dad said:
I don't see how we can have a discussion when you can't even read, you don't even know the order in which things were created according to the Bible! HAHA
Simple dad, the trees were fine because if you notice in Gen 1 it says that the 3rd thing created on day one was LIGHT! The trees were created on 3rd day, so the light would have been present already. HAHAHAHAHA OMG, you are hilarious! I don't even know why I bother, you don't accept science, but you try to use the Bible to make a point when you don't even know what the Bible is saying? You must be out of your mind!
Now you seem to be admitting the obvious? -That there was a different light in creation week! A light that could suffice for plants. Now, we have the bible saying that there is a different light in heaven, or 'New Jerusalem', and your admission of a different light in creation week! How do you propose that that different light was our same light???! You seem to have shot your own case in the foot here.
HAHHAHAHAH, YET AGAIN! You read 2+2 and your conclusion is 256 ahahha! Oh believe me, I enjoy laughing AT YOU!
I don't see where I said that there was a different light, as a matter of fact, I say quite the opposite: if God created the light he created it constant and unchanging from DAY ONE! The light on DAY ONE was sufficient to sustain trees, they don't need the stars they just need the sun. Light from the sun gets here in 8 minutes, so on "day" 3 there would have been plenty of light during the day
. The stars don't provide any life sustaining light for the trees, as a matter of fact, if left alone to the star-light mostly all trees would die.
And again, you assume that during creation week the length of the day was the same as it is today- same past state? LOL HAHAHA. By your own argument, that can't be guaranteed because the Universe was in a different state
. I told you, I think that a day during creation week (only) was billions of years, by the time God got to the trees and the people, the Universe was already billions of years old, which is even supported by science. So I have more support for my argument then you do:
1. By your logic the Universe was in a different state, so the day couldn't have been the same length.
2. The scientific evidence supports the possibility that during creation, each day was in fact billions of years, rather than 24 hours of today's time.
3. No trees would have died because the sun's light gets to Earth in 8 minutes, and even if the trees didn't get enough light they were going to be OK because see #4.
4. You also forget that the trees were in a different state Universe, so you assume that they needed light back then, when in fact they didn't. God had made them perfect, so they could survive on their own without light until he made the sun ad the moon on the 4th day.
By the way, the stars weren't made as signs as you always said they were, the Sun and the Moon were made as signs. The information they were to provide is that it is Day or Night, that's the "information".
"14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as
signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16
God made two great lightsâ€â€the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night."(Gen 1:14)
Obviously talking about the sun and the moon, they were "signs" to mark the seasons and days and years, so the sun and the moon were to be used for calendar purposes, that has NOTHING to do with the speed of light as you claimed! YOU ARE WRONG!
"He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morningâ€â€the fourth day."(Gen 1:17)
AND THEN God created the stars, but they were NOT made for signs, but they were only made to give light, govern day and night, and separate light from darkness, which means the stars are just used as to separate dark from light! Again, NOTHING to do with the speed of light! YOU are WRONG!
dad said:
I wonder if God gave me some sort of gift for debating, or if I just luck out all the time and get limp opponents? It is all too easy.
Yep, he gave you a gift for debating
, the gift was IGNORANCE!
AHHAHAHA You are asked what's 2+2 and one day you say -4, the next day you say 256! HAHhahahah, you are gifted dad, you are gifted, it takes a gifted person to come to two different conclusions on two different days based on the same question and BOTH conclusions happen to be WRONG! HAHAHAHAH I call that GIFTED