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Bible Study "Under the Law"...Means...

Jay T said:
Biff said:
Simply put -

"UNDER THE LAW" deals with anyone trying to EARN a salvation which cannot be earned by DOING something to earn it!
Sunday worship services is an example of being, 'under the law' it is an attempt to gain God's favor, by doing works.
Sunday worship services is ....NOT....based on faith, as faith is gained by what is written in the Bible, and there is no Biblical support for Sunday observance.

Does it matter what day we have fellowship in Christ with other believers? And as for worship, I don't just worship God on one day of the week be it any particular day. Worship is communion with God and that is certainly not work. Nor is it something I do to gain God's favour. Since I am his child I walk with Him and He walks with me. And whatever I do, I do not because it is contained within the law, but because I am in Christ and he is in me.
mutzrein said:
Jay T said:
Biff said:
Simply put -

"UNDER THE LAW" deals with anyone trying to EARN a salvation which cannot be earned by DOING something to earn it!
Sunday worship services is an example of being, 'under the law' it is an attempt to gain God's favor, by doing works.
Sunday worship services is ....NOT....based on faith, as faith is gained by what is written in the Bible, and there is no Biblical support for Sunday observance.

Does it matter what day we have fellowship in Christ with other believers?

No, I don't believe that it does matter. One can worship and fellowship with others on any day they wish. When that particular day, however, has replaced God's Sabbath (Saturday) and is acknowledged as such ...then perhaps it DOES matter to God.

mutzrein said:
And as for worship, I don't just worship God on one day of the week be it any particular day. Worship is communion with God and that is certainly not work. Nor is it something I do to gain God's favour.

If anyone keeps the Sabbath (Saturday) through fear of reprisal from or, alternatively, to gain favor with God, then they are doing so for the wrong reason. If they are keeping the Sabbath (Saturday) through a desire to be obedient to God, however, that's a different story. And, only God knows one's motives for doing anything ...not me, not you.

mutzrein said:
Since I am his child I walk with Him and He walks with me. And whatever I do, I do not because it is contained within the law, but because I am in Christ and he is in me.

Again, I would hope that when someone chooses to keep the Sabbath (Saturday) they do so because they are in Christ and He is in them. That WOULD BE their reason for keeping the Sabbath (Saturday).

* Pardon the emphasis on Saturday but there are MANY who believe the Sabbath to be Sunday. Most of Christianity does, in fact. AND, it all began with the Catholic Church who believed that it had the authority to initiate its own 'holy' days. That's where the 'Sunday' sabbath came from. So, whenever one claims not to want anything to do with with the RCC they shoot themselves in the foot whenever they participate in this most major 'fib' of Christendom. That is ...Sunday is the "Sabbath"!
The commandment for keeping the Sabbath is important because it is a physical reminder of the coming Messianic Millennium....

Jesus was/is Lord of the Sabbath. He healed on the Sabbath, why? Because that is what he will do during the Messianic Kingdom period...just one example....

The Jewish Rabbis recognize that the 7 days of creation is God's timeline of man's lease on earth (this age). 6 days of creation is equal to 6000 years of man....the 7th day of rest is equal to the 7 millennium...the 1000 year Sabbath rest...

When Christianity changed the day from Saturday to Sunday, they changed the focus off the Messianic Millenium as being a 1000 year period of rest. What did this do?....Ans...put the false idea of the kingdom as occurring now...instead of in the near future.
mutzrein said:
Does it matter what day we have fellowship in Christ with other believers? [/qyote]Apparently it matters to God, as it is written:
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness ? satan set up Sunday worship services as the Bible prophecy predicted (Daiel 7:25...'think to change times and laws') order to deceive them, while all the time Christians thought they were worshipping God.

And as for worship, I don't just worship God on one day of the week be it any particular day. Worship is communion with God and that is certainly not work. Nor is it something I do to gain God's favour. Since I am his child I walk with Him and He walks with me. And whatever I do, I do not because it is contained within the law, but because I am in Christ and he is in me.
As Jesus said: Luke 6:46 "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ?"
mutzrein said:
Does it matter what day we have fellowship in Christ with other believers? [/qyote]Apparently it matters to God, as it is written:
Romans 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness ? satan set up Sunday worship services as the Bible prophecy predicted (Daiel 7:25...'think to change times and laws') order to deceive them, while all the time Christians thought they were worshipping God.

And as for worship, I don't just worship God on one day of the week be it any particular day. Worship is communion with God and that is certainly not work. Nor is it something I do to gain God's favour. Since I am his child I walk with Him and He walks with me. And whatever I do, I do not because it is contained within the law, but because I am in Christ and he is in me.
As Jesus said: Luke 6:46 "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ?"
--Questions for the wrong person??--

mutzrein said:
What are you saying to me Jay T?

That I don't know God because I am not obedient to Him?

Hi you [all]! :wink:

Anyway, these are the Word's of God. We need to get away from taking things personal when posted by [mankind].

