dad said:
doGoN said:
Science can't create things, but it does explain how things are

, so I don't even know what you're point is?
Of course not, but why pretend a claim of a same state past is science? It should be taught as the myth it is! Teach real present physics, and science in science books, not myth.
Listen, you're really confused: Science doesn't claim that God didn't create the Universe or Earth, but it proves that whenever the Universe/Earth was created, it didn't happen in 7 days (6 if you want to be technical), and it didn't happen in the past 10k years- see below why.
They were. Science has nothing to say about it. They have simply wrongly extrapolated backwards using the present as a basis. Decay, light, redshift, deposition rates, etc etc.
Your opinion is really irrelevant in this matter. If you have prove that the scientific methods are wrong and the conclusions from those methods are wrong, then show your proof. You would be arguing that 2+2 does not equal 4, but please do tell us how you prove it wrong.
dad said:
Earth, and the Universe, are much older than 3300 years,
Not that much older.
You are right! Some people have different perceptions as to what "old" means, but I hope you don't think that 4.5 Billion years is about the same age as 6-10k years. By the way, the Earth is estimated to be over 4.5 Billion years old, the Universe is estimated to be about 20 billion years old.
No. Jesus died for all men. It doesn't get more universal than that. He made the universe for us, the stars in the heavens. The ability to comprehend deeper things, about the past or future does require spiritual help, yes, hence different interpretations are possible on many thing. I try to look at the basics, like what is commonly accepted, such as the fact there was a flood. Much of the so called interpretations involve assuming the bible is not really to, and going from there. For example, on lifespans. Generally, we either believe it or not. So called interpreting them is a joke.
No. It's not Universal, because for one- Muslims don't believe in Jesus or the Bible. Two, if a person is born in isolation, then they will NEVER learn about Jesus, God, the 10 commandments, sin, Heaven, Hell, etc. Therefore Jesus and the Bible are not Universal, because people are not born with an awareness of God, and if they believe in something else then you can't prove them wrong. On the other hand, Science is universal: people throughout the world, going back even to the ancient Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians agree that 2+2=4. Now-days everybody agrees that the earth is round, physics exist, and that 2+2=4.
[quote:43b64]thus you can't include the bible not only for practical reasons, but for the same reasons that you chose to exclude science: because I can

Yes I can, and do. I can exclude myths that are falsely called science as well.
So we have two things:
1. The Biblical accounts of the creation of the Universe/Earth are in direct contradiction with scientific discoveries (which were made with valid scientific methods).
2. The Bible is not Universal.
And I'll add a 3rd one:
3. The Bible was not written by God, and there is no claim within the Bible for divine authorship.
[quote:43b64]OK... the "created universe state" is exactly where we can apply science,if the Universe exists then the laws exist- prove it otherwise. If nothing existed prior to the creation of the universe then nothing can be applied.
Right, and you cannot apply science to say when this state started or will finish. Check, and mate.
You really don't know what you're saying... I don't know if I can put it in simpler terms, but here we go:
The Universe exists, therefore science can be applied.
Yes we can apply science to approximate when the Universe started and perhaps even approximate when will it end. Check, and mate.
dad said:
You speak of "science" as if it is some kind of a belief which is relative to an invariant state of the Universe, but it is exactly the opposite: science accounts for the changes in the Universe not only for it's current state.
No, if you think about it, that is patently false.The starting point for all changes is present laws, and how it now works. None of that matters a hoot if it was not the same!
1. The laws in the universe changed over the time which it existed: and if you can prove that the laws of the universe were different at some point in it's existence then do so, but until then we are sure that they haven't.
2. You claim that the Universe is static (along the topic if this post), but then you also claim that the accounts of change within the universe don't apply because the Universe was different at a certain moment in time, thus we can't apply the same laws to figure out what the Universe was at the time. That's not only wrong because you are contradicting yourself, but because the Universe is changing constantly (the Universe can't be static and changing at the same time). The fact that the trees outside are growing is proof enough that the Universe is changing.
dad said:
Indeed, they do apply now! So tell us exactly when they didn't apply?
The point is that science cannot do that! It cannot say when they did apply, or not. I can tell you, but not by science, I am honest enough to admit it can't go there. Are you??
OK, I'm going to help you here... your original claim was that Science couldn't apply before the Universe is created (by God), thus all you had to do is repeat your original claim, but I guess you forgot about it. And as I have pointed out earlier, no human logic (including Science) can be applied prior to the existence of the Universe, but since the Universe was formed it is pretty evident that the laws of physics have not changed.
To answer your second question:
For as long as physics have existed (since the existence of the Universe), then we are convinced that the same laws applied.