Someone told me something insightful about what God told Adam and his wife concerning the forbidden fruit. They were told they would die if the feed from that tree.
The devil deceived them. What was the death talked about? I said it was spiritual death....and physical death is as a result of the spiritual death, i thought.
He however answered that the presence of evil is the actual death. They died instantly after eating that forbidden fruit.
This is what happened to Adam, immediately after Adam, God's son, Luke 3:38, received God's Blessings:
Mark 4:
15 And these are they by the way side,
where the word is sown; but when they have heard,
Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown
in their hearts.
With Adam,
God sows His Words, His Blessings. Then, Satan enters Adam's heart.
It's fairly easy to track this out. God could have pointed to any fruit bearing tree in the Garden to make the point. The "knowledge" of good and evil was located in "disobedience." First internal, in thought, because the "disobedient one" had entered Adam's heart. Then, by word disobedience. And, finally, the summation of disobedience in the "act" or "action" of disobedience by eating. The progression of internal deception/evil thoughts is first by thought, then by word, then by deed. These are 3 counts in the progressions of sin. As to operations of Satan within to deceive, John describes this same process as 'the
lust of the flesh, the
lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life.' 1 John 2:16. Again, 3 counts in the order of Satan's deceptions.
From the moment God sowed His blessings on Adam, we should not be seeing "just Adam."
We should be seeing Adam, and Satan who had entered Adam's heart, to deceive and KILL him, which was, from that point on, the condition of all mankind.
Our flesh dies because of sin. And sin is of the devil.
From my sight, God never intended to leave Adam, his son, in a wet dust pile for eternity in any case. So, the whole thing was a Divine Setup from the beginning.
I wouldn't be too critical of either Adam or Eve. We will all be seeing them both, in heaven. So, be nice.