If we are to grow, we first need to 'see' truth, right? tHEN IF will be 'led' Romans 8:14 of the Holy Spirit as the Word of God becomes clear to me, surely
I must obey. Acts 5:32

And yes, we 'all' seem to have the 'sin that so easily besets us'. But if this is truth, then there is the law still, huh? Hebrews 12:1 And if I do not just toss this verse, then when this takes place, I am right back 'under the law'.

So?? I think that we here are still missing the point of the Everlasting 'ETERNAL' Gospel! Revelation 14:6 first & most important part! :sad

mutzrein said:
What are you saying to me Jay T?

That I don't know God because I am not obedient to Him?
Take no offense, we are all guilty, myself included.
It is natural to want our own way, and that is the 'BIG' sin in our lives, wanting our own way,instead of living absolutely, and totally surrendered to Jesus Christ, at all times of our daily lives.

Since we have a sinful nature our natural inclination is to listen to satan's suggestions more readily than to what God has to say....therefore satan always has the advantage....which we must daily war against.
mutzrein said:
What are you saying to me Jay T?

That I don't know God because I am not obedient to Him?
Take no offense, we are all guilty, myself included.
It is natural to want our own way, and that is the 'BIG' sin in our lives, wanting our own way,instead of living absolutely, and totally surrendered to Jesus Christ, at all times of our daily lives.

Since we have a sinful nature our natural inclination is to listen to satan's suggestions more readily than to what God has to say....therefore satan always has the advantage....which we must daily war against.
Jay T said:
mutzrein said:
What are you saying to me Jay T?

That I don't know God because I am not obedient to Him?
Take no offense, we are all guilty, myself included.
It is natural to want our own way, and that is the 'BIG' sin in our lives, wanting our own way,instead of living absolutely, and totally surrendered to Jesus Christ, at all times of our daily lives.

Since we have a sinful nature our natural inclination is to listen to satan's suggestions more readily than to what God has to say....therefore satan always has the advantage....which we must daily war against.

Ain't that the truth! I'm in a worse state (Christian-wise) than I was 10 years ago. Is this just me or is there some kind of epidemic going around?
SputnikBoy said:
Jay T said:
mutzrein said:
What are you saying to me Jay T?

That I don't know God because I am not obedient to Him?
Take no offense, we are all guilty, myself included.
It is natural to want our own way, and that is the 'BIG' sin in our lives, wanting our own way,instead of living absolutely, and totally surrendered to Jesus Christ, at all times of our daily lives.

Since we have a sinful nature our natural inclination is to listen to satan's suggestions more readily than to what God has to say....therefore satan always has the advantage....which we must daily war against.

Ain't that the truth! I'm in a worse state (Christian-wise) than I was 10 years ago. Is this just me or is there some kind of epidemic going around?

John here: I posted this up on another site. Perhaps it might help one to see an answer to your question?
You have all read John 3:3-8 perhaps? "You [must] be Born Again".

Of course Nick had not been. This includes many here [both] of the Christian & non Christian alike.

And then there are the ones in Heb. 6:1-6. These ones [KNOW] that the Bible is Truth!!

And as stated, this is not most that are posting here, that is for sure. Some say that they used to be Christians? (really now? and the bird that wants to run off? WOW!!) Yet, this does include [ALL who had ever been Born Again]! And it might include a [few here] who had at one time been?
Even the devil & the FALLEN angel's KNOW that God IS what the Word of God SAYS!!

If one reads verse 6 of Heb. 6:6 they can see at least what God says? that there is this class who God say's have a Closed door of probation, yet, it is & was of their own doing. [These ones had NO DOUBT] as to what they were made PARTAKERS OF!
See John 12:42-43 for the [closeness of this becoming Born Again], & Luke 12:47-48 for the END RESULT of verse 6 being reached!

One class never was SURE of there being a God, and the other class put Him in second place in their lives at least! Rev. 3:16-17

Surely, we admit that by far the most that sin the sins against the Holy Ghost have never been Born Again in the first place, (the 666 in the hand ones, = could care less!) and will be eternally lost. Obad. 1:16 But one might get some insight if they answered [truthfully] the question of why we see them posting up on any forum [continually??] The [REAL DESIRE] comes from somewhere, huh? See the K.J. on Gen. 4:7 & Eph. 6:12

Romans 3:19 "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God".
Does anyone see that this Bible verse is saying that to be 'under the Law' means, to be guilty before God ?

QUESTION: When is a person guilty....
#1.) After, they have stolen something ?
#2.) Or, guilty because they ...have not...stolen anything ?


Under the law is under sin:

Gal 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

There is no forgiveness of sin apart from CHRIST.

Rom 7:8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.

1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.

All under the law are under sin and held captive by it.

So to answer your question, yes! Christians are justified by faith apart from the law in order that they might die to sin or the law and live by the law of the Spirit of life;

Rom 8:10 But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

Righteousness that comes by faith of believing God; that He exists and that he sent Christ into the world. So then he that died to the law no longer need live in it.

