lordkalvan said:^ Bob, your argument in respect of the Richard Dawkins' interview appears to reduce to your preference to believe what the film-makers wish you to be led to believe
Wrong again.
I let myself SEE that Dawkins never questions the question-to-flummox-TO HIS OWN request to "stop tape" sequence -- EVEN in his own report of it later.
I let myself SEE the tape turn on - announcing to Dawkins "we are now taping" and Dawkins reponse "OK".
I let myself SEE that Dawkins never questions what we SEE ON THE TAPE as if something were turned OFF in the middle.
I let myself SEE that Dawkins' OWN stated COMPLATE on the point of deception is that these guys were NOT uncritical CHEERLEADERS as he so fully expected them to be.
I let myself SEE that YOUR OWN question is the SAME one they ask him -- the SAME one HE calls "Truculent"
And finally - "I let myself SEE" the fact that time after time you NEED to ignore each and every ONE of these "inconvenient details" to pursue your idea of -- telling a better story.
Your entire argument retreats to the point of your "imagining what might have happened" AFTER Dawkins says "STOP Taping" and just BEFORE Dawkins is told "Ok we are now taping again".
How sadly transparent that your efforts to blindly defend darwinism "at all costs to critical thinking" have left you in that spot!
How glad I am that pointing out all the inconvenient details of this case -- that you feel so compelled to ignore -- just never gets old!