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The vow of celibacy -- is it good ? or bad for you?



compare this to the bible,


EVEN some of the 12 disciples of CHRIST were married ..
why are priest never married ??

cardinals and etc arent married

nuns are never married ?

im not respecting no1
a bishop is advised to be married
no one is to forbid marriage .. ..

WOMEN who are priests?
women who are nuns?
women committ to the service of GOD ,, but never wants to be with a man and vice versa

in the 3rd - 5 th cenuries ... the councils of rome argued trinity..... sabbath ... the INFALLIBILITY OF PAPAL ROME ( HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE )..... saints ... rosary .... heresy & persecutions...... veneration of QUEEN OF HEAVEN (( YES THE virgin MARY )) ,, and few others ... were difficult to discuss and have the public still remaining as faithful to the CHURCH.

JESUS IS our high priest --


<< bible - BOOK of 1 Timothy 3:2 >>

The bishop therefore must be without reproach, the husband of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, orderly, given to hospitality, apt to teach;

BOOK of of Romans . 12:1: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service." [Greek: latreia]
we dont need ceremonial priesthood

its strange that I, a catholic believes jews and the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS are in the old testament based


PRESBYTERIANS and etc,,,,,,, still practice LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD

(Prov. 27:13; Luke 24:51; John 17:9; Acts 5:31; 13:39; 15:14; Eph.1:20; I Tim. 2:5; Heb. 4:14-15; 8:1; 10:26; I John 2:2).

im a christian too
1: I agree that people are designed to be married. I don't think it's necessarily sinful if a person chose to remain single, but I don't think a vow of celibacy helps anyone or does any good.

2: You might want to reword the above post a bit. Seems kind of chaotic and hard to follow. You mentioned a bunch of different topics, started a few points, but didn't really flesh any of them out very thoroughly. You might get more responses if you have a more focused approach.
As we can read in Corinthians, not all believers are called to the same lifestyle.
Some are called to remain single and some are called to marriage. Do not underestimate the former, because Paul [and I believe God too] clearly sees it as a valuable vocation. It's a personal thing of every individual.
But if the question is whether celibacy should be mandatory for all priests like it is in some denominations, then I believe it doesn't have to be so. We can see from the protestant denominations that pastors who have a family are well capable of serving the church well too. They must decide for themselves if having a family would restrict their serving God and the church or if they're able to dedicate themselves to both.
In the Catholic Church, such things as priestly celibacy is not doctrine, meaning that it is discipline, held in particular by the Roman Rite. Pope JP II announced that the Church has NO power to ordain women as priests as Christ himself, who had women followers, never made a woman an apostle. Priests who take the vow of celibacy are called to love all people equally, and marriage can get in the way. There is nothing wrong with celibacy, as Paul and Christ both were celibate, and called for men to be as they were. Priests are to be as Christ on earth, more so than the layman.