Haven't been to the science center for a wee while so if i make a few mistakes please bare with me..
"The vast majority of artists` conceptions are based
more on imagination than on evidence. Artists must create
something between an ape and a man; the older the specimen
is said to be, the more apelike they make it."
-- Science Digest
1. Stories claiming that primitive, ape-like men have been found are
overstated. Piltdown man was an acknowledged hoax. The fragmentary
evidence that constituted Nebraska man was a pig's tooth. The
discoverer of Java man later acknowledged that it was a large gibbon and
that he had withheld evidence to that effect. The `evidence` concerning
Peking man has disappeared. Louis and Mary Leakey, the discoverers of
Zinjanthropus (previously referred to by some as Australopithecus),
later admitted that they were probably apes. Ramapithecus man consists
merely of a handful of teeth and jaw fragments; his teeth are very
similar to those of the gelada baboon living today. For about 100 years
the world was led to believe that Neanderthal man was stooped and ape-
like. Recent studies show that this individual was crippled with
arthritis and probably had rickets. Neanderthal man, Heidelberg man, and
Cro-Magnon man are similar to humans living today. Artists' depictions,
especially of the fleshy portions of the body, are quite imaginative and
are not supported by evidence. Furthermore, the dating techniques are
highly questionable.
2. Many of the world's fossils show, by the details of their
soft fleshy portions, that they were buried before they could decay.
This, together with the occurrence of polystrate fossils (fossils that
traverse two or more strata of sedimentary rock) in Carboniferous,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic formations, is unmistakable evidence that this
sedimentary material was deposited rapidly -- not over hundreds of
millions of years.
3. Many fossils of modern looking humans have been found deep in rock
formations that are supposedly many millions of years older than
evolutionary theory would predict. These remains are ignored or even
suppressed by evolutionists.
4. The vertical sequencing of fossils is frequently not in the assumed
evolutionary order.
5. Nowhere on the earth can one find the so-called "geologic column."
Even at the Grand Canyon, only a small fraction of this imaginary column
is found.
6. If `evolution` had occurred, the fossil record should show continuous
and gradual changes from the bottom to the top layers and between all
forms of life. Just the opposite is found. Many complex species appear
suddenly in the lowest layers, and innumerable gaps and discontinuities
appear throughout.
7. The vast majority of the sediments, which encase practically all
fossils, were laid down though water.
8. The worldwide fossil record is evidence of the rapid death and burial
of animal and plant life by a flood; it is not evidence of slow change.
9. A `simple' protein consists of about 100 amino acids. How likely
would it be that such a protein could `chain together` by chance? Assume
that we have a `soup` full of amino acids. We want these amino acids to
`link up` at random to form a protein consisting of 100 amino acids.
How many different combinations are there? Suppose there are 20
different amino acids available. If we wanted a chain of two acids there
would be 20 possibilities for the first and 20 for the second - a total
of 20 X 20 = 400 possibilities. For a chain of three acids, there would
be 20 X 20 X 20 = 8000 possibilities.
For a protein consisting of 100 amino acids (a `simple` protein),
there would be 20^100 possibilities. 20^100 is roughly equal to
10^130. Scientists have stated that there may be as many as 10^22 stars
in the observable universe. Let`s be generous and assume there are
1000 times that many. Let`s generously assume that each star has
10 `Earths`; that is, 10 planets that have the conditions necessary
for the support of life.
We will change the water into amino acids (10^46 molecules).
Thus, 10^26 * 10^46 = 10^72 amino acids on all the `earths`.
A year has less than 10^8 seconds for a total of 10^78 chains per
year. Let`s assume that the universe is 100 billion years old. We
would have 10^78 * 10^11 chains formed in all the oceans of amino
acids on all of our `earths` around all our stars, for all the years
that the universe has existed. But we have seen that there are
about 10^130 possibilities. Therefore, the probability of forming
by chance the given protein consisting of 100 amino acids in 10^89
tries is less that 10^89/10^130, which equals 1/10^41, OR,
0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000041. This is, needless
to say, an infinitely small number.
Thus, even if there were 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
`Earths`, instead of just the one Earth, the chances of life emerging on
EVEN ONE of them are bleak, to say the least.
And by the way, we looked at a `simple` protein. The average-
sized protein has 500 amino acids!
10. Detailed studies of various animals have revealed certain physical
equipment and capabilities that cannot be duplicated by the world's best
designers using the most sophisticated technologies. A few examples
include: the miniature and reliable sonar systems of the dolphins,
porpoises, and whales; the frequency modulated radar and discrimination
system of the bat; the efficiency and aerodynamic capabilities of the
hummingbird; the control systems, internal ballistics, and combustion
chambers of the bombardier beetle; and the precise and redundant
navigational systems of many birds and fish. Scientists have `proven`
that it is aerodynamically impossible for a bee to fly. Yet it flies.
The many components of these complex systems could not have evolved in
stages without placing a selective disadvantage on the animal.
11. If sexual reproduction in plants, animals, and humans is a result of
`evolution`, an absolutely unbelievable series of chance events would
have had to occur. First, the complex and completely different
reproductive systems of the male must have completely and independently
evolved at about the same time and place as those of the female. A
slight incompleteness in just one of the two would make both systems
useless, and natural selection would oppose their survival. Second, the
physical and emotional systems of the male and female would also need to
be compatible. Third, the complex products of the male reproductive
system (pollen or sperm) would have to have an affinity for and a
mechanical and chemical compatibility with the eggs from the female
reproductive system. Fourth, the intricate and numerous processes
occurring at the molecular level inside the fertilized egg would have to
work with fantastic precision the very first time it happened --
processes which scientists can only describe in an aggregate sense. And
finally, the environment of the fertilized egg, from conception until it
also reproduces with another sexually capable "brother or sister," would
have to be controlled to an unbelievable degree.
And if these processes did not occur at precisely the right time,
then one must restart this incredible chain of events near zero. The
odds then become so astronomical that they insult the intelligence of
anyone with common sense. The `facts` of evolution are already difficult
enough to believe, without stretching them any further.
Either this series of incredible events occurred by random
processes, or else an Intelligent Designer created sexual reproduction.
http://jesus-is-savior.com/Evolution Hoax/darwin_said_there_was_no_proof.htm