doGoN said:
OK, and this was in reference to my comment that if it happens people will reconsider... then you decided to say that this will happen after Jesus' 1k reign, and now you don't even know when that will happen.... Anyway, the point is that IF it does happen, then it will be welcome
The reason we do not know now exactly when the end of the thousand years is, is because we do not exactly know when it will start. Elementary. But we will soon, when we see a few things, like the final world leader, and the animal sacrifices started again in Israel.
OK, great... when those things start happening I will be glad to admit I'm wrong, but until then YOU are wrong

Meanwhile, you must admit you do not know what the universe will be like in the future.
Actually, YOU brought it up... I didn't mention anything about the people and the new heavens, you did
You brought up what people would think, so naturally I had to point out that the new heavesn was at the end of the millennium, when they know about eternity, and God.
The claim that science makes is that the present is the key to the past, that this universe is the same now as it was and will be. They officially just assume it, but many many many many claims are made based on that assumption.
OK, and if it's a present universe thing, then what does that tell you about the present?
1. How fast is light traveling?
2. Are there galaxies that are millions/billions of light years away?
3. Is redshift occurring?
You tell me. How do you think science 'knows' that the red shifting we see from far away happened in this universe state, precisely?
And it does stick to the physical evidence, but you just can't comprehend because you're in your own little fishbowl

. You just said that science should stick to the physical universe where it applies, thus admitting that Science applies in the Physical Universe. I don't see where else we apply science
Great, now back that claim up! Prove that the universe billions of light years away was in a present state, at the shifting of the light! Cut the fluff, man, and get to it.
You just busted your own case

HAHAHHA I don't need to bust it! You're case is based on a ghost, I don't need to do anything anymore

The spiritual element in the created universe you mean. That does include spiritual beings, yes, as well as matter that is spiritual affected. That is why it is forever, rather than temporal, and decaying, like our universe.
This one is my favorite! HAHAHAHAH They can't prove them right to YOU, because:
1. You don't understand science.
Nonsense, I understand the basis of the old age claims, like decay, light speed, etc etc. Get serious, and stop blowing smoke to cover your abject inability to substantiate your hoax.
2. Your fishbowl is different than everybody else's

. In your fishbowl a unicorn farted

You really sound intelligent. Trading the fraudulent myth, for the flatulent one.
Why does science need proof of "same past state"? How is that relevant? Please explain because you have been talking about it for a long time, but never elaborating

. I'm waiting...
Because that is the BASIS for the old age anti God claims. If the universe was not the same, they have NO case at all. The rug, in case you haven't noticed, has been pulled out from under them. They ain't getting it back, -ever.
Dad, that is in DIRECT contradiction of your other claim that there are NO galaxies past 6k light years
In no way is your latest little gaff misunderstanding close to reality. The reason that galaxies are not older than creation, is not because of how fast present light travels. It is because the universe was in another state, where light could travel fast, not our universe light, but the original created light. All you do is look at the silly slow stuff we were left with, and try to clock the past with in in your head. Forget about it, unless you FIRST prove that unprovable malarkey that there was a same state past.
If there were galaxies at millions/billions light years away, that would mean that the light is millions/billions years old, thus God didn't create the Universe/Light 6k years ago, but rather millions/billions of years ago
Not at all! It simply means that our light is slow.
I'm not surprised you don't go to church, I don't even think you go out of your fishbowl... even in Church people would laugh at you!
Are they the best science experts you have on offer then?? Tell us more. If you mean about the bible, no, think again, I mop up the floor with them.
And they do apply tomorrow, go to sleep today and see if tomorrow the gravity has changed, or the speed of light is different. If they are then I will shake your hand and admit defeat ;) HAHAHAHHAHA
Only because they do apply tommorow, cause the merge, or new universe state is slated to come later than tommorow. Not because of anything you do, or know. You have squat to do with it. Admit it.
Dad's definition of "the split", so what occurred during the split? Because the bible was assembled by the Roman Catholic Church about 350 years after The Crucifiction. Please be specific, you're as vague as a politician on election day

The universe changed. The spiritual was no longer close at hand, mingling with men. Example, the heaven that they tried to build up to at Babel, or the spirits that married earth girls at the time! Also, no longer can an ark full of animals adapt so fast, with thousands and thousands of species from a relative few, just in a few thousand years. No flood water could come down under these laws, without great heat. No waters could come UP from below, to water the earth. No longer do we live nearly a thousand years, no longer can trees grow in a week, etc. Specific enough??
Dad, I don't need science to help me when you can't even help yourself. You can accept science, or not (just as I can chose to accept the split or not).
Right, believe what you want, but lose the basis for ALL old age claims of science falsely so called, cause we all see you can't begin to back it up.
To be truthful science can "help me", but you just won't understand it, even when I have tried to put it into "simple" terms. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to put 2 and 2 together, but it's definitely too much for dad

It can help you in the fishbowl of the present, and only here. Not to Infinity, and Beyond! Face it. Your myth has grown old. Ho hum.