EVERY thing outside the word is an OPINION. I don't care if you are watching TV, youtube, listening to the radio, etc. Even listening to the pastor in church. And any pastor that is in truth will agree with me about this.
Whenever its not direct scripture quotes that can be viewed by others, it is an OPINION.
As we post in this forum right now. It is our opinion that this or that verse applies to what WE want it to apply to.
But compared to God? Our opinion is irrelevant. We are merely goldfish in a bowl.
It is my opinion, that the best way to learn the word. Is to read it YOURSELF. If God has given you eyes, and a mind that can comprehend, the only reason for you not reading the word yourself is your own personal choice. Because you love the WORLD, more than the FATHER.
Not to say that sometimes it helps to fathom in the opinion of others, to help create a mental picture. But therein is the problem.
The idea of coming to God, means overcoming the world like Jesus did. It means recognizing sin and repenting. And doing this means you realize that what the world taught us is WORLDLY knowledge. Worldly knowledge does not compare to GODLY knowledge.
Knowing what home "planet" Luke skywalker grew up on, will not help you on the day of judgement (fiction)
Knowing what temperature water freezes at, will not help you on the day of judgement (nonfiction)
Knowing how supposedly the "sun" is made, will not help you on the day of judgement (fiction?)
Knowing what "sin" and "iniquity" is and avoiding it, should help you on the day of judgement (word)
Knowing who Jesus is and what he did for mankind, should help you on the day of judgement(word)
Knowing the bible, should help you on the judgement(word)
(I say should on the last 3 because I am not God. I am just a flesh and blood man on a forum, the choice of what God does is his decision not mine)
Try to keep this in mind while you surf the internet or even listen to a pastor. I heard a pastor the other day say that "the reason God made Eve, was to keep Adam in the middle of the Garden". That was his opinion. But the word never said that. The word says that God made Eve because it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." It is my OPINION, that means "lonely". See what I did there? But maybe to someone else, it will be perceived differently. But then, how will you ever know? Unless you read it for yourself. Put down the movies and tv, the video games, and everything else. And just read.
You ever been to a library? Do they not try to get you to be quiet? Wonder why that is...
You ever been to the big book stores? They all have a coffee shop inside, and they play music.
Both the library and the book store you see people lounging, reading. One promotes LOGIC, and one promotes PLEASURE.
Reading the bible is not an easy task. Reading the bible is not like reading some book you get at the mall on Saturday. Reading the bible is like lifting mental weights (ESPECIALLY the old testament) I personally find one must be in a quiet environment.
You may read a page and not realize whats going on. Read it again. And truly want to understand it. In time you will lift that weight, in my opinion, of course. (see how that works?)
Whenever its not direct scripture quotes that can be viewed by others, it is an OPINION.
As we post in this forum right now. It is our opinion that this or that verse applies to what WE want it to apply to.
But compared to God? Our opinion is irrelevant. We are merely goldfish in a bowl.
It is my opinion, that the best way to learn the word. Is to read it YOURSELF. If God has given you eyes, and a mind that can comprehend, the only reason for you not reading the word yourself is your own personal choice. Because you love the WORLD, more than the FATHER.
Not to say that sometimes it helps to fathom in the opinion of others, to help create a mental picture. But therein is the problem.
The idea of coming to God, means overcoming the world like Jesus did. It means recognizing sin and repenting. And doing this means you realize that what the world taught us is WORLDLY knowledge. Worldly knowledge does not compare to GODLY knowledge.
Knowing what home "planet" Luke skywalker grew up on, will not help you on the day of judgement (fiction)
Knowing what temperature water freezes at, will not help you on the day of judgement (nonfiction)
Knowing how supposedly the "sun" is made, will not help you on the day of judgement (fiction?)
Knowing what "sin" and "iniquity" is and avoiding it, should help you on the day of judgement (word)
Knowing who Jesus is and what he did for mankind, should help you on the day of judgement(word)
Knowing the bible, should help you on the judgement(word)
(I say should on the last 3 because I am not God. I am just a flesh and blood man on a forum, the choice of what God does is his decision not mine)
Try to keep this in mind while you surf the internet or even listen to a pastor. I heard a pastor the other day say that "the reason God made Eve, was to keep Adam in the middle of the Garden". That was his opinion. But the word never said that. The word says that God made Eve because it is not good for man to be alone. Genesis 2:18 "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." It is my OPINION, that means "lonely". See what I did there? But maybe to someone else, it will be perceived differently. But then, how will you ever know? Unless you read it for yourself. Put down the movies and tv, the video games, and everything else. And just read.
You ever been to a library? Do they not try to get you to be quiet? Wonder why that is...
You ever been to the big book stores? They all have a coffee shop inside, and they play music.
Both the library and the book store you see people lounging, reading. One promotes LOGIC, and one promotes PLEASURE.
Reading the bible is not an easy task. Reading the bible is not like reading some book you get at the mall on Saturday. Reading the bible is like lifting mental weights (ESPECIALLY the old testament) I personally find one must be in a quiet environment.
You may read a page and not realize whats going on. Read it again. And truly want to understand it. In time you will lift that weight, in my opinion, of course. (see how that works?)
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