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Growth Tolerance


But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.Joshua 24:15

The word "tolerance" (or a lack of it) has been tossed around far too much when addressing Bible believing Christians. Are they the only group who has to be tolerant of all other beliefs and yet not be accepted for their personal faith? There is tolerance for every social group no matter how perverted or out of mainstream. Are we to be tolerant of muslims who are required by their writings to kill or enslave non-muslims? Is this the road to peace? The Holy Bible clearly teaches one route to salvation and non-acceptance of sexual immorality or belief in a different "god," and yet at the same time teaches that because of the grace and mercy we have received we are to love and pray for the lost - love the sinner, but not the sin.
Christian rights have surely been eroded over the past 30 years to the point that the name of Jesus can no longer be mentioned in any public forum without fear of persecution by either the ACLU or the government itself. I suggest you read the book Persecution by David Limbaugh to find out just how dangerous and widespread this has become. This despite our Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof......

And where did the term "wall of separation" come from? I've asked many people where this term can be found and almost without fail, they say "that's in the constitution." Answer this for yourself. Do you know where the term is from?

Here's the answer. It was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists. They had written him with concerns about the free exercise of their faith. He responded as follows:
Tolerance is...often intolerant. They'll tolerate sodomy, fornication, drugs, drink, New Age stuff, and occasionally watered down, revisionist "Christianity," but Jesus cannot be tolerated. To be fair, Jesus never was tolerated--He was crucified, after all.

Tolerance, open-mindedness, etc. are just ways for Satan to openly take over our society, while we're all so busy "tolerating" everything that we lose the ability to think clearly and sharply about our lives, our beliefs, our culture, etc. Its not just that people are turning away from Christianity and some are re-creating Christianity in their image. We don't really think clearly anymore. I'm not immune. Part of my own process of "renewing my mind" is taking a step back from the culture and (re)discovering how to *think* and *feel* and *discern*.

I guess many modern societies are, in a sense, reverting to the sort of feel-good lifestyle that one found in many older, pagan cultures, but there's some differences. We don't produce very much good literature anymore (the pagans did). In the US, I've noticed that wealth and status = moral virtue. So, if you're poor, you're no good, working class you're sometimes OK, middle class you're respectable. I've noticed that since my family recently got up into the upper middle class, we're treated better. Middle class=respectable and upper middle class apparently-= virtuous or something. I don't know. Rich people, of course, can do pretty much whatever. Rich can = morally superior, but poorly behaved rich people are still "cool." Poorly behaved poor and working class people are "trash" and/or criminals. Go figure.

Blah blah blah. I'm rambling. Point is, I think in the modern day US, our society is crumbling. We're over-entertained on vacuous, brain washing garbage, materialistic for no really good reason (work to make a lot...then work to make some real friends, etc. etc.), and we're immoral without being as hedonistic and sometimes ecstatic and euphoric as the pagans of old. Our new religion is New Age plus Psychobabble plus Seroqel. Poverty is rising, but cool and "tolerant" people don't care for the poor here. Help the poor in Africa? Sure! In your zipcode? Forget those people.

Tolerance creeps me out because being intolerant is the #1 ultimate sin in our secular religion. You can be a sodomite, a junkie, etc., but you can't be intolerant, poor, or "different" in any real, meaningful way, which includes being a Christian.
Everyone has their freedom within themselves to choose whatever they want to believe in. God has already told us this world will wax worse and worse until the time of Christ return. As a child of God by His grace all we can do is what Jesus has already done amongst those who even persecuted him to death and that is to take Gods word out into the world, help those who need help and to love one another as Christ loves us. Yes it's hard to love the loveless, but yet we are not of this world, but only traveling through as this is not our final destination. As long as we are about our Fathers business we need not care what others can and will do against us. Just be that servant that God has called you to be.
Everyone has their freedom within themselves to choose whatever they want to believe in. God has already told us this world will wax worse and worse until the time of Christ return. As a child of God by His grace all we can do is what Jesus has already done amongst those who even persecuted him to death and that is to take Gods word out into the world, help those who need help and to love one another as Christ loves us. Yes it's hard to love the loveless, but yet we are not of this world, but only traveling through as this is not our final destination. As long as we are about our Fathers business we need not care what others can and will do against us. Just be that servant that God has called you to be.