Act 13:38 Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone who believes is freed from everything
Act 13:39 from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses.
Act 13:40 Beware, therefore, lest what is said in the Prophets should come about:
Act 13:41 "'Look, you scoffers, be astounded and perish; for I am doing a work in your days, a work that you will not believe, even if one tells it to you.'"
Act 13:42 As they went out, the people begged that these things might be told them the next Sabbath.
Act 13:43 And after the meeting of the synagogue broke up, many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who, as they spoke with them, urged them to continue in the grace of God.

1Jo 5:1 Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him.
I was brought up with the understanding that the law stated that if I broke it, I was guilty. No question intended, just that simple. And if I did not break it, I was not guilty or under it. It had always been as simple to me as that! :wink:

I had never had any doubts when a couple of us real young'ins climbed a water tower aprox. 300' up to the top, that I had to hang on tight. Nor did I ever wonder what would happen when I sat on the top of the dome looking way way off in the distance, to me, if I jumped off.

Sure, I had a lifetime before I hit bottom (it might seem) to repent? But when I hit bottom there was no doubt what I would become, huh? And how many times was I under that law or whatever it is that gets 'ones' confused? Or does Hebrews 11:13 not mean what it says, that these ALL DIED IN THE FAITH? Kind of like Romans 8:1, being 'IN' Christ! Or are we seeing IN CHRIST to mean, being UNDER CHRIST'S LAW by freewill open sinning?? I suggest that some ones best hold on to Christ's Word REAL TIGHT! :sad Matthew 4:4

I was brought up with the understanding that the law stated that if I broke it, I was guilty. No question intended, just that simple. And if I did not break it, I was not guilty or under it. It had always been as simple to me as that!

This is no surprise since we pretty well take for granted the traditions that we are brought up into. Unless you're really willing to question those traditions then you live by them all your life. But really what I am trying to convey is that if you are a believer in Christ in that when it is said to you that God exists and raised him from the dead, and you believe and accept that, then you have access to the grace of God.

Rom 5:2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

That is you now have liberty from keeping the law. Yes all are guilty under the law but according to God he that is guilty of one point is guilty of all, considering that there is over 1600 then it is hardly possible that a man could not have failed in one point. However the reason for the law is clearly stated:

Rom 11:32 For God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all.
Rom 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
Rom 11:34 "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?"
Rom 11:35 "Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?"
Rom 11:36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

Note: Please don't confuse the law of the bible with the democratic laws of state which govern our society.

I pray you will see that salvation is based solely upon the mercies of God?

Lam 3:22 It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.

Through all things, if we will:

2Ch 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Simply continue to seek after God. Don't be afraid of examining traditions but rely much more on prayer and other means of coming into the presence of God. He will lead! He that started a good work will bring it to completion. Find a supportive group that will help you keep your balance. If nothing else, seek to find balance in your approach towards things and don't let it all become counter-productive to you.
John the Baptist said:
I was brought up with the understanding that the law stated that if I broke it, I was guilty. No question intended, just that simple. And if I did not break it, I was not guilty or under it. It had always been as simple to me as that! :wink:

does Hebrews 11:13 not mean what it says, that these ALL DIED IN THE FAITH? Kind of like Romans 8:1, being 'IN' Christ! Or are we seeing IN CHRIST to mean, being UNDER CHRIST'S LAW by freewill open sinning?? I suggest that some ones best hold on to Christ's Word REAL TIGHT! :sad Matthew 4:4


Amen, John :angel: :angel: :angel:
gingercat said:
John the Baptist said:
I was brought up with the understanding that the law stated that if I broke it, I was guilty. No question intended, just that simple. And if I did not break it, I was not guilty or under it. It had always been as simple to me as that! :wink:

does Hebrews 11:13 not mean what it says, that these ALL DIED IN THE FAITH? Kind of like Romans 8:1, being 'IN' Christ! Or are we seeing IN CHRIST to mean, being UNDER CHRIST'S LAW by freewill open sinning?? I suggest that some ones best hold on to Christ's Word REAL TIGHT! :sad Matthew 4:4


Amen, John :angel: :angel: :angel:
Hi Ginger, did you read the other post? :wink:
gingercat said:
John the Baptist said:
Hi Ginger, did you read the other post? :wink:

I am sorry John, I just read easy to read ones. :oops:

But how can one gauge the Spiritual IQ of any post then?
Notice this remark quoted:

"That is you now have liberty from keeping the law. Yes all are guilty under the law but according to God he that is guilty of one point is guilty of all, considering that there is over 1600 then it is hardly possible that a man could not have failed in one point."

I have studied the Master's Word for over 36 + years and never have read more than just ten Commandments in what He Himself personally wrote to us? And the Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 tell's me that this is the 'whole duty of man'.
John the Baptist said:
But how can one gauge the Spiritual IQ of any post then?

John, English is my second language and your English is very difficult for me to read. So I just pick the ones easy to understand. :oops: