Greetings Barbarian
R: Can you supply some science papers showing Panthers and domestic cats on this please?
You were supposed to show me an example of a Panther not genetically capable of growing a successful zygote with a domestic cat.....
Instead you show me Evening flower, a plant, and some species of fruit flies...
I was interested to seeing if any species of cat could not successfully make a zygote grow. If the gamete of any cat species could not grow with the gamete of any other cat species , than we would falsify kinds.
You did not show me anything.
Now I am not asking they mate, or grow to make viable offspring or fertile offspring....we know mutations spoil things so any distant species may not grow fully successfully, but at least the zygote should develop and grow for a while...that would prove kinds exist between distance species of a kind. So any cat species should make a zygote grow if artificially implanted with a gamete of the same kind. (I would imagine species within a kind have the same chromosome number and other external DNA similarities)
R: So you saying a Panther gamete when artificially engineered into a zygote with a domestic cat gamete, that such a zygote fails to grow and develop?
B: Probably won't work, because there has to be specific recognition between sperm and egg to manage fusion. And that is an entirely different thing than the survival of the fertilize egg to birth.
Your not following me, you artificially implant the DNA of one gamete species into the egg of another gamete species bypassing the protein blocks of recognition. If the species are of the same kind (all things be equal) the zygote combination should develop and grow. Outside a kind, they should not grow and develop. That's an easy test to do by science, simply allow the zygote to grow and develop for say 10 days to confirm the creature is viable as a genetic match for compatibility.
But here I am assuming the compatibility of a species to grow is inside the DNA where such kind boundaries exist, not externally wired with protein recognition and other factors...I suspect the DNA code itself should block DNA code from species not related to its kind. So here is a simple test for science to verify is kind exists within the DNA code or not at a genetics level.
R: Such a union should grow.
B: Show us your evidence for that.
I am not a scientist, just a teacher without a lab.
R: Has anybody tried a ape gamete artificially joined into a zygote with a human gamete? This should NOT grow at all.
B: Almost certainly would grow, since the recognition in primates seems to be pretty much the same. Scientists have, for example, done this with a rhesus monkey and a baboon, which are much more different genetically than humans and chimpanzees. But with different numbers of chromosomes, it probably wouldn't be viable, or if it was, it would be sterile.
More details in your answer please. I would suspect monkey and baboon to be within a kind, so zygote development should be possible. A human and an ape should not be possible.
R: You say I cannot define kinds,
B: No one else can, either. It's a religious idea, and all attempts for a testable definition have failed
I have given science above in this post a method to test the idea of kinds. Simply artificially join the gametes of dozens of species together and incubate them for 10 days to see if some grow.
Find two species known to be a Bible kinds but with the same number of chromosomes, in this case 38 for cats and 38 for pigs, Biblically these animals are different kinds.
Take 10 species of cats and join them to 10 other species of cats, making 100 zygote combinations.
All of them should grow zygotes after 10 days.
Take 10 species of pigs join them to 10 other species of pigs making 100 zygote combinations.
All of them should grow zygotes after 10 days.
Now take combinations of cat gametes and of pig gametes and incubate them as zygotes for 10 days. Such combinations should all die.
R:Evolutionists scoff they experiment with DNA code and claim to know some things.
B: Doesn't sound like scoffing. All these things came about because scientists investigated the matter. For example, what creationists assumed was "junk" DNA, turns out to have some functions in many cases. And this was first realized in the 1960s, long before creationists suspected anything.
Pardon ?? Show me a paper where creationists call non-protein DNA code "junk DNA" wasn't this term first develop by Evolutionists ?
B: Here we present a draft genome sequence of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). Through comparison with the human genome, we have generated a largely complete catalogue of the genetic differences that have accumulated since the human and chimpanzee species diverged from our common ancestor, constituting approximately thirty-five million single-nucleotide changes, five million insertion/deletion events, and various chromosomal rearrangements.
Are you saying 35 million single-nucleotide changes, makes a chimp similar to a human? Why just a few dozen DNA code lines of code could unleash a whole array of differences between not the amount of DNA code we need to look at but what the DNA code does when its running inside an animal. I would say chimp and man have similar design for the first level of DNA code, but that's about have to run the DNA program and see what each code does before assessing how similar each creature really is, and I suspect we are no where near similar at all.
R: This statement suggest we have read the entire DNA between humans and chimps and they compare almost the same ? Is this true ?
B: Yep. Depending on what you mean by "almost." Because there are so many bases in our DNA, there are millions of differences, but they only differ by a few percent.
Are you saying science has mapped the non-coding protein DNA and the protein coding DNA for both chimps and humans 100% fully ? And they are 98% similar ? Got to read this, show me a link where all 3 billion nuclei DNA codons are listed please, so I can look and read what they say . At least reading the complete code of a chimp and a human side by side would be a start for real evidence of how similar we are or aren't. Could you also supply a paper that groups the ACTG into codons with spaces between each of the letters so one can read with some intelligence. We learn that AUG is the start codon for proteins, but I would love to read what science has found for regulation codes of the DNA code much do we know so far about the DNA as a program?