I'm not disputing what you said at all. I'd just like to know what your scripture reference is for this statement for your quote, I'm studying end times scriptures. :)

You said, "God has already told us this world will wax worse and worse until the time of Christ return."

Thanks, Deb
I'm not disputing what you said at all. I'd just like to know what your scripture reference is for this statement for your quote, I'm studying end times scriptures. :)

You said, "God has already told us this world will wax worse and worse until the time of Christ return."

Thanks, Deb

Thank you for drawing this to my attention. I forgot to add the scripture. 2 Timothy 3:1-17
I just read and article on a child who brought a star from her Christmas tree, for a school project on Christmas traditions, and told the story of Jesus being born in a stable, and growing up to die on the cross. The teacher stopped her, and humiliated her and sent her back to her desk. The parents complained to the principal, and he sided with the teacher. I think that is the height of intolerance!
Tolerance is...often intolerant. They'll tolerate sodomy, fornication, drugs, drink, New Age stuff, and occasionally watered down, revisionist "Christianity," but Jesus cannot be tolerated. To be fair, Jesus never was tolerated--He was crucified, after all.

Tolerance, open-mindedness, etc. are just ways for Satan to openly take over our society, while we're all so busy "tolerating" everything that we lose the ability to think clearly and sharply about our lives, our beliefs, our culture, etc. Its not just that people are turning away from Christianity and some are re-creating Christianity in their image. We don't really think clearly anymore. I'm not immune. Part of my own process of "renewing my mind" is taking a step back from the culture and (re)discovering how to *think* and *feel* and *discern*.

I guess many modern societies are, in a sense, reverting to the sort of feel-good lifestyle that one found in many older, pagan cultures, but there's some differences. We don't produce very much good literature anymore (the pagans did). In the US, I've noticed that wealth and status = moral virtue. So, if you're poor, you're no good, working class you're sometimes OK, middle class you're respectable. I've noticed that since my family recently got up into the upper middle class, we're treated better. Middle class=respectable and upper middle class apparently-= virtuous or something. I don't know. Rich people, of course, can do pretty much whatever. Rich can = morally superior, but poorly behaved rich people are still "cool." Poorly behaved poor and working class people are "trash" and/or criminals. Go figure.

Blah blah blah. I'm rambling. Point is, I think in the modern day US, our society is crumbling. We're over-entertained on vacuous, brain washing garbage, materialistic for no really good reason (work to make a lot...then work to make some real friends, etc. etc.), and we're immoral without being as hedonistic and sometimes ecstatic and euphoric as the pagans of old. Our new religion is New Age plus Psychobabble plus Seroqel. Poverty is rising, but cool and "tolerant" people don't care for the poor here. Help the poor in Africa? Sure! In your zipcode? Forget those people.

Tolerance creeps me out because being intolerant is the #1 ultimate sin in our secular religion. You can be a sodomite, a junkie, etc., but you can't be intolerant, poor, or "different" in any real, meaningful way, which includes being a Christian.

You said this so well. I have to give you a big AMEN for what you said. Let's take a look at the Bible. Is there anywhere that is says we have to be tolerant of sin? No, God was not tolerant of sin and neither should we be tolerant of it. The only thing is not tolerating sin and believing in Jesus leads to persecution something we don't want to go through these days in America. Helping the poor in America means we actually have to get our hands dirty and help them. Helping the poor in Africa just means we have to send money. Totally different thing.
I just read and article on a child who brought a star from her Christmas tree, for a school project on Christmas traditions, and told the story of Jesus being born in a stable, and growing up to die on the cross. The teacher stopped her, and humiliated her and sent her back to her desk. The parents complained to the principal, and he sided with the teacher.

