bibleberean said:Billy Joel? Isn't he the guy that wanted to be the first one to have sex with a "nice Catholic girl" named Virginia?
Billy Joel is very, very honest...
Oh, a fine example for us to follow! (sarcasm)
Thanks for sharing your sense of humor BB.
Now, I was scorned in one of the apologetics threads for finding a message humorous, will I be scorned for laughing in this thread, also? :-?
I would hope not. No harm in finding humor where humor exists. Right?
Being a former Catholic myself, I wonder, why are so many catholics in denial of the truth of how they see Mary, the mother of Jesus and all the rest of the saints? St. Joseph is another one they pray to and kneel down before as if the statue is a thing to kneel down before it. And in doing so they are using them to intercede to get to God. When Christ died on the cross the veil was torn from the bottom up! Am I mistaken or doesn't that mean we have access to God through Christ Jesus now? We no longer have to give animal sacrifices nor do we have to do as the levi priests did to come into the presense of God. We are not to go through some saint that is represented by a wooden or plaster statue to get God to hear our prayers, All we need is the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus is our intercessor. Bowing down to some statue is not much different than bowing down to some golden calf. Yes, I know this arguement is a never ending one with those who insist on using Mary to hear their prayers and interced for them, so I should not be so surprised. :-?
Well, I praise God I left the Catholic denomination. Back in the 70's I kept going back to them in hopes to see that they changed their greedy ways, but in the 80's they were not much different, except that they now accepted charismatics and guitar masses. So I again walked away from them and realized that it is futile to be joined to a church that is greedy and kneels down in front of statues and prays to the person the statue is named after! Every catholic church I ever belonged to looked down on people who didn't have much money to give to them! I even went to a catholic counselor a couple of times for guidance in which direction I should take as far as my career, and she asked me to at least give her Money for her counseling services. She knew I had no job at the time and no income! But she still asked me to give her money when the counseling service were supposed to be a "free" service provided by the church! She knew that my bills were more than my income! And she still asked me for money for her counseling services! Check made out in her name. Not the churches name but her name. How greedy is that? I even asked if I could find a job at the community center, and she said, "As long as you are in counseling with me you can't have a job here." :o
Well, I stopped sessions with that woman just after only two times of seeing her! And she wanted money from me each time I went there! Yeah, A caring church! They take from the poor to give to the rich!
Sad to say my experience with the catholic church has been one of nothing but money hungry materialistic greedy people who don't really give one bit of care about those in need of counsel or help in times of hardship. When I left the meeting with her she drove a brand new car and I had this old beat up car. I wonder what she thought about taking money from me after she saw that car I had? Nothing? Do you think she even thought about taking money from a poor person?
They think telling people to say their hail Mary's and The Act of Contrition will do service for a person in need just fine enough! The Catholic church has never helped me in my time of need! Never in my childhood and never in my adult years! They have always taken from my poor mother and they have always looked for money from me and my family. That was the initial subject that was brought up during my meetings with them and the most important one as far as they were concerned! Back in the late 60's early 70's I don't recall exactly which year it was, it was so long ago... When I was engaged to be married, I went to the catholic church to ask them to marry us, and the first thing that priest did was reach in his desk drawer and pullout some envelopes for us to give to the church. He said we had to "become members" of the church and said nothing more. He ended our meeting! :o
I ask God to help me overcome this feeling I have for them!
These sour memories 30 years of mostly sour memories, keep coming up in my testimonies about my experiences with the catholic church. They are too many, and very few good memories.
Will there ever be a day I have a good experience with the catholic church? I wonder. Oh I have one..... That place I went for 2 sessions of counseling.... It was in a HUGE Beautiful Five Story "Mansion" which sits on 56 acres of land! :-?