Blazin Bones said:
I thought the notion of synergy would be assumed. If the Holy Spirit moves us to work, as your post said, and I last post said, the man will still be the physical object performing the tasks.
That can mean just what Luther said... "Man is a beast ridden by God or Satan". In other words, man has no free will. According to such a mindset, man is a "robot". That is not synergy. God has given man a wonderful gift. He has made us in His image, giving us free will. Now, without God's aid, we cannot choose the good. But that doesn't mean we cannot say "yes" to God's will when He comes to us. The seed is not the only thing that brings forth the fruit. The soil is also a factor, if you recall the parable of the sower and the seed.
Thus, I continue to wonder about what YOU mean by synergy and whether you are using the word as a Mormon would use the word "Trinity"...
Blazin Bones said:
This is cooperation in your opinion and obediecne to the Spirit in mine. Still, the synergy is there because the human would not obey the spirit if it was not cooperating and following the lead of the Spirit. Does this solve our difference in Synergy?
Again, see above. Obedience to the Spirit is also from man. The Bible clearly tells us that man is responsible for obeying and disobeying God. Thus, we believe God moves within us the desire to obey - BUT, in the end, we can allow that grace to fall unused. God can but does not force Himself upon us and make us obey His will. His Plan will be done, considering He sees all time as one moment and already knows how we will respond.
Blazin Bones said:
No back to Sola Fide. In my last post I stated and you leter quoted that The Holy Spirit indwells a man after they come to a Salvific, alive faith in Christ's death and ressurections. You agreed. So if faith allows the spirit to dwell in a man, and the Spirit then compells the good works that a man does to please God, is it not the Faith that is the initiator of the process?
No. Faith ITSELF is not an "initiator". God is. I have already quoted you an example. It doesn't say that faith moves our will and desire to do God's will. It says GOD HIMSELF does that.
What is faith? What does the Bible call it?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11:1
It is not a "force". It is something hoped for - but unseen. In other words, it is God Himself indwelling within us. That is something we BELIEVE by faith. Not by scientific evidence. Our faith teaches us that God moves our will to obey Him. Not ourselves without Him. And when we do obey Him, it is because of the indwelling of the Spirt - again, a matter of faith. People are free to say "I decided. God didn't help me." The desire within us to obey the "unwritten law written upon our hearts" is a matter of faith.
And thus, one must have this attitude within us, developed from faith. One must have the humble attitude that it IS INDEED God moving our will. But again, it is God. Not faith that moves us. Remember, having all the faith in the world is meaningless, without Love. And who is Love? God is Love itself. Thus, without God, your faith is nothing because faith alone cannot save. Yet again, I am merely repeating what James said - while you are in denial of what James clearly says. Faith alone cannot save. Thus, sola fide is a false teaching.
Blazin Bones said:
Is there any other thing besides God's gift of faith that initiates this change in a man's life that leads to salvation?
Yea, God. Let's not forget that.
Blazin Bones said:
If faith is the only thing that can begin this chain of events, then Sola Fide is indeed correct. Faith alone initiates the salvific in dwelling of the Holy Spirit and the Spirt then compells the good works which please God. This is the protestant Sola Fide, anything else is not a correct understanding of this Doctrine.
Again, faith doesn't "begin" anything. God does. What is it with this "faith is a power"?
Faith is the belief that God exists and aids us. It is the belief that He will indeed (not faith itself) will provide for us. Faith doesn't provide for us. God does. Faith is a virtue that God instills within us - and without which, we cannot please God. Why? Because we must believe that God is indeed working within us - not ourselves. Faith is "knowing" that God is working in us.
The Spirit compels the good works - not faith. And the Spirit ALSO gives faith to us. He ALSO gives us the desire to repent. Faith is one of many gifts. Faith is not the only gift from God. It is NOT alone. If it was, we would not be saved, because a faith alone - without works - is dead. A dead faith cannot save. Or do you continue to push you unbiblical doctrine upon me?
Blazin Bones said:
There is then the matter of dead faith and living faith. James makes it clear that faith that does not work is dead. In what I have learned, a dead faith, is not a true faith. Dead faith sannot save, because it is dead, as you have said. However, if this faith true, living faith, the this faith will lead to life. It is only a true lving faith, given by God, that will lead to ones Salvation.
Yes, faith that does not work is dead and cannot save. Yet, it is still called faith. Do you actually read my posts? I have already addressed this twice and even quoted you the last verse of James 2 that states that. A dead body is STILL a dead body, and a dead faith is STILL faith. The devil ALSO has faith. But will this faith alone save him too????
Faith must be qualified, which means that faith alone does not save. Love MUST exist with faith, otherwise, it is dead. Faith alone does not save. Even all the faith in the world cannot save, if it doesn't have something else with it. Love. Thus, faith without love, alone, is DEAD.
Any attempt to steer around such clear Scriptural readings is just more adherence to a false gospel.