The problem is not in them. The problem is in us. You see. Our hearts fail, not theirs, as I think.

With love.
the government is to remain neutral. that is the problem. I suggest if you DONT want your child to face that, then DONT send him to public schools. I also suggest finding a private school or homeschool. yes one can send your child to the public school but I use a rule on those places. if you feel the evil hearts of man who reject Christ is that bad. then don't mention him. they wont listen anyway.

I do this when I hear sinners talk about sins and legalasation of pot etc.
Yeah...I really feel for my friends and family who are just now having kids. Unless you have the time, inclination, and support system to really, really raise a child up the right way, things can get very, very ugly very, very fast.
I agree, Sandy, but one can help the poor by sending money in the US. And I am gald because I have disabilities and an aortic aneurysm almost at max. I am very limited at what I can physically do and have to reserve that for our home and vehicles. There are ALL kinds of US ministries which help the poor right here in the US; Pacific Garden Mission (sponsor of "Unshakled" radio program), H.E.L.P. (Hands Extended Helping People), and Hospitality I.N.C. (Hospitality In the Name of Chirst), Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Rescue Missions. In fact, all the getting your hands dirty missions you refer to NEED financial contributions to operate. And I am so glad becasue I want to help them but sending money is my way and then people like you can be the hands which bring or build or whatever my donations provide. God gives us diferent gifts and abilities to accomplish the task.
Yeah...I don't get why so many people would rather help people abroad than those at home. I think it might be getting better. I bought some Peter Pan peanut butter recently, and they're donating to a group to feed *America's* hungry, which is a big deal. I think that churches do a good job, at least around here; I can think of a couple that really go out of their way to help those struggling around here, and that's important.
I just read and article on a child who brought a star from her Christmas tree, for a school project on Christmas traditions, and told the story of Jesus being born in a stable, and growing up to die on the cross. The teacher stopped her, and humiliated her and sent her back to her desk. The parents complained to the principal, and he sided with the teacher. I think that is the height of intolerance!

With the Soviet Republic mentality that many politicians and educationalists have, the tolerant are the fanatics, and the fanatics are the tolerant. Words don't mean anything, except that they are used as ammunition for their fanatical, political ends.

I think we need to make a change to the dictionary.

verb (used with object)
1. to accept as valid any political, moral or religious view or any behavior, except that which is based on the Bible

The TOG​
With the Soviet Republic mentality that many politicians and educationalists have, the tolerant are the fanatics, and the fanatics are the tolerant. Words don't mean anything, except that they are used as ammunition for their fanatical, political ends.


The main drawback of the Soviet State was its prosecution of religion, in my opinion.
Why do you think they murdered jews? I have never come across anything like this.

The afgani war was brutal, yes. I have not heard about kids. Some lads who were returning home, would tell they would trespass the village, and if see light in the window, they would through a grenade in, without bothering to check who is there. That is the kind of war it was. But it was not because of the State, they were making rules themselves, people were getting mad in this war.
Why do you think they murdered jews? I have never come across anything like this.

The afgani war was brutal, yes. I have not heard about kids. Some lads who were returning home, would tell they would trespass the village, and if see light in the window, they would through a grenade in, without bothering to check who is there. That is the kind of war it was. But it was not because of the State, they were making rules themselves, people were getting mad in this war.
I was in tupchi, that is the area where the movie called lone survivor was based out of. its in kunar provence the locals say that Russian slaughtered thousands of kids as they were going to leave. they left the men who did it to die and the officers left. that is the local story. can I verify it all? no but I have seen the graves. the Taliban couldn't hold kunar long. that said.

Russia also deforested, poisoned wells in Afghanistan as they saw fit. we use the wells but not the piping in bagram and in Kandahar.