown in a city,and the people are not afraid?Does disaster come to a city,unless the LORD has done it?Lamentations 3:37–38 (ESV)37 Who has spoken and it came to pass,unless the Lord has commanded it?38 Is it not from the mouth of the Most Highthat good and bad come?Proverbs 21:1 (ESV)The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD;he turns it wherever he will.Psalm 135:5–10 (ESV)5 For I know that the LORD is great,and that our Lord is above all gods.6 Whatever the LORD pleases, he does,in heaven and on earth,in the seas and all deeps.7 He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,who makes lightnings for the rainand brings forth the wind from his storehouses.8 He it was who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,both of man and of beast;9 who in your midst, O Egypt,sent signs and wondersagainst Pharaoh and all his servants;10 who struck down many nationsand killed mighty kings,
And the list goes on and on. (Jesus did not ask Lazarus to rise, He commanded and Lazarus arose.) These passages, and many more, present a God who is very much in charge and shows no hint of bending his will to the creatures He fashioned from dust.
God is not constrained by anything. I just don't know how this idea could exist.
God can do whatever He wants to do....but we are taught that He has given His creatures free will and the ability to choose Him if they want Him.
Notice that all your verses are from the O.T.
God does not cause lightening.
Storms cause lightening.
Storms are a natural occurrence ....
God set up a system but it got damaged somehow...storms are part of that system.
God did not cause any disaster in any city - except Sodom and Gemorrah because it plainly states that as history.
He withdrew His protection, rather, and left us and nature to work within His system.
And yes, Jesus commanded Lazarus, as He commands us many times ----
We can obey Him or not.
You cannot use Lazarus as a general example...it refers to a specific story at a specific time.
As I said, God can do anything He wishes to do.
Also, knowing my own weakness and bent toward evil, I need a God that will cause me to finish my race and take me home to Himself. I desperately need an author and finisher of my faith. I DO NOT HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to be left with decisions to choose Good. To imagine myself believing as you do is terrifying. I do not want my salvation to rest on such a frail web of my own will to do good.
If you're not doing good now....you have a problem anyway since your good works prove that you are
persevering as a good saint should.
Do you think I choose evil all the t ime?
Do you never sin?
If so, why would God make you sin?
And why does God hold persons responsible for sinning when it is HE that determines it?
Does it not become unjust to send them to hell for doing what HE made them do?
(please don't try to say that the two are fact --- the two cannot be reconciled).
And why be so terrified?
I'm not and I don't think anyone on this forum that is non-calvinist is terrified.
We love God and wish to please Him and trust that Jesus will finish what He began.
We just need to let Him do it; let the Holy Spirit do His work in us.
It is our faith that saves us....then we naturally do good works.
not our good works without faith.
The scriptures speak of having no room for boasting. In my mind, your belief gives you much to boast about.
When did I boast?
When has anyone boasted?
What is there to boast about?
Every single righteous choice to do good, from your choice to be born again to your choice to not jaywalk, has a singular chain link you can point to and say, "Without my free-will decision, it would not have happened." I am good with looking to my Father and recognizing it was Him from beginning to end that brought about my salvation. To Him be ALL the glory. Amen.
Amen from my side too.
God planned our salvation from the beginning of time.
He knew we'd fail and that we'd need help.
How much does God love His world that He gave His only begotten Son?
That whosoever believes in Him will be saved.
No problem.PS - Sorry for taking so long to get to responding to our earlier dialog.
It's good to understand each other.