- Aug 10, 2006
- 7,793
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Imagican said:fran, A:
It seems that I am not the ONLY one that has an 'understanding' of the basic history of the CC. Dun has offered MUCH of the exact thing that I have been saying from my first post here.
I think I will exit from this "discussion", as you are not providing me anything but opinions for the situation that exists today. I prefer not to deal in biased speculation on historical matters. There are numerous ancient documents that speak for the veracity of the claims of the Catholic Church. They go back to the first and second century and continue and multiply even before Constantine made Christianity a religion beyond state persecution.
Anyone who has access to the internet can research for themselves, just like I did. I looked at both "your" point of view and the Catholic claims, and find yours stands on dreams and biased speculations. It is amazing how little the vast majority of Protestants are aware of Church history, besides the half truths of the Inquistion and the "murder of billions" by the Catholic Church... And yet, these ignorant people continue to deny what they have no clue about.
When I first came back to actively practicing Christianity, I explored both sides of the coin - and found Protestantism was an active decision to leave the ONLY Christian Church of the West. Rather than seeing that Christ established the Church, these people chose to start their OWN church. Basically, the same concept is found in the Bible - read Numbers 16 - or better yet, read the story of Adam and Eve who wanted to become "like gods" themselves. Rather than fighting the goad, you should become more humble and accepting for what GOD has offered. God has provided a visible Church and "he who rejects you (the apostles' teachings) rejects Me (Christ) and the One (the Father) who sent Me." IF the Christ established the Apostolic teachings, then refusing to follow them is rejecting Christ Himself. Thus, ignoring the linkage between Christ and the Apostles and the Catholic Church is ignoring the historical evidence that we have. Wishful thinking will not change that, nor will the events of history 1000 years removed change what Christ did in 33 AD.
If you have evidence to the contrary, feel free to PM me. Otherwise, I have no desire to continue reading about what you "offer". For the time being, we will consider the Catholic claims to be true until otherwise proven false... It is YOUR choice to continue to deny the evidence. No doubt, you will have to answer for that when you are judged in the next world. The bible doesn't speak highly of false teachers, and that is what you appear to be - since you proclaim something that is false and has no historical evidence.