Yup I agree There is so much we all can discuss have different views and just discuss. But we are off topic?
So what are your thoughts on tribulation?
You know my thoughts, i think we have been in tribulation since Eve was tempted by Satan in the garden.
I however do not believe the tribulation for the most part in Revelations has occured, the work of lawlessness is indeed in the world but the man of lawlessness that will be revealed when that which restrains him is taken out of the way has not yet occured, i believe we are in the seals and they began at the ascension of Christ.
Nor do i think Satan has been bound, defeated yes, but not bound or put in the lake of fire, defeated in the same sence all His have been resurrected because it will be done, they havent recieved the incorruptible body Christ was risen in, but will recieve it.
"It is finished" in other words victory has come, we know it is done, it just hasent happened yet, just as judgement has come and hasent been done yet.
Understand what i mean?
I actually do agree with some things preterist view Ie: the temple spoken of isnt actually a building of rock and cement or stone, the temple is each heart of man and that is where God recides, through His Holy Spirit.
So those expecting someone to stop animal sacrifices and set up an abomination in an actual man made temple on earth is wrong, the temple is in the heart and the abomination that stands where it ought not to be standing is the man of lawlessness declaring himself as God and all the people not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb having him dwell in thier hearts as God, believing he is God.
The stopping of sacrifice is the mark and worship of his image, because we know by scripture anyone who takes the mark is condemned eternally, therefore the sacrifice is taken away, that is, Christ will be taken away from all who take his (man of lawlessness/the beast) mark and worship his (man of lawlessness/the beast) image, then furthermore declare in thier hearts, believe %100 he is God.
I agree with "futurist" that Christ's second coming hasent occured, we have the promise of the Helper, but not the actual bodily resurrection when corruption/flesh is raised into incorruption/spiritual body, which will look pretty much the same as our current body, they didnt notice anything signifigantly different when Jesus was raised, they saw no difference to mention suspicion, in fact mary spoke to Him as a common man.
And i agree that we will literal reign on earth for a 1000 years with Christ over those nations that recide during that time and we will remain in the beloved city and the camp of the saints which will be in the very vacinity of the beloved city.
So tribulation for me depends on what your speaking regarding tribulation, because there has been tribulation since the beggining, its daily and it will occur in the future, the tribulation mentioned in Revelation however from the 6th seal onwards has not occured.
Satan is still in heaven and still prowls the earth but will be thrown out on the third woe in Revelations.
That pretty much sums it up for me Reba 8)
Grace to you, peace from God and the Lord Jesus Christ.