Jim Parker
- Apr 17, 2015
- 11,259
- 2,694
WE??? Are you an orthodox Jew? The OT law was exclusively for the Jews.I think what it amounts to is, in the OT we were required to give 10% of what was ours to the Lord.
It was always all His and always will be. We are merely stewards.in the NT, it's all His, and we ask how much to keep.
In the NT, Paul said; "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2Co 9:7 NIV)
I think people get hung up about tithing because so many preachers falsely teach that Christians are required to tithe and if they don't then they are robbing God. That teaching is a lie and it causes a lot of problems for people who are struggling financially. It teaches people who should be receiving support from the church that they are sinning against God if they don't give "from their lack" and trust God to provide. Then, those Pharisaical preachers won't lift a finger to help relieve the ungodly burden they lay on the shoulders of their flock and have the unmitigated gall to tell them that if they're not prospering it's because they have sin in their lives or they don't have enough faith.I think people get hung up about tithing without realizing that everything belongs to the Lord already.
My response to such false preachers includes tar and feathers.
iakov the fool