Matthew 24:21It IS true that Jesus instructions to the apostles to flee Jerusalem and the days of vengence against the Jews, was for that generation that lived at that time, however because Jesus said that IMMEDIATELY AFTER that tribulation that the powers of Heaven would be shaken and He would return in the sky to gather the saints,therefore it seems reasonable that Jesus was also speaking of ANOTHER TRIBULATION
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Did Christ ever hang on a tree? Remember your literalism is at stakethat would occur just before His return when the end of the age would occur. An idea is only as good as the evidence to support that idea. Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem in the first century and the evidence shows that this occured in the first century,so we know that Jesus was speaking of the great tribulation as something that would happen in the first century.
On the other hand,Jesus said that immediately after THAT tribulation the sun would go black,moon red,stars fall, and Christ would return in the sky to gather the believers,now we know that this did not occur,so it is reasonable to believe that it is still in the future. Also, if the return of Christ is in the future, and that return occurs immediately after a tribulation period,then it seems reasonable that there is coming another tribulation period in the future and just before the return of Christ.
There IS a problem with the time element,however we need to keep in mind that God told Adam he would die in the DAY he ate of the fruit, and Adam lived over 328500 days AFTER he ate from the fruit...so maybe God looks at time different than we do??? Also, it is not possible to claim that the sun went black and the moon red and the stars fell and Christ returned in the sky and gathered the believers...with a straight face.
God cant count ,tell time or convey messages... Actually futurists just dont care for what Jesus actually said, Sam isnt the least conserned with directly contradicting Jesus himself. Amazing..folks that just did not happen and anyone who tries to claim it did has lost all credibility
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